Tips for Twitter Newbies From Gedeon Maheux Of Iconfactory

Here are some suggestions from Gedeon Maheux, co-founder of Iconfactory on how best to use Twitter:

1. Find and make friends. Twitter doesn’t reach its full potential
until you start following people that have similar interests as you. Be
those family or real life friends, they all make Twitter more

2. Get off the web. The Twitter website is one of the worst ways to
interact with the service. Try out a desktop or mobile application like
Twitterrific and see how it can make sending and receiving
tweets quicker, easier and more fun.

3. Stick with it. At first, Tweeting may seem pointless, but once
you make more friends and start following people you are really
interested in, its value will become apparent very quickly. The key is
not to
give up in the early stages because once you hit the Twitter tipping
point, you’ll suddenly "get it" and it will all make sense.