Most of Us Get Cravings
Chuckle or at least smile at this clever cartoon from the amazing Isabella Bannerman. Are you anything like this when cravings strike?
Chuckle or at least smile at this clever cartoon from the amazing Isabella Bannerman. Are you anything like this when cravings strike?
Are you what I call a Sweet Success Story? Share your tale now.
Happy people Have you shed excess weight, eliminated your horrible headaches, gotten rid of your pre-cancerous condition, or done away with another pesky health problem by kicking or cutting back on sugar, refined carbs and other high-glycemic foods such as corn nuts, potato chips, and French fries?
In short, are you now slimmer, happier, and sexier?
In other words, have you discovered the power of life without all those super-sweet or quickie-carb foods?
Do you now Enjoy Living Sweeter Naturally™?
If you’re a Sweet Success Story, we may want to tell your story to inspire others.
As you may already know — or your friends do — quitting sugary foods and rapidly processed carbohydrates (what I also call “culprit carbs”) can speed you on your weight loss journey.
Not only that but cutting out the culprit carbs can help you overcome a variety of health challenges, as thousands of people — whom I call “Sugar Kickers” or “Carb Kickers” — have been gleefully sharing with me for 16-plus years since I quit the dangerous carbs on doctor’s orders.
Readers of this Sugar Shock Blog love inspiring tales such as yours.
We’d like to hear from you if you’ve had a drastic health improvement by cutting out sugar, quickie carbs, gluten, dairy or artificial sweeteners.
If you’re a Sweet Success Story — whether you lost weight, got more energy, improved your moods or got your diabetes under control — we want to consider sharing your tale here.
Remember, by sharing your story, you’ll be able to inspire, motivate, and encourage people from around the world.
Wondering what I mean? Read some motivational Sweet Success Stories shared here previously:
Fellow blogger Jimmy Moore. (Catch our interview on my Gab With the Gurus Show, too.)
Jaime Jackson
Felicia DesRosiers
Karly Pitman
Are you what I call a Sweet Success Story? Share your tale now. (Please submit info using the format used above, and we’ll get back to you.)
CB – pink shirtWho is blog founder Connie Bennett? Connie is a former pooped-out, fuzzy-headed, sugar-addicted journalist. After quitting sugar on doctor’s orders in 1998, ALL 44 of her baffling, crippling ailments (brain fog, PMS, headaches, etc.) vanished,, and she became “reborn.” Now, 16 1/2 years later, Connie is devoted to helping people Get a Sweeter Life that Rocks™. She is the acclaimed, energetic, charismatic Sweet Freedom Guide, Bounce-Back-to-Your Best Body™ coach, a transformational speaker, sugar and carb expert, blogger, certified health coach, certified life coach, EFT practitioner, Gab with the Gurus host, and bestselling author of Beyond Sugar Shock, which was endorsed Beyond Sugar Shock_RGBby Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Dr. Daniel Amen, JJ Virgin, and many others, and Sugar Shock, which was praised by such respected people as Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Christiane Northrup. She’s now planning the first Sugar World Summit, which will feature the biggest names in sugar and carb addiction, recovery, mindful eating, compassion, weight loss, etc. She is also completing her next book, The Bounce Back Diet™, which will help millions, who are blindsided by Crazy Cravings™ and overpowering emotions after the death of a loved one, a divorce or breakup, moving, losing a job, or another life-changing event. Get free gifts at
Join the Conversation. Have you tried the following Cravings Calmer? Let us know if it worked.
If you’re like most women and many men, your overwhelming cravings for sugary, salty or fatty processed foods often taunt you.
At times, you may even feel that those chocolate donuts, onion rings or pretzels are actually calling out to you, “Eat me! Eat me!”
Of course, we both know that such thoughts are prepostrerous. Doesn’t matter.
In fact, for the past 16 years — since I reluctantly quit sugar and refined carbohydrates on doctor’s orders — many sugar or carb addicts have used this exact same language in bemoaning to me that they feel ruled by their urges for “bad foods.”
It’s time for good news. You do not have to be at the mercy of what I call your Crazy Cravings™.
Today, let me share one simple way to calm your cravings.
To begin, let me remind you of an old adage. It’s one many of us were told by our mothers or parental figues. It goes like this: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
Well, thanks to research, I’ve come up with a new twist on this idea. As I put it, “An apple cider vinegar dose a day keeps your cravings away.”
Apple cider vinegar, made from fermented apples, is high in acetic acid, which is why you get that sharp, tangy taste.
This acetic acid helps increase your satiety, which means you get fewer and less severe food cravings for hours after you have consumed apple cider vinegar with a snack or meal.
Let’s now look at a study, which backs up this assertion.
The Scientific Research
Swedish researchers at Lund University found that cravings were significantly lowered in a group of people, who consumed two or three tablespoons of vinegar in water, with a piece of wheat bread compared to group who did not. (Please note that I don’t recommend the bread, because it can rasie your blood sugar levels.) The study used regular vinegar, but apple cider vinegar is better because of its higher acetic acid level and more palatable taste.)
The Simple Steps
Apple Cider Vinegar1) If you feel a craving coming on, before a meal, drink a glass of water mised with one or two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Because the flavor is so powerful, it’s easier to drink when you add water. The apple cider vinegar I prefer is Bragg’s Liquid Amino.
2) If drinking the diluted liquid is still too potent for you, just add some apple cider vinegar to your salad or other food.
3) Repeat as necessary throughout the day if your cravings persist.
How It Works
The acetic acid in the apple cider vinegar acts on the body’s glucose and insulin responses. This, in turn, increases your satiety (your feeling of fullness).
That’s why you get fewer and less severe food cravings for hours after you’ve consumed apple cider vinegar with your meal or snack.
How It Works: Acetic acid in apple cider vinegar acts on the body’s glucose and insulin responses and this in turn affects satiety.
Join the Conversation. Have you tried the following Cravings Calmer? Let us know if it worked.
Are your friends gripped by cravings? Feel free to share this post. When you do, please include the following: Former sugar-addicted journalist: Connie Bennett, CHHC, CPC, ACC is author of the bestselling book, Sugar Shock!, which has been praised by Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Christiane Northrup. Her latest is Beyond Sugar Shock, which was endorsed by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer and others. Connie is a certified life coach, certified health coach, experienced reporter, and host of the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show, which is available on iTunes. The former sugar and carb addict is now dedicated to helping people around the world to Break Free of their Addictions to Babits™. (Bad Habits).
Join the Conversation. What most surprised you from this fascinating interview with Michael Moss?
Salt, Sugar, FatLately, I’ve been planning the Sugar World Summit, which will feature some of the biggest names in sugar educationn, carb addiction, health, wellness, mindful eating, and personal empowerment.
For instance, in this virtual event, which will take place two weeks before Halloween, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Robert Lustig, JJ Virgin, Dr. Richard Johnson, Colette Baron-Reid, Sarah Wilson and many others will join us to give you The Sour Scoop or Sweet Solutions.
Anyhow, while preparing for the event, I came across this fascinating NPR interview with Pulitzer-Prize winning investigative journalist Michael Moss, author of the extraordinary book, Salt, Sugar, Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us..
In his fascinating book, Moss takes an insightful look at the $1 trillion processed food industry, which most health experts believe has triggered the obesity epidemic and put millions at risk for such chronic health conditions as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.
Thanks to his many revealing interviews with leading food scientists and top food industry executives from companies such as Kraft and Coca-Cola, Moss explains how most Americans have become so dependent on processed food.
Get shocked now, thanks to this intriguing NPR interview.
Join the Conversation. What was your biggest A-hah?
Here’s a list of my some of my most popular posts on this Sugar Shock Blog. Please check back, because I’m still adding to this list. (It’s taking a while to compile all the hot posts since I founded this Sugar Shock Blog in early June 2005,.
Weight Loss Assistance
CLS May Reduce Stubborn Fat Around the Middle
How Not to Pig Out on Thanksgiving;
Musings and Commentary
Shame on Reporters Critical of Cookie Monster’s New Moderate Habits
Holiday Help
7 Tips to Squash Your Sugar Cravings this Holiday Season
5 Ways to Indulge Over the Holidays Without Gaining Weight
‘Tis the Season to be Stressed: 7 tips to Relieve Holiday Stress
Relieve Holiday Stress: Holiday Gift to You from Debra Berndt and Me (Audio Program)
5 Tips to Soften Halloween Sugar Shock
The Sour Scoop About Sugar
Sugar at “Safe” Levels Can be Deadly;
The Inside Scooop about Agave (I don’t recommend it)
iHigh Fructose corn Syrup: Some Scary Facts to Consider Before You Gulp Down Soda & Other Foods (with 3-minute video)
146 Reasons Why Sugar is Ruining Your Health (Guest column from Nancy Appleton)
Reformed Sugar Addict Alec Baldwin Interviews Dr. Robert Lustig;
The Fallacy of Diet Foods
Study Shows Diet Sodas Are Linked to Weight Gain
Tips to Let Go of Sugar or Pile off the Pounds
Delay Away Your Sugar Cravings (Creatively Procrastinate)
7 Tips to Help You Squash Your Sugar Addiction
Slipped? Destroyed Your Diet? 7 Tips to Get Back on Track
Humorous Takes on the News
Michelangelo’s David Returns to Italy After Touring the U.S.
Help to Shop
Stumped when Shopping? Some Sugar-Free Foods By Brand
Social Media
The best time(s) to post on social media
Get Social Media Secrets with Mitch Meyerson
Woo-Hoo, Feel-Good Tunes
Listen to Woo-Hoo, Feel-Good Tunes
Listen to Guests on My Gab with the Gurus Shows
Lose Weight with Best-Selling Author & Spiritual Activitist Marianne Williamson (she spoke about her then-new book, A Course in Weight Loss; she wasn’t running for Congress yet;
Anita Moorjani: On Cancer, Near Death & Treasuring Our Magnificence
Other Health Posts
Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar): Do You Have It?
Anita Moorjani: On Cancer, Near Death & Treasuring Our Magnificence;
Hyperactivity and Mental Woes Linked to Soda Consumption
Take Charge of Your Stress & Sleep: Two Keys to Live Life Well
Salt: The Forgotten Killer: — The AMA & CSPI Urge Crackdown On the White Powder, But What About The-More-Dangerous Substance, Sugar?
Are You Among the 85 % of People With Low Self-Esteem? It Can Lead to Weight Gain & More
My Sweet, But Stringent Standards & Disclosures
Did I leave out your favorite posts? Let me know which one(s) to include.
Connie Bennett is a former sugar-addicted journalist and the author of two bestselling books, Beyond Sugar Shock and Sugar Shock, Connie’s sour-to-sweet story began in 1998, when she quit sugar on doctor’s orders. Her doctor blamed all 44 of her strange ailments (baffling brain fog, ferocious fatigue, horrible headaches, embarrassing mood swings, severe PMS, etc.) on her habit of eating hard candies, red licorice, refined crackers, and other quickie carbs. While releasing her sugar and carb addiction, Connie created many simple tactics to make letting go of sweets an easy, exciting adventure.
Since 2001, Connie has been helping thousands of sugar addicts worldwide through her Sugar Freedom Now Course, speaking, and coaching (she is a certified life coach, certified health coach and EFT practitioner). She founded this Sugar Shock Blog on June 7, 2005.
Subscribe now to this Sugar Shock Blog to get juicy tidbits, tips, and musings on healh, wellness, personal empowerment, social media, and more.
Sugar and carb addicts in the Bay Area or northern California, come meet me personally and get help so you can triumph over your potentially deadly sugar and carb habit.
Thanks to the amazing group, Left Coast Writers — which supports new and established writers — you can get simple tips and tools to free you from your addiction on Sat., April 13 at 7 pm at Book Passage in Corte Madera.
FYI, the timing for this event is fortuitous. It takes place two days before my 15-year anniversary of being mostly sugar-free!
The Left Coast Writers Book Launch at Book Passage officially marks the start of The Sugar Freedom Tour, during which I’ll personally help sugar addicts nationwide and later worldwide. (To bring me to your area, submit your request here.)
In this April 13th program, “Break Free of Sugar with Ease and Glee,” you will get “A hah” moments and easy information to put to use immediately.
You’ll discover simple, but powerful starter secrets to:
Become the master of your sugar cravings — and then turn them into your reliable allies.
Turbocharge your Sugar-Free Power.
Dodge the #1 mistake nearly everyone makes when quitting or reducing sweets.
Activate the positive power of procrastination.(Huh? Trust me — it’s a simple, calming tool.)
Pick yourself up after you’ve “slipped” and fallen off your less or no-sugar plan.
Dissolve your desire for dangerous sweets but still enjoy tasty chocolate treats. You’ll even find out how to get recipes for healthy choco-goodies.
Stop being duped by innocent-looking, seductive foods that are actually sugar traps.
Laugh at my — and your — silly-on-sugar behavior. (You’ll chuckle at the former Sugar Shrew ways!)
You’ll also get to try tasty, sugar-free Power Balls and a Coco-Mousse, that will melt in your mouth! I’m bringing these yummy chocolate delights, courtesy of my friend Naomi Tomoda from the farmer’s market. (Check back here, on this Sugar Shock Blog, for photos of these delicious treats from Naomi’s company, Mami’s Crunch.)
Special thanks to Left Coast Writers founder Linda Watanabe McFerrin, who invited me to this event. (Stay tuned to learn about Linda’s sugar story.)
In case, you don’t know my story, here’s my short bio so you’ll learn why I’m so committed to helping you break free.
Why I Want to Free You from Sugar: My Bio & Tale
Bestseller Beyond Sugar Shock BSConnie Bennett is a charismatic transformational speaker, bestselling author, life coach, health coach, and self-mocking former sugar addict, who is now known as The Sugar Liberator. An experienced journalist, Connie is author of the new book, Beyond Sugar Shock: The 6-Week Plan to Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction & Get Slimmer, Sexier & Sweeter, an international bestseller that has been endorsed by Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dr. Daniel Amen. Her first book, Sugar Shock! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life—And How You Can Get Back on Track, was a bestseller that was praised by America’s Favorite Doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Connie’s sour-to-sweet journey began in 1998, when she was pummeled by 44 scary ailments, including crushing fatigue, brain fog, horrible headaches, roller-coaster mood swings, heart palpitations, and severe PMS. When Connie’s new doctor blamed every symptom on her excessive sugar habit and ordered her to “Quit eating sugar or die young,” Connie very reluctantly shed her habit. Much to her surprise, all her ailments vanished, and Connie became energetic, focused, and free.
Connie finally succeeded in shedding her dangerous sugar addiction after years of failing, because while transitioning from sugar-gorging to becoming mostly sugar-free, Connie created or discovered simple, cool tools, which helped her transform the dreaded, difficult undertaking into a positive, fun-filled, life-changing adventure.
Since 2001, Connie has been coaching, guiding, inspiring and uplifting thousands of carb junkies worldwide to easily, playfully release their addiction to discover that Life is Sweeter When Sugar Doesn’t Seduce You™.
Connie runs the popular Sugar Freedom Now Retreat, a virtual and/or live event, which is the companion program to Beyond Sugar Shock. She also hosts the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show, for which she interviews top names in a variety of fields from health to the Law of Attraction.and hosts the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show. Connie studied at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), and Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism. Get free gifts at
Connie is now on The Sugar Freedom Tour, which celebrates her 15 years of being mostly sugar-free. It is dedicated to her recently deceased mother. To invite Connie to visit your area, apply here.
Today, it’s my pleasure to share with you the new artwork for my Sugar Freedom Now Course.
This is the companion program to my new book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which you can pre-order now from Amazon and get in a few days!
Special thanks to talented Enrique Brooks, who was referred by my wonderful Facebook friend, Lynnis Woods- Mullins II.
What do you think of this new design? I’d love to hear what you think.
By the way, the next Sugar Freedom Now Course begins next Thursday, May 17.
If you act fast, you can join us this week and get in at the early bird rate. So join us now.
Buzz is now quickly building for my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, thanks to 43 (so far) acclaimed thought leaders and distinguished health leaders, including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Daniel Amen, Brian Tracy, Dr. JJ Virgin, Dr. Christiane Northrup.
I’m so honored, grateful, and humbled that so many amazing wellness experts, empowerment gurus, and even fellow sugar-educators have come on board to endorse Beyond Sugar Shock, which I wrote to help you sugar addicts and carb addicts easily and effortlessly let go of your sugar and carb addiction.
In this Hay House book — which is officially published June 1 but you can order now on Amazon and get your copy within days — I gently take you by the hand and bring you along on a fun, compassionate six-week Mind-Body-Spirit adventure so you can easily release your sugar addiction using a variety of simple, but powerful tools and tips.
By book’s end, you’ll be leading — that’s my goal — a life that’s sweeterlicious (the word I coined to convey sweeter, delicious, scrumptious, luscious, and sensuous).
JoshuaRosenthalBeyond Sugar Shock has a foreword from one of my mentors, Joshua Rosenthal, the pioneering founder and director of the remarkable Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the world. (I attended IIN in 2005-2006 and am now a certified health coach.)
Now, here are the endorsements received to date for Beyond Sugar Shock.
Wayne Dyer 614″I have taken the advice and guidance that Connie offers here and used it to reclaim my own well being. We have unknowingly and unwittingly become a nation of addicts, and here in this book you are given a blueprint for living a life of perfect health. Follow the easy-to-apply guidelines, and then you will be able to look in the mirror and say, `I AM finally living a healthy life.’ There is no greater feeling and it is your birthright. You were not designed to walk around in shock. A much needed book. –Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, internationally renowned author and speaker and bestselling author of more than 30 books
“If you are ready to love yourself and your body, abandon the wounds of your past, and free yourself from unhealthy addictions, then read Beyond Sugar Shock. Then, combine the information it contains with your new-found inspiration.” –Bernie Siegel, M.D., author of A Book of Miracles and Faith, Hope & Healing
“We are born loving sugar for its sweetness and its ability to help us store up fat for lean times. Times are no longer lean for most and too much sugar is ruining our health and our lives. Beyond Sugar Shock gives you everything you need to bring more sweetness and health into your life….. without the risk of sugar!” — Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician and author of the New York Times bestsellers:Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause (Photo above)
Daniel-amen“Sugar is NOT good for your brain. It increases erratic brain cell firing, promotes inflammation and is clearly addictive. Beyond Sugar Shock can help you get sugar out of your life and replace it with health and vitality. It is a powerful program full of easy tips and tactics.” –Daniel G. Amen, M.D., bestselling author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Body, Magnificent Mind at Any Age, and Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
Beyond Sugar Shock, which you can now pre-order — even though Hay House’s official publication date isn’t until June 1 — has received lots of praise from many admired thought leaders.
I’m so filled with gratitude!
Therefore, in this post, I’d like to my heartfelt thanks to all of Beyond Sugar Shock’s many amazing supporters, who are bestselling authors, admired speakers, respected wellness experts, and adored health or empowerment gurus.
My deep gratitude goes to all wonderful 47 people–so far–who endorsed Beyond Sugar Shock and are now spreading the word about it.
(FYI, my first book, Sugar Shock, was endorsed by America’s beloved Dr. Mehmet Oz, actress/author Marilu Henner and many others. Cardiologist Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra served as contributing author, and Dr. Nicholas Perricone wrote the foreword.)
Now, for my second book, Beyond Sugar Shock has been endorsed by the empowering, inspirational Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Dr. Daniel Amen, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Brian Tracy, Dr. Joe Vitale, Marci Shimoff, Janet Bray Atwood, John Assaraf, Dr. JJ Virgin, Dr. Oz Garcia, Dr. Jonny Bowden, Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa, and Mark Sisson.
Meanwhile, it’s an honor that fellow sugar experts Jeff O’Connell (Sugar Nation), Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (Beat Sugar Addiction Now!), Richard J. Johnson, M.D. (The Sugar Fix), Jill Escher (Farewell, Club Perma-Chub), and Kathie Dolgin (a.k.a. “High Voltage,” who has established sugar-free schools in New York) also have praised Beyond Sugar Shock.
And to my joy, remarkable fellow Hay House authors Dr. Christiane Northrup, Colette Baron-Reid, Dr. Ken Druck, Donna Gates, Lauren Mackler, and Caroline Sutherland also endorsed the book.
The amazing Institute for Integrative Nutrition–which I attended from 2005 to 2006–has supported my book, too. What an honor to have the pioneering Joshua Rosenthal, founder and director of the world’s nutrition school, write the foreword!
And what a pleasure to have fellow Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) grads Jared Koch, Patricia Moreno, Alex Jamieson, Stacey Morganstern and Carey Peters also say kind words about the book. Learn here about other gurus, who praised my new book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which offers you a fun, simple, compassionate six-week Mind-Body-Spirit adventure to easily and effortlessly release your sugar or carb addiction so you can lead a life that’s sweeterlicious–that’s my word combining sweeter, delicious, scrumptious, luscious, and sensuous. (Yes, letting go of your sugar habit can boost your libido and improve action in the bedroom!)
Stay tuned for a full schedule of the upcoming Beyond Sugar Shock Book Launch. You’ll be able to attend a number of free events (virtually, on the Web, via teleseminar or live) and get some exciting free gifts, too.
Of course, you’ll also be able to catch interviews I give on TV or radio shows, and read many articles either from me or about Beyond Sugar Shock on various print publications, blogs or websites (such as on the Huffington Post and Heal Your Life).
Check back here often for details about many upcoming activities, most of which will take place during the initial Beyond Sugar Shock Book Launch Week from Monday, June 4 through Friday, June 8.
A warm greetings to readers to this Sugar Shock Blog.
Please forgive my recent absence lately. I’ve been in the middle of a long-distance move, and it took a while before my computer was set up. Shall we say that we faced some challenging issues? Love computers but darn when they don’t work. . . ugh!
In the meantime, I invite you to pre-order my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock.
Read about my exciting offer — you’ll get a complimentary Strategy Session with me.