Sugar’s Sweet, But Campaign’s Bitter

Sugar may taste sweet, but the sugar industry is showing a bitter edge these days.

So writes Deb Kollars, whose insightful article ran in yesterday’s Sacramento Bee (July 31, 2005).

Kollars gives a well-reported account of the sugar industry’s:

  • Agresssive campaign against the artificial sweetener Splenda
  • Ill-fated battle to kill CAFTA (the Central American Free Trade Agreement)
  • Aims to portray sugar as "natural"
  • Fight to prevent public health groups from setting upper daily limits for consumption of added sugars
  • Claims that scientific studies don’t show a link between sugar consumption and increasing obesity

I wish the latter assertion wasn’t true, but it just can’t be disputed. Hundreds (and probably thousands) of medical studies assert just the opposite. In fact, over consuming sugars (including sucrose, fructose, and more) could lead to more than 100 diseases and medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease, and cancer, as documented by numerous researchers, including Nancy Appleton, Ph.D. (See Dr. Appleton’s list of "146 Reasons Why Sugar Is Ruining Your Health.")

One thought on “Sugar’s Sweet, But Campaign’s Bitter

  1. You are what you eat: don’t be junk!

    Thanks to a team of researchers in Japan who have demonstrated a connection between bad cholesterol and degeneration of the discs of the spine. At the 2005 meeting of the International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Mika

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