Trans Fat Linked to Higher Breast Cancer Risk, Study Says

Note from Connie: If you’re a female and are eating large amounts of processed foods that still contain those dangerous trans fats, you should read this scary item from my researcher Jennifer Moore.

Higher levels of trans fats in the blood are associated with higher risk of breast cancer in women, according to a team of European researchers who published their findings in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

"A high serum level of trans-monounsaturated fatty acids, presumably reflecting a high intake of industrially processed foods, is probably one factor contributing to increased risk of invasive breast cancer in women," they wrote.

This is yet another reason to cut down or completely cut out processed foods. Thanks to Reuters for the tip.

Jennifer Moore for the Stop SUGAR SHOCK! Blog

Another comment from Connie: Of course, I hope that you’re already avoiding trans fats, especially since the FDA now requires manufacturers to post this information on their food labels. But you should know that many refined foods still contain trans fats, as this previous blog post points out.