Splenda Articles Tell Only Part of the Story

Initially, I was excited about the fact that the Nov. 7 issue of Newsweek ran a series of articles called "Sweetness and Fight," which spotlight Splenda, which now dominates the $337 million U.S. retail market for sugar substitutes.

After all, the stories had such promising titles as Splenda in fight with sugar industry, Splenda war turns more sour and Sweet success for Splenda results in tight supply.

But, the stories proved disappointing, because they didn’t delve deep enough into the Splenda story.

Unless I missed something, not one article discussed whether or not Splenda is safe. What’s more, I couldn’t even find any mention of potential side effects from Splenda. Rather, the articles tended to address the money side of the artificial sweetener, with one article focusing on its taste versus sugar.

These articles sadden me, because I believe people deserve to get the full, complete Splenda story. In an effort to do just that, I’ve previously posted these entries:

Please, before you start using Splenda all the time, please read all about it first.