First Kick-Start Tele-Seminar A Hit! Join Us on Thursday

Because Typepad was down for maintenance for about 24 hours, I couldn’t post this earlier. I wrote this a couple of hours after the call.

We had such a great time during our first kick-start tele-seminar last night!

And I’m very hopeful that the call began to accomplish my goal — to get people excited about the possibility of a better, more heappy, healthy life without sweets and refined carbs.

First off, a very special thanks to Jimmy Moore of Spartanburg, South Carolina and Lisa Joy Harvey of New York, New York. Both of them so very graciously shared their compelling stories about how kicking sugar turned their lives around. Made me want to kick all over again! LOL! (That’s a joke — I quit in 1998.)

In particular, I want to thank Jimmy for so honestly sharing about what life used to be like as an obese man, who, at his highest, topped the scales at 410 pounds.

Jimmy is quite amazing: He openly — and at times humorously shared — about how he used to drink a whopping 18 cans of Coke a day, gorged on donuts, little cakes and more. He also talked about his two "epiphany" experiences — one where a little kid called him "fat" and another where he was so embarrassed, because he kept slipping and falling off a climbing wall, all with a large group of people watching. Jimmy also shared some of his secrets to kicking sugar and losing weight, which I’ll post here shortly.

When I thought about how to tell you about the tele-seminar, I decided that the best way to convey what happened is to show you some of the remarks people who participated posted to my free, online KickSugar group. Their comments just warm my heart!

For example, soon after the tele-seminar ended, Mombonana posted:

"What a cool thing this call was…. Connie, thank you for caring. I thought that this was a great motivator. I know that I will eventually kick the sugar. …boy is this getting me psyched. I liked the thing that Jimmy said about `getting it in your mind that absolutely nothing will derail you from getting off the sugar and losing the weight.’ I know I will do this… get off the sugar. I know it can be done long term and to hear all of the tips and benefits was so motivating. Thank you. Connie, you were a wonderful moderator. You were so gracious to your guests and so generous with your help. Thank you again. Mombonana"

Others then quickly jumped in as well. For example, these are some of the many messages posted about the kick-start tele-seminar.

"Mombo – I agree, it was an awesome thing to listen to. It’s one thing to read (and read and read) about the things sugar does to you, and how it should be so much better if you quit… and something else entirely to *hear* it from people who have actually experienced it. I don’t have a weight issue but even without that, I could really appreciate Jimmy’s candor and tips, and then Lisa Joy’s suggestions, and how her skin cleared up (oh how I’d love to have clear skin!) and her mental clarity improved so much…. I don’t know, it was just ‘more believable’ (not really what I mean, but the best I can think of at the moment) hearing it than reading it. *Hugs* Amy"

Also chiming in was Jenifer, who got inspired to make changes that night — while on the call!

"I thought it was really great, too… until my husband came home to find me on the phone long distance for an hour. OY! 🙂 I was making dinner at the beginning of the call and listening to Jimmy actually helped me to take a smaller portion and be full! Yay! Jenifer"

Sherri also waxed eloquently on the subject:

"Connie, The teleconference was really great! I enjoyed hearing from others who’ve been so successful in kicking sugar and I especially agreed with Jimmy’s opinion of sugar being addictive. I can’t wait to hear more of the conferences and truly appreciate all the hard work that you and Myra and Jenifer are doing. Myra, I don’t believe I’ve read anything about your struggle with sugar and weight, etc. I’d love to hear it!

"It’s funny Connie…because …instead of dreading Jan. 5 …I’m starting to look forward to it and I feel excitement growing in my belly! I’m feeling like this will be it. This will be the time it works for good.

"This support has me feeling..empowered. I know that you did it alone, Connie, but I must thank you for all you do to help thers of us. Thanks, Connie, Myra, and Jennifer.

P.S. I too liked the possibility of some sort of contest that you and Jimmy batted around!"

Too early to discuss now, but, yes, we will have some sort of kick-sugar contest. (Sherri was referring to how Jimmy told us about losing weight as part of a radio show contest for people to lose a ton of weight — or 2,000 pounds!) 

All this talk about the tele-seminar then triggered a number of comments from people upset about having missing the call. For instance, Jacki from the U.K. got bummed out:

"I’m feeling so left out..! I’m in UK and couldn’t make the timing for the call. I’m gonna join in this as much as I can. I want sugar out of my life, for good… Can we read it..? Can we hear it again..? Help..! xx"

No need to fret, Jacki and others of you wanting to get inspired by the interview I conducted with Jimmy and Lisa Joy.

If you missed the call and would like to know what happened, it was recorded (twice, just to be safe), and it will be available shortly for replaying on the Internet.

Here’s another remark about the tele-seminar that I’d like to share — this heartwarming one that, not to sound corny, brings tears to my eyes:

"I feel very emotional. Just reading the comments after the teleconference I can feel the motivation beginning to stir in me. Dare I believe that I can actually do this? It’s almost scary to think there is a chance I can break free..!! I am so looking forward to hearing the call when it’s posted on the web. Thank you."

Mombonana came back with one more comment that I hope captures others’ sentiments:

"It feels good knowing that there are at least 294 [Note: we’re up to 309 registrants] people who will be starting on the fast track to recovery from this addiction. I look forward to feeling better and also losing weight and looking better. I have so much life to live, and I am tired of suffering and the self-loathing that goes with this sugar addiction. Hope to continue to hear from you as we take this mutual journey. Peace, Mombonana"

Last night’s call was one of three, free kick-start or preview calls designed to introduce you to the wonders of living a sugarfree life. In all of the calls, I’m interviewing special speakers, who experienced tremendous changes in health, energy, mood and more after kicking sweets and simple carbs.

The formal Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar Countdown Program officially kicks off Jan. 5 and includes 10 tele-seminars with experts in the field of nutrition, weight loss, health and motivation, as welll as many mails containing practical tips and tactics.

To learn more about this exciting program, sign up at

Again, our next free, kick-start tele-seminar takes place:

Thursday, December 22

5:30PM PST, 7:30PM CST, 8:30PM EST

In the call, I’ll interview six different people, who will share their kick-sugar success stories.

Anyone can join in — even if you haven’t signed up for the Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar program. More details shortly about Thursday’s free call.

One final word of thanks to Jimmy. The day after the call, Jimmy kindly posted something on his Livin’ La Vida Low Carb Blog about the tele-seminar. Thank you, Jimmy!

One thought on “First Kick-Start Tele-Seminar A Hit! Join Us on Thursday

  1. THANKS so much Connie for blazing a new trail with your Fast-Track, Kick-Sugar program!

    You will help so many who need to lose weight and improve their health and I am so happy to be a part of this with you.

    I look forward to hearing testimonies from people who successfully eliminated sugar from their lives forever. God bless you!

    Jimmy Moore, author of “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb”

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