What Will Your Kids Eat This Summer?

Note from Connie: What’s a poor parent to do? Tara Parker-Pope raises some interesting points in her article in the New York Times on how summer vacation effects our kids’ diets. Jennifer Moore, a mom of a five-year-old girl, brings her perspective to this item.

Uh-oh. Unlike schools, relatively few summer camps have nutritionists on staff, and they focus on preparing food that’s convenient and unlikely to spoil rather than food that’s healthy, Parker-Pope informs us.

The reporter also cites a study from the April 2007 edition of the American Journal of Public Health, which discovered alarming results — found that kindergarten children and first-graders gained more weight over the summer than they did during the school year!

I guess I’d better check with my daughter’s camp to see what they’ll be serving for lunch this summer!

Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog