Vinegar Can Balance Your Blood Sugar

Good news for diabetics and others with blood sugar problems. If you thought vinegar was just a way to jazz up your salads, you now have a much better reason to toss some into several of your favorite foods.

Nutritionist Carol S. Johnston of Arizona State University East found that two tablespoons before a meal “will dramatically reduce the spike in blood sugar concentrations of insulin and glucose that come after a meal,” Science News Online reports.

Another two possible sweet benefits you could get from consuming vinegar. First off, it’s inexpensive. A year’s supply of vinegar runs about $20 versus diabetes medicine, which could cost between $800 to $1,800 a year. Secondly, adding vinegar could yield it could even help you lose weight, a pleasantly surprising outcome that Johnston found.


2 thoughts on “Vinegar Can Balance Your Blood Sugar

  1. I haven’t tried adding vinegar to my diet yet, though I am eager to experiment. I have noticed a benefit from adding other items like lemon juice to my water, cinnamon to my coffee or yogurt – both in my appetite and blood sugar control. The possibility of vinegar being so beneficial makes me more likely to make a fresh vinaigrette for my salads instead of using my usual favorite Ranch dressing. It would be one more in a long line of changes I’ve made for the sake of treating my insulin resistance – one of the easiest and one of the tastiest!

  2. I’m wondering what effect this would have for hypoglycemics? Would it lower my blood sugar too much? Many of these natural diabetic treatments tend to do that.

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