Flopped on Your Diet? Fret not! Free Teleseminar on Top 10 Reasons You Failed on Your Diet or Kick-Sugar Program

Are you really frustrated and frazzled, because yet again, you messed up on your diet and turned to donuts, candies or cookies when you intended to “do good”?
Even more embarrassing, did also you then get into an argument with your loved one(s) over no good reason, because you were hyped up on sugar or brain-fogged because of the crap you ate?
And did you hide your junk food or eat your stash in private?
If any of the four scenarios ring true, you’re in the company of millions.
Every hour, all across the country, people are “failing” on their diets and shoving sweets or junk food into their mouths and getting negligible nutrients.

Break Free of Sugar Addiction—Early Bird Special Ends March 31 (Sneak Peek)

re you tired of packing on pounds instead of losing them?
Are you fed up, because you feel trapped by your sugar habit?
Do you feel discouraged because — no matter how many diets or programs you’ve tried — you’re still hooked on sugar?
Sugar addicts, hypoglycemic, type 2 diabetics and overweight people, I bring you hope.
Today, as readers of this Sugar Shock Blog, I’m pleased to offer you a Sneak Peek at my upcoming, Break Free of Sugar Addiction Program, a five-week teleseminar/webinar series (available via phone or the Internet).
I haven’t announced this Break Free of Sugar Addiction Program yet to the general public, because I want you, my loyal readers of this Sugar Shock Blog, to have first crack at the open slots.
Isn’t it time for you to feel and experience the joy, liberation, energy, excitement, pride and sense of calm that comes from being sugar-free (or close to it)?
Act now to learn about the Break Free of Sugar Addiction Program’s Early Bird Special, available to you through Wed., March 31.If you’re among the first 20 to register, you get a half-hour Laser Coaching Strategy Session with me. Value = $100. Get the scoop now at BreakFreeWithConnie.com
This Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction Program is being presented in honor of my 12 years off sugar! Yes, on April 15, I will have been liberated from my sugar habit for a dozen years!
Kicking sugar was the biggest, most liberating, transformational thing I’ve ever done! It’s time for you to have that amazing experience, too!
Would you like:
* To finally fit into your favorite “slim” outfit?
* To finally say goodbye to awful, mid-afternoon crashes?
* To have a life full of energy, enthusiasm and excitement?
* To have your pants getting looser and looser, because you’ve lost so much weight?
* To banish annoying brain fog?
* To have an overpowering sensation of joyous freedom?
* To not lose control and to not feel so out of balance?
* To NOT “need” desserts so much?
* To look and feel better?
* To feel amazing — both physically and emotionally?
* To be fulfilled by your activities, pursuits and loved ones.
* To be released from the fatigue, headaches, brain fog, mood swings, anxiety and out of control feeling that hit you after you consume quickie carbs and plunge into your sugar addiction cycle?
* Like you’ve been reborn.
* To quit wasting so much money on sweet foods and drinks?
* To do away to those sluggish, lethargic feelings?
* To become more cheerful, calm and confident?
* To end runaway mood swings, embarrassing anger outbursts and overwhelming fatigue?
* To eliminate your nagging sugar cravings?
* To get rid of your PMS (almost completely)?
* To begin to nourish and feed yourself in non-sugary ways?
* To build a better life in the bedroom, if you catch my drift?
* To wake up feeling joyous and proud that you spurned sweets and carbs the day before?
Act now to learn about the Break Free of Sugar Addiction Program’s Early Bird Special, available to you through Wed., March 31.
If you’re among the first 20 to register, you get a half-hour Laser Coaching Strategy Session with me. Value = $100. Get the scoop now at http://www.BreakFreeWithConnie.com.
If you’ve been waging a battle with sugar, I invite you to discover that getting off sugar is empowering and exhilarating.
Just listen to these Happy Sugar Kickers:
“Your Kick-Sugar Program Sounded too Good to be True, but it Changed my Life. At the end of your 10-week program, I was15 pounds lighter— and a whole lot happier and more energetic. Now, five years later, I am still about 80% sugar free.” —June Kamerling, Richmond, California

Get Help! Free Teleseminar March 31: “Top 10 Reasons You Failed to Lose Weight or Kick Sugar” with Major Loser/Winner Jimmy Moore

Are you fed up that no matter how many different diets or programs you’ve tried, you still haven’t been able to shed excess weight or kick sugar?
Are you frustrated that you just can’t figure out what to do to finally succeed?
Are you ready to make some lasting changes but just don’t know what to do?
I invite you to join my free teleseminar/webinar on Wed., March 31 at 8 pm EST (5 pm PST) so you can learn the “Top 10 Reasons You Failed to Lose Weight or Kick Sugar.”
In this teleseminar on Wed., March 31 at 8 pm EST (5 pm PST), you’ll finally discover why you’ve been repeating failing.
And you’ll learn what it takes to finally succeed for once and all.
My co-host will be Jimmy Moore, founder of the popular Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Blog and author of 21 Life Lessons from Livin’ La Vida Low Carb.
In your teleseminar/webinar, “Top 10 Reasons You Failed to Lose Weight or Kick Sugar,” you’ll learn some eye-opening things.
* For instance, you’ll discover that lack of will power is not why you haven’t been able to shed pounds or get off sugar.
* You’ll also find out that being single-mindedly focused on getting rid excess weight or NOT eat sugar is not the best way to break free of your sugar habit.
* You’ll discover that counting calories is counter-productive. So is obsessively cutting back on fat.
* Plus, you’ll discover amazing reasons that have nothing to do with eating, which can make or break you kick-sugar or weight loss success.
* And you’ll learn many more surprising secrets about kicking sugar and/or losing weight.
To join the fre*e teleseminar/webinar, “Top 10 Reasons You Failed to Lose Weight or Kick Sugar,” on Wed., March 31 at 8 pm EST (5 pm PST), just sign up below, putting in your information below.
You’re invited to come 10 minutes early to meet other people, who also want to lose weight or kick sugar.
Remember, when you get to the special website for the March 31 program, submit your questions ahead of time.
Sign up now for the March 31 “Top 10 Reasons You Failed to Lose Weight or Kick Sugar.”

Jeff Garlin & Ellen DeGeneres Set Sugar-Shunning Trend – AOL Runs My Opinion Piece

You know the expression, “Love is in the air?”
Well, thanks to comedians Ellen DeGeneres and Jeff Garlin, kicking sugar is in the air!
For instance, Jeff Garlin, Jeff Garlin, the star and co-producer of Curb Your Enthusiasm, recently talked about his sugar-stopping activities on Regis and Kelly while publicizing his new book, My Footprint: Carrying the Weight of the World.
Before that Ellen DeGeneres, who, of course, hosts The Ellen DeGeneres Show and is now also a judge on American Idol, announced to the world that she, too, is shunning sugar.
Please visit AOL now to read my opinion piece, in which I praise both comedians for the wonderful examples they’re setting for the rest of the nation and world.
As an advocate of leading happy, healthy, energy-filled, sugar-free lives, I applaud the two comedians for what they’re doing.
I invite you to read my my op ed piece now: Ellen DeGeneres, Jeff Garlin Could Inspire Others to Kick the Sugar Habit – AOL News.

Reader Writes: “SUGAR SHOCK! Changed My Life.” What Are Your Questions?

Often, I receive emails from readers of my book SUGAR SHOCK! Whenever I do, I’m so touched and honored that I’ve been able to help people from around the country and world.
Here’s a comment I received tonight from Ben in Massachusetts:
“Sugar Shock! changed my life. I [finally] got off sugar. For the first time in my life, I only eat non processed foods and no sugar. I feel calm all the time and [I’m] constantly energized. I feel great. It’s easier to concentrate and exercise as well. …God bless you.”
Ben then asked a few questions, which I’m answering soon in a Frequently Asked Questions project that I’m completing.
What would you like to know about sugar’s dangers, quitting sugar or carbs? Please post your questions here.