Spotlight on the Savory Sweet Potato

Whenever people want to know what food can they have enjoy natural sweetness, I inevitably come round to spreading the savory news about sweet potatoes.

The delectable, high-quality carb is not only incredibly tasty but nutritious, too. What I fail to understand — unless I reminisce about my sugary past — is why people feel compelled to drown it or slather it with brown sugar, butter and maple syrup. Indeed, nowadays my reaction to that concoction is a vociferous "Yuck!"

What’s more, I now consider it my duty to tell the world about the naturally sweet flavor. In fact, if you have a yen for something sweet, next time bake a sweet potato, sprinkle on a dash of flax oil, add a little bit of cinnamon, and you have an amazing dish. Betcha won’t be thinking about fiber-lacking, nutrient-poor carbs after that.

Anyhow, as blogger Bethany Sanders points out on That’s Fit blog, the sweet potato is rich in beta-carotene (262% of your daily recommended dose!), vitamin C, and magnesium.

Not only that, but recent research, she says, "even suggests they [sweet potatoes] may help reduce insulin resistance, an important precursor to Type II diabetes, as well as reduce the symptoms of inflammatory diseases such as asthma and rheumatoid arthritis."

That’s a pretty impressive resume for a carb that looks, well, to be honest, somewhat unappetizing from the outside! But don’t let those appearances deceive you.

Check out Bethany’s ideas on how to cook it. Most of them sound pretty intriguing except I’m not a fan of dressing up a sweet potato with cream or maple syrup (as part of the mango-chutney.

Come to think of it, I should have had one of those tempting, organic sweet potatoes I had delivered to me earlier today. Oh well, tomorrow I’ll remember. Right now, I just have to get over being sick. (Yeah, bummer isn’t it to be ailing on a holiday weekend and to have to cancel your plans?! Ugh!)