Tips to Remain Calm During Stressful Times from the Harvard Medical School

I received this wonderful guide from the Harvard Medical School on how to remain calm during stressful times. Here it is verbatim:
BOSTON–Lately, every day seems to bring a new cause for worry–the mortgage crisis, the struggling economy, rising unemployment. And on top of all that, the holiday season (a recurring source of stress) is about to begin. This constant barrage of disturbing news and emotional hurdles can have a big impact on health.
Although you won’t find the word “stress” anywhere on the list of the 10 leading causes of death in America, many highly-regarded studies link chronic stress to ailments such as heart disease, stroke and a weakened immune system.
“Stress doesn’t just make you feel tense and edgy, it can actually impair your health,” says Dr. Michael Miller, editor in chief of the Harvard Mental Health Letter.
“Thankfully, there’s plenty we can do on our own to reduce stress in our lives.” The Harvard Medical School Portable Guide to Stress Relief, a free guide offered by Harvard Health Publications, provides helpful tips on how to start.
Of course, sometimes just thinking about embarking on such a program can feel overwhelming. Don’t freeze in your tracks. Instead, follow Dr. Miller’s suggestion to start small.