Obese Toddlers More Likely to Lack Iron–Is Junk Food to Blame?

Yet another research study makes one wonder if excessive intake of milk and sugary juices play a part in the fact that overweight children aged 1 to 3 are 20% more likely to suffer from iron deficiency than kids of normal weight. Jennifer Moore brings you the scoop.

A  research team from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center that just completed a study on the issue seems to think so, according to Reuters and the AP.

This is worrisome because iron deficiency can cause all sorts of problems for kids–it can impair their ability to learn and do well in school, for example.

The good news is that there are plenty of iron-rich foods for youngsters to eat, such as lean meats, beans and fresh spinach, according to the AP story.

Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog

One thought on “Obese Toddlers More Likely to Lack Iron–Is Junk Food to Blame?

  1. That makes a lot of sense to me (that kids are lacking iron due to their diet)! It’s amazing how poorly our “modern” diet has become in general…I was shocked one day to see a family feeding their baby (aged 6 mos to a year, not an infant at least) Coke in a bottle….just a bunch of sugar, and for such a small body to ingest!

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