New Year’s Resolutions: 7 Tips to Make Your Goals a Reality, Thanks to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition & “Goals Guy” Gary Ryan Blair

So have you made your list yet of New Year’s resolutions? Are you determined to keep them this year?
If you’re like millions, you’re wondering how to finally accomplish them all make 2009 your best year yet.
Here are 7 tips on how to make your Resolutions a Reality, five of which I got from the inspiring Joshua Rosenthal, founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutition (where I went to school). He posted these fabulous tips on the Integrative Nutrition blog. (Please note that in the tips I’m presenting below, I’m either directly quoting Joshua (not as often) or (more often) I’m taking his fabulous ideas and revising them or adding to them — or I’m changing the order in which he presented them. But whether I built on his suggestions or not, they are Joshua’s ideas (even though for several years, I’ve already been urging my coaching clients to follow all of these recommendations)
So here are some tips to stick to your New Year’s resolutions:
1. Write down your New Year’s resolutions and then put them in a place — or even places where you can see them. This is my favorite of Joshua’s suggestions. For instance, after taking pen to paper, you could tape your list to your bathroom mirror or a prominent place in your bedroom. You could even put it on your desk (in a plastic folder) or stick it to your fridge with a magnet. (I recommend posting them on your refrigerator and near mirrors if you want to kick sugar or peel offf pounds.)
2. Imagine (or be clear about) what your life would look like once you achieve your goals. For instance, if you resolve to work out more often at the gym (one of my New Year’s resolutions), how would this benefit you? Would you have more energy, take more pride in your appearance, have a more cheerful demeanor and be more “together” so you can give to others? If your goal is to get out of debt and make more money, exactly how much do you want to earn? Or, if your New Year’s resolution is to find Mr. or Ms. Right in 2009, how would that feel to you and what would the person be like? Would you be more content and feel more fulfilled? Really delve into how your life would change if you stuck to your resolutions. Then take action to make them happen. (You do need to do homework to make these happen. For instance, you need to join or take yourself to a gym, redo your resume or post an ad on an online dating site, etc.)

Wishing You a Sweet & Happy New Year. Take the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge

To all of you wonderful readers,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a very sweet, happy new year.
Please listen to my new year’s greetings.
Also listen to this brief announcement to get your invite to take the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge along with thousands of people around the globe.
By this, I mean that you’re encouraged to either kick sugar and other sweets entirely or at least cut back on your consumption of the stuff for the month of January. (And I’m also including refined carbs.)
You can learn more about the Great Worldwide Sugar-Out Challenge on Friday, Jan. 16 at 12 noon Eastern on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show, when I’m joined by several other sugar opponents and authors, including Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Lick the Sugar Habit, and Dr. Scott Olson, author of the new book, Sugarettes.
FYI, although I issue a 21-day challenge to readers of my book SUGAR SHOCK! and have heard from thousands of happy readers who took me up on it, I’ve never officially announced such an event.
Because I always believe in giving people credit when it’s due, I need to give thanks to Dr. Olson, a Colorado-based naturopath, whose challenge I chanced upon last week, thanks to Google alerts.
I was so impressed by Scott’s passion and commitment to giving up sugar that I decided to join him and also present a radio show with several of us sugar experts.
So join us! By the way, you don’t even have to turn your back on sugar yet. Just join us Friday, Jan. 16 at noon Eastern (or later, at your convenience) to learn why your life will be much better and healthier without sweets and refined carbs.
Also stay tuned for other exciting programs and radio shows. Hope you can join us for the first two radio shows of 2009:
Join us for the first Gab With the Gurus Radio Show of the new year on Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 3 p.m. Eastern when my guest is the acclaimed Dr. Mark Hyman, bestselling author, lecturer, practicing physician, leader in the emerging field of functional medicine and author of the fascinating new book, The UltraMind Solution: Fix Your Broken Brain by Healing Your Body First. You’re in for a real treat, because Dr. Hyman will spend one full hour with you on the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show to give you valuable information so that 2009 can be your best year yet. Not only that, but for the last third of the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show, Dr. Hyman will answer your questions. Just use the Call-In Number: (347) 426-3366
And listen to another inspiring radio show the following day to help you turn your Resolutions into Reality. My guest, the famous “Goals Guy” Gary Ryan Blair on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Wed., Jan. 7 at 3 p.m. Eastern, will give you valuable information so you don’t fail at meeting your resolutions again. In the meantime, check out this exciting resolutions website, which is designed to help you make your dreams come true.
In addition, I’d like to invite you to join me at the 11-part Thrive (Don’t Just Survive) in 2009 program, which will begin Wed., Jan. 7 at 5:30 p.m. Eastern. You’ll get a chance to be inspired, educated and encouraged by a Who’s Who of health, wellness and empowerment experts.

Want to Shine in 2009? Take a Fun Exercise to Fulfill Your New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s is a unique holiday. It’s the only holiday that celebrates the passage of time.
Perhaps that’s why, as the final seconds of the year tick away, we tend to become introspective.
Then, we wonder: How did time slip away from us?
And why did all our hopes and dreams never materialize?
Inevitably, that introspection turns to thoughts of self-improvement and the annual ritual of making
New Year’s Resolutions.
We all do it.
We swear to ourselves, “This is THE year that I’ll transform my life and fulfill my goals.”
We are determined to keep all our promises to lose weight, kick sugar, stop smoking, make more mon*ey, take more time for ourselves, find the person of our dreams or get along better with our significant other, be more patient…just fill in the blanks.
Right now, millions of people from around the world are asking themselves questions as they figure out how to make 2009 the best year of their lives.
Here’s a fun, creative exercise for you to do.
First off, think about how to surpass your potential in the New Year.
Take a minute or two noow. I’ll wait right here.
Think about your fondest wishes. What are you dying to do at long last?
Now, fill in the blanks. (You don’t even have to tell anyone what they are, unless you want to.)
In 2009, I’m finally going to _________________________!

2009 Can Be Your Best Year Ever! Make Your Resolutions a Reality: “The Goals Guy” Will Help You Jan. 7 on My Gab With the Gurus Radio Show

Repeat after me: “I Hereby Resolve to Make 2009 the Best Year of my Life!”
What if these words were part of a promise to yourself this holiday season? How about a promise to make 2009 your best year ever?
Suppose you decided today — right now – that you’re finally making a REAL commitment to turn your dreams into actions… your goals into achievements… AND your Resolutions into Reality.
And suppose you had more fun doing it than you ever imagined?
It can happen… but you’ve got to take the first step.
Just start by listening to the acclaimed “Goals Guy” Gary Ryan Blair on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Wed., Jan. 7 at 3 p.m. Eastern.
(Please note that this is one of three exciting shows offered this special week.)
Then visit this exciting resolutions website, which is designed to help you make your dreams come true.

Tired of Being Tired, Overweight, Stressed Out, Moody, Empty, Disorganized & Hooked on Sugar? Learn How to Thrive (Don’t Just Survive) in 2009! Eleven Renowned Experts Tell You How in Life-Changing Program

Now that the year is coming to a close, it’s time to finally begin to confront those demons that sabotage you and find ways to change your life for the better.
For instance:
Are you fed up with lugging around extra we*ight?
Are you tired of being unfit and getting out of breath walking up stairs or even being on the treadmill for 2 minutes?
Have you had enough of being stressed out?
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? (In other words, are you wiped out much of the time? And do you need energy now?)
Are you angry at yourself that you’re a slave to your sugar habit?
Do you feel empty and unfulfilled, and does your life lack meaning?
Do you wish you had simple tips and techniques (like EFT or hypnosis) to lose weight, win out over cravings, conquer stress, etc?
Are you worried about money and just don’t know how to calm down your fears?
Are you overwhelmed by clutter and disorganization and long to take charge and be focused?
Are you concerned about how you’ll survive in 2009?
Do you feel hopeless because this battle with your w*eight battle has gone on for years?
Fret not! You can learn to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in 2009!

High Fructose Corn Syrup: Dig Deeper Before Believing the New Corn Lobby Ads & Consuming the Stuff

Have you seen any of the TV spots, print and online banner ads that seek to convince us that high fructose corn syrup is fun to consume?
Before you believe the many new ads from the Corn Refiners Association — which is spending a reported $20 million to $30 million to convince us of its safety — I urge you to get facts from my recent Gab With The Gurus Radio Show, where I had the following guests:
Curt Ellis, director and producer for the fascinating documentary “King Corn.”
Cardiologist Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., co-author of my book Sugar Shock!
Nutritionist, author and personal trainer Pedro Bastos, a colleague of Loren Cordain, Ph.D., acclaimed for his Paleo Diet.
Biochemist and food and beverage formulator Russ Bianchi, who is also chief executive officer and managing director of Adept Solutions.
Richard J. Johnson, M.D., author of The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That is Making You Fat and Sick (His interview is coming up.)

Lose Weight, Tone Up & Be Calm This Holiday Season — Thrive (Don’t Just Survive)

The holiday season is among the most stressful times of the year. Traps and obstacles galore lie in wait for you that could pack on pounds, disrupt your sanity and turn you into a stressed-out mess.
From now through the beginning of the New Year, you may worry about:
Where to find inexpensive, but great gifts for your loved ones;
How to keep from gaining weight;
How to tone up before those holiday parties;
How to ward off insistent, sugar-pushing, carb-obsessed hosts at festive gatherings;
How to keep from losing your cool with loved ones;
How to overcome the stress of the season; and
How to keep from fretting and fuming because you forgot to pack all your belongings for your visit to the family’s house, your flight is late, or you’re stalled in miles of traffic.
How you’ll have the energy and the stamina to get through it all.
How to overcome this overwhelmed feeling
How to not turn to food to just make it through the season
Because these holiday gatherings and this season can be so fraught with nerve-wracking challenges, I’m presenting a very special, four-part program starting next Monday (Dec. 8) that will feature some of the top health experts in the country.
Learn more now about the Thrive (Don’t Just Survive) This Holiday Season program.