Soft Drinks May Increase Risk for High Blood Pressure

We already know drinking lots of soda can be devastating to our bodies, causing us to gain weight, as recent studies have showed.

Now, a new government-funded study, to appear Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, finds that soda drinkers may have a greater increase women’s long-term risk of hypertension (high blood pressure), the Associated Press reports.

Specifically, women who drank at least four cans of sugared cola drinks every day had a 28 percent to 44 percent greater risk of high blood pressure, compared with women who drank few sodas or none.

Interestingly, diet sodas also increased the risk for hypertension, but slightly less than the non-diet drinks.

Another intriguing finding from researchers at Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital is that women who drank four or more cups of coffee (regular or decaf) faced a slightly lower risk for developing high blood pressure than women who drank little or none.

Read more about the fascinating study.

Obviously, this study reveals yet another of many reasons to avoid high consumption of soda. But, bear in mind that high blood pressure is one of many health-damaging effects from gulping down too many of these sugary drinks.

Need help getting off soda and other sweets? Join my free, online KickSugar group. Now, through Nov. 16, you’ll also get free membership to my 21-Day, Kick-Sugar Countdown. Get more info here.

One thought on “Soft Drinks May Increase Risk for High Blood Pressure

  1. I drink alot of liqueurs in the evening, and now have high blood pressure out of the blue. Any connection?

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