Doctors’ Advice on Healthy Living Ignored

Note from Connie: Why are so many people so resistant to waking up to the dangers of obesity? SUGAR SHOCK Blog researcher/writer Karen James will inform you about yet another study, which shows that unconcerned kids and their parents just aren’t doing enough to peel off those unhealthy extra pounds.

Attempts to counsel obese children and their parents about losing weight and living healthier lifestyles are failing, according to interviews with pediatricians in the St. Louis area, Science Daily reported recently.

The small study, which appeared in the journal Child: Care, Health, Development, was led by Sarah Barlow, M.D., MPH, an assistant professor of pediatrics at Saint Louis University School of Medicine and pediatric obesity specialist.

Dr. Barlow discovered that the eight doctors interviewed felt that families either lacked motivation to lose weight and lead healthier lifestyles, or felt too overwhelmed by daily life stressors to try.

The doctors, who were from diverse backgrounds and practice settings, said that successful patients were already motivated to make changes before they entered the office.

The study also found that doctors might miss early opportunities to encourage families in making smaller, more easily incorporated lifestyle changes by failing to recognize children’s developing weight problems earlier.

In case you missed it, in early July the SUGAR SHOCK! Blog told you about the Associated Press review of 57 federally funded nutrition programs that found all but four had more or less failed to change kids’ eating habits.

A few weeks before that, we also alerted you to another study, which learned that mothers who regularly consumed junk food were unconcerned about their children’s weight.

Normally we’d raise our eyebrows at a study with only eight participants, but we’re calling this to your attention because we’re saddened at the growing rate of childhood obesity in this country.

By Karen James for the SUGAR SHOCK! Blog

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