Parents: Help Your Kids Slim Down With Famous Children’s Obesity Expert Dr. David Ludwig on July 17

Art_ludwigdavidParents, you’ve been besieging me for years with questions like, "How do I help my sugar-loving kids cut back on their habit?"

Or you’ve been repeatedly asking me, "How do I get my children to enjoy vegetables?"

Parents, I have some help for you — so you, in turn, can help your youngsters.

I’m presenting a special teleseminar on July 17 with famous obesity expert David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Ludwig, author of Ending the Food Fight, will give you all kinds of helpful pointers to get your kids to eat more healthily, feel better, and ultimately live longer.


To prepare you for our exciting July 17 teleseminar, I highly recommend that you get Dr. Ludwig’s must-read-for-parents book, Ending the Food Fight.

In this book — which is written in a warm, compassionate bedside manner — Dr. Ludwig some simple, but effective ideas to turn your kids’ passion for junk food into enjoyment for healthy vegetables, fruits, etc.

If anyone is equipped to give advice to parents to help their overweigt youngstgers, it’s Dr. Ludwig. He’s an endocrinologist at Harvard, who has pioneered the use of a low-glycemic diet in combating obesity.

Not only that, but his groundbreaking research is the basis for some of the most successful diets of the last decade, including the South Beach Diet and Sugar Busters.

In addition, Dr. Ludwig has personally helped more than 5,000 youngsters himself. Ten years ago, he founded the Optimal Weight for Life (OWL) program at Children’s Hospital Boston. There, he and his team tailored his low-glycemic diet for children and combined it with a nine-week progressive plan that benefits the patient and the entire family.

Ending the Food Fight addresses, for the first time, all three key factors affecting body weight — biology, behavior, and environment — and integrates them into a powerful prescription for weight loss.

And you have the rare opportunity to gain access to this cutting-edge physician. Get more info now about this exciting July 17 teleseminar with Dr. David Ludwig.Hope to see you on July 17.