Tune in to Anderson Cooper Tonight For Sugar Special

Art_cooperandersonb Boy am I intrigued! You should be, too. The hotshot CNN journalist Anderson Cooper is doing a special tonight about yours truly’s favorite subject — sugar! So make sure to get in front of your TV at 10 p.m. EST or if you’re out and about, make sure to TiVo the show.

Here’s the description from the CNN website:

Monday's show

"We consume more than a pound of it a week, but is sugar doing more than just making us fat? A shocking "AC 360°" investigation tonight at 10 p.m. ET."

I’m really eager to learn what fascinating info Anderson dug up that I didn’t cover in my book SUGAR SHOCK! (due to hit bookstores in eight days). (I did call the CNN offices and learned that of the things the special delves into is the conditions at sugar mills in the Dominican Republic.)

FYI, according to my calculations — which looked at governmental stats and included input from experts — the sugar-consumption figure CNN cited above is way too low.

If you take into account unlabeled or "hidden sugars," concerntrated fruit juices, etc., most Americans consume more like 3.2 pounds of sugar a week or 170 pounds per year per person.