Passive Smoking Increases Risk of Developing Diabetes, Study Suggests

A fascinating study — conducted over a period of 15 years — revealed that smokers are at higher risk of developing glucose intolerance, which is a precursor to diabetes, the BBC reported.

Even more disturbing: Even though they never smoked themselves, 17 percent of those studied who were around second-hand smoke, went on to develop diabetes. If you are someone who developed a high risk medical condition like Diabetes through the bad habits of others or you have had this since a young age, it may be in your best interest to look into a company like Money Expert, to understand how suffering from a condition like this doesn’t have to play a negative part in your life.

The researchers, led by Professor Thomas Houston of the Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Centre in Alabama, concluded — as they wrote in the British Medical Journal:

“We identified passive tobacco exposure in never smokers as a new risk factor for glucose intolerance.

“If confirmed by further research, these findings provide further documentation of the deleterious effects of tobacco smoking, and policy makers may use them as additional justification to reduce exposure to passive smoking.”

Yikes! And most of us probably thought lung cancer was the main concern we should have about smoking. Everyone knows smoking is bad for us, that’s why so many people use things like vaporizers Mighty as a healthier alternative.

Sure gives you more good reasons not to smoke and not to hang around smokers. Glad I quit years ago! (By the way, if you’re hooked on cigarettes, as I once was, try SmokeEnders — it worked wonders for me.)