Diabetes: Early Results of 2nd Major Study Suggest Intensive Drug Treatment to Lower Blood Sugar Doesn’t Raise Risk of Death. Now What?

Preliminary and as-yet unpublished results of an international diabetes and heart disease trial based in Australia, called ADVANCE, indicate that intensive drug treatment to lower blood sugar doesn’t increase the chance of death in type 2 diabetics, according to the ADVANCE press release.

This contradicts the findings of a similar U.S. trial, called ACCORD, which found that subjects following an intensive drug- and insulin-regimen died at higher rates than those whose received standard treatment. (Click here for this blog’s report on the ACCORD trial.)

The two trials were similar but not identical, as reporter Sue Hughes of WebMD’s Heartwire news service details here.

I hope this news helps people realize how complicated treating diabetes can be and that they need to do what they can to avoid getting it by eating a healthier diet and exercising.

Thanks go to reporter Rob Stein, whose article in the Washington Post tipped us to this story.

Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog