Book Promoting: Should We Authors Be Outrageous, Provocative & Original to Become Bestselling?

Whether you’re a reader, an author or a publishing insider, I invite you to join in the interesting discussion now brewing about what constitutes good book promotion.
Last weekend, I did what I thought was a fun, humorous, zany, admittedly provocative sandwich-board publicity stunt at BookExpo America, the largest book publishing event in North America.
I first wrote about my unusual promoting here and here.
To summarize, my intentions were:
* To drum up interest among potential readers in my first book SUGAR SHOCK!;
* To intrigue people in my upcoming, as-yet-unpublished second book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers (working title);
* To acquaint people like you (my target audience) with my work so they can learn how to break free of their bad habits or what I call “babits™” so that they can lose weight, get energy, boost their libido, become happier, etc.;
* To garner media attention;
* To make contacts within and outside the publishing industry, which could lead to a variety of exciting partnerships; and, of course;
* To build my platform even bigger.
DSC00094 My gimmick at BEA was this: On two days (of the three-day event), I walked around selected places at the Javits Center in New York City wearing a sandwich board that jokingly asked, “Are You `The One?'” (I did so with permission and for a fee.)
The sign also was displayed all weekend long at my booth.
My sandwich board — which was humorously designed by renowned graphic artist and author Hillary Carlip to look like a single’s personal ad — poked fun of the fact that I’m a single woman and an author available to both the right man and publisher.(Incidentally, Hillary — who has done work for Jennifer Anniston — also designed my Gab With the Gurus radio show blog and my new site to promote my upcoming book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers.)
My sign also provocatively stated, “Will put out on first date!!” (Yes, I was embarrassed by this remark, but, of course, I was just joking. What I meant is that I would “put out” information about my next book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers; tell you about my first book SUGAR SHOCK! (you can sneak a peek here); and share how I help people break their bad habits or babits™.
Wow! I thought I was just cleverly showing that, in these uncertain economic times and crowded market, authors who want to make a splash need to be what I call “author-preneurs.” In other words, to boost our platforms and build interest in our books, we should show initiative, originality and a sense of humor.
At BEA last weekend and afterward, as I sorted through business cards and email addresses of of people I’d met, I thought I’d at least partially succeeded in my goals. My off-the-wall marketing gimmick made lots of people laugh and chuckle. More importantly, it gave me the opportunity to meet hundreds of people in the book industry — booksellers, librarians, editors, authors, publishers, etc. — as well as members of the media.
But since BEA, I’ve taken some flack and had a change to think more about my ususual marketing approach. In particular, my gutsy, guerialla-book promoting, sandwich-board-wearing efforts were criticized first here and then again here by Lynn Price, editorial director of Behler Publications, who writes the Behler Blog.
After Lynn’s less-than-flattering remarks about my publicity stunt, I took time to reply to both of her posts — first her initial post, “Authorpreneurs my stinky foot,” and then to the second one, “It’s All About the Show.” (Incidentally, since then, Lynnn and I also have shared polite, private emails.)
Now that I’ve been blasted and compared to tactless authors, who wear toilet bowls on their heads (ouch!), I’m wondering: Was I wrong to be so provocative, adventurous and and flagrantly innovative at BEA?
Did I goof bigtime or was I right to walk around wearing an innovative sandwich board, which asked, “Are You `The One?'”
Did my publicity stunt turn off you, my dear readers? Or, if it backfired, who exactly was annoyed by it?
While I hoped my marketing efforts would get attention, I hadn’t planned on being condemned. But of course, I should be prepared for that — obviously, that goes with the territory. But, hey, I’m now willing to learn from the experience.
Clearly, I have a lot more to learn about successful book promoting.
While I’ve attended numerous, great conferences featuring such people as Mark Victor Hansen, Alex Mandossian, Michael Drew and Warren Whitlock, I guess I need more foolproof, innovative marketing ideas.
Obviously, I should continue to pay close attention to such whizzes as Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, John Kremer, Shel Israel, Robert Scoble, Arielle Ford and David Meerman Scott.
So, since I always strive to improve, please tell me what you think.
Did you think my sandwich board gimmick at BEA was creative and funny or misguided and stupid? Feel free to be honest.
And what do you think are the best, most clever ways to get the word out about my next book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers? (FYI, I already use my blogs, Twitter, Facebook, my radio show and my massive email list.)
What do you think I should do to spread the word about my next book?
Please don’t just tell me to write a good book. I’m hard at work on that. Besides, that’s not nearly enough in this economic climate. As mentioned earlier, we authors need to become author-preneurs.
For those of you here who are familiar with SUGAR SHOCK! and this blog, I invite you to become a pivotal VIP Super Friend of my upcoming book. Please visit my new blog,, to learn more about how to spread the word.
And if you’re here, because you’re struggling with sugar or other unhealthy habits, I invite you to join my four-week Break Free program, which begins tomorrow night.

Lakers’ Lamar Odom: Is His Candy Habit Triggering His Uneven Performance on the Basketball Court?

Why does the Los Angeles Lakers forward Lamar Odom have an uneven performance on the basketball court such as this flagrant foul?
In a blog post, entitled “The Lakers’ Lamar Odom, Sweet Tooth and Erratic Play,” Dr. Daniel Amen, a Lakers fan since a child, presents a compelling theory — the basketball player’s compulsive candy habit is to blame.
After interviewing hundreds of experts for my book SUGAR SHOCK! and suffering my own horrific, sugar-induced nightmare, the physician’s concept makes perfect sense.
Dr. Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life and Magnificent Mind at Any Age, writes that Odom “is unbelievably talented, but often acts like a space cadet during games.
“He can play great, and be worth his 14 million-dollar salary, or he can act like he is `missing in action.'”
Indeed, acting like a space cadet or have brain fog is clearly a manifestation of low blood sugar, which can be triggered by eating too many sweets.
Kudos to Dr. Amen for pointing out that “Odom’s massive consumption of candy leads to a sugar high and then a crash, evidence of which can be seen on the basketball court.”

Feel Special & Enrich Your Life With True Love – Guest Blog Post

You can enrich and energize your life with true love rather than sugar.
You can feel so rewarded and fulfilled in a marriage or committed relationship that those quickie carbs completely lose their allure.
With proactive techniques that you’ll learn here, love can fill you up, not an empty, tragic sugar addiction that you need to frequently re-fuel with empty-calorie, health-harming carbs.
Today’s special blog post is for single ladies (never-married, divorced or widowed) — or even unsatisfied married women — who long for fulfilling, amazing true love with a remarkable, adoring man.
The author of this post is the charming, long-married, personable psychologist Dr. Diana Kirschner, the bestselling author of Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.
Dr. Diana, who gave you many helpful tips on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show last Tuesday, reminisces here about her early days as a child when her mom used sugar as love. Then, she offers you tangible guidelines to find and keep true love. (She wrote this post especially to help you, because we ran into each other and became friends this past weekend at a wonderful Book Publishing 2.0.program.
This is a rare treat to get a special Sugar Shock Blog post from Dr. Diana, who is a media darling. The friendly therapist/bestselling author has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show and recently The Mike and Juliet Show, where she ran a 90-day Love Challenge. (Sure enough, Amelia, the love mentee, did find someone.) So here’s Dr. Diana’s post:
Feel Special & Enrich Your Life with Fulfilling, Nurturing True Love — Not Unfulfilling, Unsatisfying Sugar by Dr. Diana Kirschner, the bestselling author of Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.
When I was a child, my mother often showed her love by secreting me away from my other siblings and sharing a cookie, a piece of cake or candy just with me. In fact, she stressed that she was sharing it with me because I was so special. I certainly felt special—even though the sugary love drug usually made me sick to my stomach. (Ring a bell?)

Bloggers: Learn How to Nab Eyeballs & Peacefully Win the “War” from a Pro, the “Copyblogger”

If you’re a fellow blogger, you always yearn for more traffic, right?
To garner more fans and followers, I heartily urge you to read this fabulous post from Copyblogger, “Your Blog vs. The World: 7 Steps to Winning the War for Attention.”
Blogger Jonathan Morrow eloquently presents the plight facing us bloggers.
We’re waging four battles at once, including “against anything that distracts your reader from making it all the way through your content,” Jonathan explains.
“Here, you’re at war against the world. You’re up against the child that knocked over her apple juice onto the rug, the dog barking to go outside, the phone ringing at work, and the e-mail that just arrived in their inbox.”
Read the Copyblogger’s thoughtful eight-pronged solution so you can win the blogging battle and get your posts read from start to finish.
This post sure provoked me to thought — and to action. For instance, I need to think about a strategic content plan. Dear readers, let’s hope it does the same with you!
Did you like this post? If so, please spread the word.

Toss the Toxins to Lose Weight & Get Healthy Now

Come learn how to Thrive (Don’t Just Survive) with us.
Session 3 continues at 5:30 p.m. today (Wed.) with the renowned health and nutrition expert J.J. Virgin, formerly the nutrition consultant for Dr. Phil’s Weight Loss Challenge.
She’ll tell you how to Toss the Toxins & Get Healthy in the New Year.
To sign up, go to
This program is free for 24 hours.

Sugar Addicts, Dieters, Hypoglycemics & Diabetics: Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge Kicks Off at 12 Noon Eastern Today

Today’s a big day for sugar addicts around the globe. You will get 24 hours of help. Here’s a press release that’s going out. Feel free to pass this along to friends in its entirety. Please note that we need someone overseas (Australia, Great Britain or other non-American countries) to help send out tweets when we’re asleep over in the U.S. Write to me if available.
Obese and Overweight People and Sugar Addicts Can Get Back on Dieting Wagon By Joining The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge from Jan. 16 to Jan. 31
Learn Sour Sugar Facts and Get Sweet Benefits by Listening to Experts Dr. Peter Gott, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, Dr. Nancy Appleton, Dr. Hyla Cass and Others
Millions of Americans who, like Oprah, have fallen off the diet wagon and are now obese or overweight can get inspiration and education for the next two weeks by joining the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge, which kicks off Jan. 16.
This is the first time that health and wellness experts—including authors of so-called “competing” sugar books—have banded together to issue a wake-up call to help obese and overweight people for whom food (often culprit-carb snacks) is their “drug of choice.”
The health experts — who are seeking to help the 34 percent of Americans who are obese and the 32.7 who are overweight — feel compelled to speak out in this New Year’s resolution-oriented month to deliver the sour sugar news: Over-consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates could lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, infertility and Alzheimer’s disease. (The experts warn about all caloric sweeteners, including sucrose, high fructose corn syrup and dextrose.)
While most Americans may think they they’re not big sugar eaters, the facts disagree. The average American consumes about 170 pounds a year or one cup a day. Figures for people overseas vary, but excessive sugar consumption is also a huge problem in Great Britain and Australia, among others.
But the health experts also bring lots of hope, too, to people in all parts of the world.
Already, millions of people have discovered the enormous benefits of kicking or reducing sugar and refined carbs. For instance, they could lose lots of weight, as well as reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease and Azheimer’s disease.
For years, many celebrities have been savvy about sugar’s dangers and the many benefits you get from eliminating it or cutting back on consumption of it.
Marilu Henner, Suzanne Somers, Daisy Fuentes, Vanessa Marcil, Halle Berry, Mariette Hartley and Susie Coelho are among those who’ve previously spoken to reporters about this subject.
Meanwhile, people of all ages and sexes around the world — even if they don’t think they have a sugar problem — are invited to find a buddy and take the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge for the next two weeks.
The challenge kicks off Fri., Jan. 16, at noon Eastern, with a fast-paced, two-hour, sugar-consciousness-raising program on the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show ( featuring numerous health experts and authors of sugar books.

Experts, Authors & Sugar Kickers Support The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge

Quotes are starting to come in from supporters of The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge, which takes place virtually around the world on both my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Jan. 16 at 12 p.m. Eastern and via tantalizing tweets on the new TwitAsYouQuit site (from 12 noon Eastern on Jan. 16 to 12 p.m. on Jan. 17).
Check back here to this Sugar Shock Blog and to my three-week-old Gab With The Gurus Blog to get updates about this first-of-a-kind event that I’m presenting with Dr. Scott Olson, a naturopathic doctor and author of Sugarettes.
Hyla_cass_big2 “Many so-called mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction and even bipolar illness have a strong relationship to blood sugar imbalance, caused by eating–you guessed it, sugar! These often-serious conditions can be overcome by eliminating sugar, eating a healthy diet, and taking specific supplements, as needed. I have helped many of my patients and readers replace medication using this natural approach, with excellent results!….”
– Hyla Cass M.D., integrative psychiatrist and author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health and Natural Highs
“As a Certified Nutritional Microscopist (live & dried blood analysis, trained by Dr. Robert O. Young), I have seen the devastation caused by the fermentation of sugar in the body. You see, sugar will either burn as a fuel (because you have enough oxygen present) OR since our body has limits to how much oxygen we can intake… sugar that cannot have oxygen to be able to burn will ferment which increases ACIDITY considerably. ”
– Rick Panson, Certified Nutritional Microscopist, Raw Food Creator of Raw Jaw Foods & Water Filtration/ionization Consultant

Sign Up Now for the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge on Jan. 16

Are you like Oprah — tired of lugging around excess weight?
Do you feel that you have no control over your sugar or carb habit?
Are sugary foods your “drug of choice”?
Would you like to get more energy, focus better, rev up your libido, get along better with loved ones and get a hot, trim body?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you’ll want to join the First Annual Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge, which takes place Jan. 16.
Many of us experts are here to help you begin to lick your sugar habit.
We’re here to give you the support, compassion, information and education that you need and deserve.
My co-organizer Dr. Scott Olson and I invite you to take our challenge by submitting your comment here.
Spend time on Jan. 16 to look at your sugar issues, learn about the dangers of sugar overloading (which people around the world are doing) and cut it out totally on that one day.
Wondering what could happen if you kick sugar? Read these amazing success stories now.
So sign up here now.
Make sure to tell us about your sugar history, what a lot of sweets do to you and what you envision for the future if being sugar-free was a reality.
What are you waiting for? Join us now.
And spread the word. We want to get a huge viral campaign going.
After you sign up, mark your calendar.
Our festivities begin Jan. 16 at 12 p.m. Eastern on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show for the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge,.where we’ll be joined by some of the biggest health and sugar experts in the country. (You can listen live or later, at your convenience, to a podcast.)
For instance, we’ll be joined by Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, author of Get the Sugar Out; Elizabeth Abbott, author of Sugar: A Bittersweet History; Dr. Eric Westman, director of Duke Lifestyle Medicine Clinic; (?), Dr. Hyla Cass, integrative psychiatrist and author of 8 Weeks to Vibrant Health and Natural Highs; MeMe Roth, founder and president of the National Action Against Obesity; Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Lick the Sugar Habit; Dr. Woody Merrell, author of Unleash Your Natural Energy; Dr. Fred Pescatore, author of The Hamptons Diet; Amy Kalafa, co-founder of “Two Angry Moms,” which is dedicated to cleaning up the school food environment; Susan Linn (?), director of Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood; Dr. Yvonne Sanders Butler, principal of Browns Mill Elementary School in Lithonia, Georgia; the first sugar-free school in the country; Roberta Ruggiero, founder of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation;; Dr. Larry McCleary, author of The Brain Trust Program; Dr. Roberta Lee, vice chair of the Department of Integrative Medicine at Beth Israel’s Center for Health and Healing in New York City; the “Nutrition Twins” Tammy Lakatos Shames and Elysse (“Lyssie”) Lakatos, authors of Fire Up Your Metabolism; and integrative medicine practitioner Steven J. Bock, M.D.
In addition, several happy, successful “Sugar Kickers” will participate, including popular low-carb blogger Jimmy Moore, who lost 180 pounds, mostly by cutting out sugar and refined or starchy carbs, and Amanda Lerner, who shed 25 pounds and got more energy, clearer skin, increased focus, creativity and a profound feeling of freedom. In addition, her cravings, depression, eczema, candida and fainting spells disappeared.
Then from 12 noon Friday to 11:59 Saturday, we’ll conduct a supportfest on Twitter. If you don’t have an account yet, just sign up at Twitter and then start following @TwitAsYouQuit.
Frustrated right now? Want support this minute? Get going now by becoming a member of my free online Kicksugar discussion group.
Remember, if you have sugar issues, this Sugar Shock Blog is your place to get news updates, information about upcoming programs and much more.
Sign up now for the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge.

Dieters, Sugar Addicts, Diabetics & Hypoglycemics To Be Helped By Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge on Jan. 16 (Press Release)

Experts Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, Dr. Nancy Appleton, Dr. Hyla Cass & Many More Gurus Urge People Around the Globe to Learn the Sour Sugar Facts
NEW YORK AND DENVER—On Friday, Jan. 16, a group of concerned health and wellness experts are holding the first annual Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge to draw attention to the many health hazards that could result from over-consuming sugar* and refined carbohydrates, including type 2 diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease, infertility and Alzheimer’s disease.
The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge begins 12 p.m. Eastern Friday, Jan. 16 with a 90-minute show/podcast on the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show ( featuring such recognized experts as Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, author of Get the Sugar Out; Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Lick the Sugar Habit; Dr. Woody Merrell, author of Unleash Your Natural Energy, Power Up Your Health, and Feel 10 Years Younger; Elizabeth Abbott, author of Sugar: A Bittersweet History; Roberta Ruggiero, founder of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation and author of The Do’s and Don’ts of Hypoglycemia: An Everyday Guide to Low Blood Sugar; Dr. Larry McCleary, author of The Brain Trust Program; Dr. Roberta Lee, vice chair of the Department of Integrative Medicine at Beth Israel’s Center for Health and Healing in New York City; integrative medicine practitioner Dr. Steven J. Bock and other experts. In addition, several successful “Sugar Kickers” will be on hand, including popular low-carb blogger Jimmy Moore, who lost 180 pounds, and recovered sugar addict Amanda Lerner.
Sugar-Out coordinators Dr. Scott Olson, author of Sugarettes, and Connie Bennett, host of the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show and author of SUGAR SHOCK! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life—And How You Can Get Back on Track, will emcee the activities and interview the guests.
The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge also features a 24-hour hour twitfest, where frequent, inspirational, informational tweets will be sent out from Twitter is a popular, fast-growing, microblogging program, where people send out messages of up to 140 characters.
This is the first time that a worldwide event has been held to draw attention to the massive amounts of sugar that the typical person consumes, which is about 170 pounds a year or one cup a day for the average American and the same for someone living overseas.
The Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge is also the first time authors of “competing” sugar books have banded together to invite people worldwide to learn the sour sugar facts and to urge them to take the challenge of cutting back on sugar or removing it entirely for at least one day.
“Most people don’t realize that they’re eating or drinking huge doses of sugar over the course of a day whenever they have packaged or processed foods,” says “Sugar Liberator” and Sugar-Out Challenge co-coordinator Connie Bennett, C.H.H.C., author of SUGAR SHOCK!, a certified health counselor, speaker and life coach.
“Of course, you’re getting sugar and other sweeteners from candy bars, soda and cookies, but you’re also getting a lot from less obvious sources like yogurt, whole grain cereal, peanut butter, salad dressings and mayonnaise,” continues Bennett, a journalist, who, before kicking sugar in 1998, used to “need” frequent sugar “fixes” to meet article deadlines.