The Countdown Continues: Not Til Christmas, But Til SUGAR SHOCK! Hits Bookstores — One More Week!

I know that many of you are eagerly or nervously anticipating Christmas on Monday, but my thoughts are focused elsewhere. I’m waiting impatiently for the day after Xmas to arrive. That’s December 26, 2006 — exactly a week from today.

New_cover_12506_sugarshockfinal_2On that memorable day, Dec. 26, my book SUGAR SHOCK! will finally hits bookstores after five years! A very, very long five years, which were set in motion, because my friend Debbie, a fellow journalist who I met when we were both reporters at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, had an idea.

Back in August, while visiting me in New York (where I’d just moved), Debbie suggested that I write a book about hypoglycemia. For four months, I sort of putzed around on this subject (that means I really didn’t do much of anything about her suggestion other than visit bookstores to look at books about low blood sugar). But I dabbled with the idea enough to realize that my book — if I were to write it — should really about about the dangers of sugar, because eating too much of the stuff could lead to horrific hypoglycemic reactions (which is what had happened to me).

Then, in December 2001, five years ago this month, I was massively inspired to launch into a more serious, extensive exploration of sugar’s perils. (I won’t go into my personal romantic situation at the time, but suffice it to say that my profound sadness, extreme disappointment and broken heart over a guy (I’m serious!) made it absolutely imperative that I keep really, really, really busy and focused on something — like a project! Oh goodness, I never get this personal on my blog!)

So that December, right around this time, I began to plunge into what could best be described as a work frenzy. Not only did I quite successfully distract, distance and dissuade myself from my romantic letdown, but I became utterly intrigued yet again by the fact that excessively consuming eating sugar (which most Americans do) could play such havoc on people’s lives.

You see, in 2001, it was three years since I’d kicked sugar. (Because of my 44 perplexing, tough-to-bear symptoms, I quit sweets and other culprit carbs on doctor’s orders in 1998). So, with the passage of time came a more balanced perspective. I became quite ready to again investigate the subject of sugar, one that had once plagued me. But this time, three years after booting quickie carbs out of my life, I was prepared to explore the topic with objective eyes. (I was no longer a "sugar sufferer" as I once had been.)

So here we are five years later, and I’m about as happy as a new author can be! My dream has become a reality at long last! Book blues begone. Book glee, welcome! Finally, the time has come for me to help YOU!

That’s right. My mission now is to help millions of people around the world. My intention is:

  • To shock you with information about sugar’s dangers (you can’t help but be aghast!)
  • To encourage you
  • To nurture you as best I can (through my book, my teleseminars, etc.)
  • To help you, and
  • To motivate you to break free from your debilitating and destructive habit.

Impatient to get the sour scoop about sweets? Order your copy of SUGAR SHOCK! now!