Sugar Can Be As Addictive as Heroin, Diet Expert Says

For those of you who’ve felt sweets "calling out" to you, you’ll feel heartened after watching these  interviews with sugar addiction expert Julia Ross, as well as two former sugar addicts, who now have conquered their habit.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Ross, author of The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure, for my upcoming booK, SUGAR SHOCK!

Get inspired now by listening to this short news report from KCal Channel Nine News in southern California.

What I find almost ironic is that I used to live in L.A. (where this piece aired) and seeing this news item when I was in the throes of my sugar addiction–would have brought me tremendous hope and encouragement.

So, let this news piece show you sugar junkies out there that you can successfully beat this destructive behavior.

Incidentally, when kicking sweets, I was on most of the supplements that are mentioned in this report.