The Snickers in the Shadows: Karen’s Take on Connie’s Mysterious Candy Bar

Note from Connie: My Snickers-not escapade — which I posted about earlier — elicited major chuckles from my assistant Karen. So, in the spirit of fairness and also good-natured fun, I asked Karen to give her reaction to finding a snack-sized candy bar on my premises, of all places! Here are her thoughts — unedited by me — well, I took out the details about my project. By the way, I absolutely burst into laughter at reading this:

So I was kneeling down packing up some books, and there, almost blending into the shadows under Connie’s desk, but not quite, was a Fun Size Snickers. The kind I used to eat three of — telling myself it was better than eating one normal size bar. (Like I’d burn more calories opening the additional wrappers or something?)

Had a bag or two been lying around, I would have immediately assumed Connie was using it as a prop for a talk or TV appearance.

But there it was all by itself. It looked guilty.

I did not think "Shame on you," as Connie suspected, though.

On the contrary, I thought something more along the lines of, "Oh my gosh, I’ve just seen something very personal I wasn’t supposed to see…"

Kind of like that time when I was a kid and accidentally walked in
on my parents in the middle of…well, I was too young to know what it
was anyway, but their horrified expressions told me I was definitely in
the wrong place.

Yep. Kind of like that.

But what should I do?

Was Connie on a sugar bender? Did she need help? Was her world falling apart without anyone knowing it?

Did she need an intervention?

And should I say something? Or should I keep my mouth shut?

I debated. My curiosity ultimately won. I blurted out the question, bracing myself for the worst.

But instead of confessions and tears, Connie bounced up,
rummaged through her closet and quickly produced a jack-o-lantern
container and bags and bags of candy.

Then she happily told me about
the project she’s working on…

Karen James for the SUGAR SHOCK! Blog

Note from Connie again: So, based on my innocent, almost-gleeful reaction, Karen was assured that I was still sugar-free. And no, I did not fall off the wagon. …Sorry, folks, I had to cut out my
jaw-dropping candy findings, which I shared with Karen. I promise —
you’ll hear more about them later.