New Year’s Resolutions: 7 Tips to Make Your Goals a Reality, Thanks to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition & “Goals Guy” Gary Ryan Blair

So have you made your list yet of New Year’s resolutions? Are you determined to keep them this year?
If you’re like millions, you’re wondering how to finally accomplish them all make 2009 your best year yet.
Here are 7 tips on how to make your Resolutions a Reality, five of which I got from the inspiring Joshua Rosenthal, founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutition (where I went to school). He posted these fabulous tips on the Integrative Nutrition blog. (Please note that in the tips I’m presenting below, I’m either directly quoting Joshua (not as often) or (more often) I’m taking his fabulous ideas and revising them or adding to them — or I’m changing the order in which he presented them. But whether I built on his suggestions or not, they are Joshua’s ideas (even though for several years, I’ve already been urging my coaching clients to follow all of these recommendations)
So here are some tips to stick to your New Year’s resolutions:
1. Write down your New Year’s resolutions and then put them in a place — or even places where you can see them. This is my favorite of Joshua’s suggestions. For instance, after taking pen to paper, you could tape your list to your bathroom mirror or a prominent place in your bedroom. You could even put it on your desk (in a plastic folder) or stick it to your fridge with a magnet. (I recommend posting them on your refrigerator and near mirrors if you want to kick sugar or peel offf pounds.)
2. Imagine (or be clear about) what your life would look like once you achieve your goals. For instance, if you resolve to work out more often at the gym (one of my New Year’s resolutions), how would this benefit you? Would you have more energy, take more pride in your appearance, have a more cheerful demeanor and be more “together” so you can give to others? If your goal is to get out of debt and make more money, exactly how much do you want to earn? Or, if your New Year’s resolution is to find Mr. or Ms. Right in 2009, how would that feel to you and what would the person be like? Would you be more content and feel more fulfilled? Really delve into how your life would change if you stuck to your resolutions. Then take action to make them happen. (You do need to do homework to make these happen. For instance, you need to join or take yourself to a gym, redo your resume or post an ad on an online dating site, etc.)

Got New Year’s Resolutions? Want to Make Your Kick-Sugar Dreams & Other Resolutions Come True?

Do you want to lose weight for good or kick sugar once and for all?
What’s more, would you like to make 2009 the best year of your life?
And would you like proven tools that can shut out all this bad news about the economy and transform your life?
Do you want to lose weight, kick sugar, stop smoking, cut out artificial sweeteners, become debt-free, discover the career you can feel passionate about or make the changes that actually last?
And do you desire a new outlook on your life?
If you want more than you’ve ever had before, you’ll want to see what I have to share with you.