Could Eating Chocolate Every Day Weaken Bones?

Note from Connie: If you’re familiar with this blog or my book SUGAR SHOCK!, you, of course, know that I’m not a fan of sugary chocolate because of all the harm it can cause your mental and physical health. Now you need to learn about yet another danger that can result from chocolate. Jennifer Moore brings you the scoop.

Planning to romance your sweetheart with a box of chocolate this Valentine’s Day? Well, a new study from an Australian research team may make you think again.

Jonathan Hodgson, Ph.D. and his colleagues from the University of Western Australia found that women aged 70 to 85 who reported indulging in chocolate every day had weaker bones than those who consumed it less than once per week. They published their findings in a recent issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

NHS Choices — the U.K.’s Department of Health website, which analyzes the science behind health news headlines — tipped me to this study via Medical News Today. In their view, the study has some limitations, and Dr. Hodgson and his research team also caution that more research is needed to confirm their findings.
But as readers of this blog know, there’s plenty of other research
showing that too much sugar damages health in a host of ways (which
Connie chronicles quite thoroughly in her book SUGAR SHOCK!).  If there’s even a chance that too much chocolate could make our bones more frail, leaving us more susceptible to osteoporosis, it’s a good idea to cut down on the stuff, don’t you think?

Jennifer Moore for SUGAR SHOCK! Blog

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