Chronic Fatigue is a Real Illness, CDC Says, but How Much Might Be Sugar Related?

Up until now, chronic fatigue has gotten a bad rap. Many doctors pooh-poohed its existence and thought it was all in people’s heads.

But now the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually came out late last week and announced that it’s a legit disease affecting more than one million Americans, Reuters and tell us.

"CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) is a terrible illness that prevents many people from taking part in everyday activities and participating in the things they enjoy," CDC Director Dr. Julie Gerberding said.

"Fortunately, there are therapies for CFS that can reduce much of the pain and suffering," she said.

This is big news for the CDC to actually admit that chronic fatigue syndrome actually exists. Not only that, but the organization even cited its symptoms, which include:

  • Profound exhaustion
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Problems concentrating and remembering.
  • Flu-like symptoms, including pain in the joints and muscles, tender lymph nodes, sore throat and headaches

To help raise awareness for this illness, the CDC even launched an awareness campaign about chronic fatigue on Friday and even unveiled a special website.

Actually, before now, I’ve actually thought a bit about chronic fatigue. While I applaud the CDC for being open minded, I’m left wondering how much poor nutrition plays into this alleged disease.

You see, back in my heavy-duty, sugar-eating days, I was once diagnosed as having chronic fatigue. I was often exhausted and 7 or 8 hours of sleep just didn’t seem to refresh me. I would literally drag myself around at times. On some days, I’d really be Connie, the Walking Zombie.

But then I oh-so reluctantly kicked sweets and quickie carbs on doctor’s orders in 1998. One of my biggest motivations for quitting was that I hoped it might help my crippling exhaustion. Well, low and behold, after I got rid of the culprit carbs, ALL of my crushing, unrelenting fatigue disappeared.

So nowadays I’m left wondering: Did I ever really have chronic fatigue syndrome? Was I properly diagnosed? Or did I just have a case of sugar overload causing me to be a wiped-out wussie?

7 thoughts on “Chronic Fatigue is a Real Illness, CDC Says, but How Much Might Be Sugar Related?

  1. Unfortunately CFS is a very misunderstood disease. There is a big difference between Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I think a lot of health professionals confuse chronic fatigue with CFS. There is also fibromyalgia and ME to throw in the mix!
    The other difficulty is that there are a large number of overlapping symptoms between CFS, depression, thyroid problems and hypoglycaemia. Also, they are “invisible” illnesses. While you can check the significant points for fibromyalgia and do blood tests for thyroid there are many symptoms that are hard to diagnose because they could be any of the above or something else entirely.

  2. My Dr. belives that carbs play a major role in chronic fatigue. They lead to the generation of free radicals, which is one of the major contributors to Chronic Fatigue. In some cases, a change in diet can lead to a major descrease in symptoms. I’ve met a couple people treated by my doctor, who have completely recovered by restricting carbs and supplementing with antioxidants.
    Note from Connie: Hurrah for your doctor! How cool! Who is your doctor? I always love to find more doctors who believe in the dangers of those quickie carbs.

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