Fruit Loops to Spark Creativity?

Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) informs us in its fall newsletter that Kellogg’s has sent an "educational program," "Spark Creativity with Fruit Loops," into day care centers all around the country.

But, let’s face it, this is really a marketing gimmick to get kids to eat the sugary cereal.

Basically, the company is giving out booklet with ideas for art projects that just happen to use Froot Loops and free boxes of the cereal. 

Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood condemns this kind of brand tactic which basically bypasses parents and aggressively targets children in preschools and day care centers. 

Kellogg’s is not the only company to engage in this kind of practice.

"When choosing daycare for your children, be sure to ask them about whether they incorporate marketing into their curriculum," suggests the CCFC, which works hard to raise public awareness about how marketing harms children and advocate policies that will help protect children from corporate marketers.

Incidentally, we really must laud the CCFC, because it will not compromise its commitment to children by accepting corporate funding, so the group is reliant on private contributions. Click here to make a contribution now.

One thought on “Fruit Loops to Spark Creativity?

  1. I loved Fruit Loops as a kid, but only had them once or twice a year as a special treat, not like today where kids have stuff like that all the time. Anyway, I tried them as an adult… and all they’re good for is art projects!!

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