Diet and Exercise – A Surefire Match Made In Heaven

Both exercise and diet work equally well to reduce your risk factors for diabetes and they both provide "beneficial health improvements."

So found researchers from Washington University, who published their findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The scientists also found that both the glucose tolerance and insulin levels of the subjects studied (50- to 60-year-olds whose body mass index was between 23 and 30) improved at about the same levels in both the dieters and exercisers, United Press International reports.

What I find intriguing is that the researchers were a little surprised by their findings.

In fact, they "thought exercise probably would produce greater benefits," according to Edward Weiss, a Saint Louis University researcher, who is a member of a Washington University team of scientists examining whether calorie restricting can extend people’s lifespan.

But, as I’ve been saying here for a while, exercise and a healthy diet work best in tandem.

(‘Course my focus isn’t just on calorie restricting and exercising. Rather, I tend to tout the virtues of getting superior right kinds of carbs in modest portions, not eating too many calories, and a physical activity regimen.)

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