Tips to Deal with Ticks and/or Lyme Disease

This is the season for ticks, which means you may be at risk of getting infected with Lyme disease, as well as Babesia, Erlichia, Bartonella and other associated diseases.
If you get Lyme disease and/or a related disease, you may get some or more of the following ailments: fatigue, muscle or joint pain, headaches, mental confusion, fever or chills and swollen lymph nodes.
Why am I bringing this up now?
Well, in the past week, two people (one friend and one acquaintance) sought me out to discuss Lyme disease. They both know that back in 2008, one of those teeny-tiny bugs got far too cozy with me (burrowing under my skin — yuck!) and gave me this Modern Menace. So now I know a bit about this devastating condition.
In 2008, after being afflicted with Lyme disease, I plunged into investigative journalist mode. (My background is as a reporter.)
So I began holding Gab with the Gurus shows to help others, reading books, etc. Therefore, here are some Lyme disease resources for you and your loved ones:
First I invite you to read and comment on my op ed piece on AOL News last year about Lyme disease —
Then listen to my Gab with the Gurus Shows about Lyme disease. I’ve done several. Here’s my last show about Lyme in 2010:
Now, listen to links to two Gab with the Gurus shows with Lyme experts in 2009 and
And check out my very first Gab with the Gurus Show right after I got Lyme disease in 2008. I was joined by more amazing experts. (Bear in mind that I wasn’t feeling well when I did this show and was kind of spacey and wiped out.) Listen here:
Watch this trailer for the dramatic, eye-opening film, “Under Our Skin:
See this blog post about Lyme disease, too, and how you can get Bitten in the City.
Now, for a few pointers if you’ve been out near nature and aren’t feeling right:
Get some help right away!
Bear in mind that fewer than 50 percent of people know they were bitten by a tick.
See what’s called a Lyme-literate doctor pronto. You can find one through ILADS (that’s the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society at or the Turn The Corner Foundation at
If you do have Lyme disease, I believe that one week or 10 days of antibiotics isn’t enough. Of course, bear in mind that I am NOT a doctor, and I’m not giving medical advice. This is my perspective based on my own experiences and the considerable research that I did. That’s why it’s imperative to see a Lyme-literate doctor.
Purify your diet big time. Get on what I call a Quality Diet. You don’t want your body to be a hospitable host for those nasty spirochetes.
In particular, cut out all processed carbs and sweets. This is very important! (After being diagnosed with Lyme disease, I started laughing when the doctor told me to quit sugar. For some reason, in my fatigued, fuzzy-headed state, it struck me as humorous. I’m not sure why, but bear in mind that I felt awful and I’d already been off sugar since 1998.)
Educate yourself. You need to learn about this scary disease. I highly recommend Pamela Weintraub’s book, Cure Unknown: Inside the Lyme Epidemic. You also may want to read Coping with Lyme Disease and User’s Guide to Treating Lyme Disease.
Meanwhile, if you haven’t been bitten by a tick, here are some ideas what to do when you go out outdoors:
When you go into nature, wear long pants! Then, make sure to tuck your pant legs into your socks so those little critters can’t crawl up under your pant legs. Apparently, some ticks even can crawl down into your shoes. They’re even small enough to crawl through socks.
If you don’t wear long pants or if you do, make sure that every time you come back from nature, especially tick-infested areas such as in the Northeast, very, very carefully check your and/or your loved ones’ bodies body for ticks! This is imperative! (You can even whip out a mirror and a magnifying class to inspect under your arms, near or even in your ears, inside your belly button, between your legs, on the back of your knees, and even near your hair. (One Lyme expert found a tick washing her hair after being out in nature!) That’s why, with my long curly hair, I usually hide it under a hat under my helmet if I’m out bicyling.
When you’re back home, take off your clothing and toss everything in the washing machine and the dryer. Make sure to put the the dryer at high heat, because that’s how ticks are killed.
Bear in mind that your pets may be tick carriers, too, so inspect them, too. Just think — they often frolic about in nature so when you hug or pet them, those ticks could be transferred to you.
If you do find a tick attached to your skin, pull out a tweezer and pluck it out. Do not pull it out with your hands. At that point, you may even want to get the tick checked for Lyme disease. (URL coming of places that do that.)
Read more extensive information at or
Would you like to chat about ticks and Lyme disease? Post comments here, on this Sugar Shock Blog and on my Facebook page, at
Look forward to connecting.

Book Expo America & BlogWorld Await

What wonderful riches await!
Both Book Expo American AND BlogWorld are being held simultaneously in New York City’s Javits Center.
What an amazing lineup planned for both events! What choices to make — there’s so much I want to attend, and many times I want to be at several places at once.
Now, it’s my role to find those fabulous authors and bloggers, who can inspire you, uplift you, educate you, and give you riches galore, so you can, as I like to say, Get a Life That Rocks!™
Keep a lookout at the lineup of amazing shows planned with empowering authors and bloggers on my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show.
Just visit at any time to listen to Gurus Galore, who I handpick to make your life more exciting, juicy, thrilling, and tantalizing.
For instance, you can listen anytime (or live — shows are generally at 2 pm EST) to Gurus, best-selling authors, and inspiring people in the fields of:
Personal Empowerment
And, of course, you also can listen to:
Celebrities, as well as
Movie and TV stars.
If you haven’t heard this show yet, check out now and listen at your convenience.

Delay Away Your Sugar Cravings (Creatively Procrastinate)

Here’s an article I wrote to help you those of you, who are sugar addicts or junk food junkies, who need help to sweetly say, “No, thank you!” when offered those tempting, unhealthy “treats.”
Delay Away Your Sugar Cravings™: Creatively Procrastinate to Ditch Your Sugar Addiction & Excess Weight
By Connie Bennett, MSJ, CHC, ACC, CPC
Whenever people meet me, join my Sugar Freedom Now program or work privately with me or read my book SUGAR SHOCK!, they almost immediately ask me (either in person or via e-mail), “How can I overcome my sugar cravings?”
It can be challenging to say “No, thank you!” when your favorite, tempting dessert is right there, in front of you.
Because it’s what you do in that very first one or two minutes that can make or break your diet, I’m determined to help you get over that “Must-Have Sugar Now! hurdle.”
Let me share a tactic that helped me on many occasions (back in 1998) and that now helps my clients and Facebook Smart Habits Noww fans.
One of the most powerful and effective strategies is so simple that you’ll wonder why you never tried it in the first place.
It’s this: Simply DELAY before you put any sugar or dessert foods in your mouth. That’s right, DELAY before you something that you’ll later regret such as when you look at your scale a day or two later or when your pants don’t fit anymore or when you become edgy and unfocused after your Sugar High.
Let’s be honest: If you do mindlessly nosh on those fast-acting sweets or much-like-sugar carbs™ into your mouth, won’t you become feel headachy, wiped out, spaced out, moody, depressed or even angry at yourself (and maybe your loved ones)?
Let me introduce you to the Delay Away Your Sugar Cravings Method™ (also called Do Creative Sugar Procrastination™).
Think about it: Most of us excel at putting things off or procrastinating, right?
We have every good intention to clear off our desks, donate old clothes, organize our drawers, ditch (recyle) those not-needed papers, help kids with their homework, throw out the garbage, etc.?
Clearly, all of us have things we’ve been planning to do but we just haven’t got around to doing it.
Well, I invite you to take a positive look at procrastinating. It can be a wonderful, Won’t-Have-Sugar-Just-Yet Strategy.
I hit upon this incredible simple technique back in 1998 when I reluctantly kicked sweets and refined carbs on doctor’s orders. To this day, I continue to be amazed at how easy, effortless, and darn effective it is to just delay.
What’s so wonderful about this Delaying Now Method is that people of all ages—unless maybe you’re a tot—can easily cultivate this tactic.
So, here’s how to do it: Just promise yourself to delay eating that tempting “treat” for a certain amount of time, say 10 minutes. You can do that, of course!
In other words, you will Delay Away Your Sugar Cravings for 10 minutes at a time. Then, you can delay over and over again — for another 10 minutes — for a while, like an hour even. It’s that easy!
Now think ahead to the next morning when you’re so relieved and proud of yourself that you didn’t cave into your cravings.
Here are 7 ways Delaying or Creatively Procrastinating becomes your ally to help you pull the plug on your unwanted sugar addiction. (Delaying is one of the “7 D’s” that I developed to help “Sugar Kickers.”)
First delay 10 minutes before you eat that cookie, candy bar or brownie that’s calling out to you. When you do that, you begin to detach from your destructive impulses.
When you delay for 10 minutes, then another 10 minutes, and another 10 minutes, your cravings will subside while you get involved with other things. At that point, you’ll also be able to put your cravings into proper perspective.
When you Delay Away Your Cravings, you’re taking powerful, positive, health-promoting action by simple inaction. Yes, doing absolutely nothing can be pivotal when you kick or cut back on sweets and quickie carbs. See how simple this is?
When you delay, you turn procrastinating into a useful, proactive skill. Procrastinating becomes a good thing!
When you delay, you can take time to find out which foods—if any—you’re really craving. Is your body really needing cookies, cake, and pretzels? Of course not! Your Amazing Body might instead be begging you for water, fresh vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein or healthy fats?
When you delay, you can get in touch with your true feelings. By putting your sugar binging on hold for 10 minutes or more, you can figure out what the heck is really going. Ask yourself, “Why do I feel like I must have these sweets now?”
When you delay, you’ll be so proud of yourself! You’ll be filled with a longer-lasting joy than the very short-lived, self-defeating immediate gratification you’d get from a cookie. What is your real goal? Are you seeking to shed excess weight, get more energy, concentrate better, improve your health and boost your libido? So delaying gives you a chance to think about what you really want rather than suffer the consequences of your moment of weakness.)
In short, simple delaying or creatively procrastiating is one of the most effective tools a successful Sugar Kicker can use.
Tips to Delay Away Your Cravings or Creatively Procrastinate
It’s time to learn how to put this in action. Shortly, you’ll become a Delaying Artist or a Creative Procrastinator.
The next time you want something sweet (that’s processed) or something white (as in a refined carb), delay for 10 minutes. That’s it — just 10 minutes. You can do that, right? Feel free to set a timer or look at your watch, clock or cell phone to keep you honest, so to speak.
Now, imagine that you’re stepping outside and leaving behind your obsessive sugary thoughts. Now, get going with some project you’ve been delaying.
After 10 minutes, if you still want sweets or quickie carbs, Delay Away another 10 minutes. Be creative while you delay. You may want to do the dishes, put away your clothes, organize your closet, color your hair, organize your CD collection, meditate, work out, fix your nails, etc. Doing these things can help you pass the time and pull the plug on your food thoughts.
Then challenge yourself for even longer! Wait 1 hour or even 2 hours, or maybe even the whole evening. Do something really fun in the meantime. Jump into that project that you’ve been putting off doing. Fill your time with satisfying activites that help you “forget” about the sweets calling out to you. (If you pick going to a movie as a way to delay, do NOT stop at the concession stand! Bring along your own water or snack.)
Finally, write about your experience in a journal or notebook. Just jotting down your feelings can be eye-opening, as many of my Sugar Kicker clients have revealed to me, and as I personally discovered years ago.
Ultimately, when you just delay or creatively procrastinate, you can learn a lot about yourself and the power of a focused mind.
To this day, I’m thrilled that I hit upon this Delay Away Your Sugar Cravings Tactic back in 1998 so that I could learn that Life is Sweeter Without Refined Sweets™.
Copyright © 2011, Connie Bennett, Sugar Shock Blog, Stop SUGAR SHOCK!™
Connie Bennett is the “Sugar Freedom Now Coach.” She is a former sugar addict and author of the bestselling book, SUGAR SHOCK! (Berkley Books), which has been praised by Dr. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Joseph Mercola and others. Her next book, The Beyond Sugar Shock Diet, will be published in 2012 by Hay House. Connie is also founder of the Break Free of Your Sugar Addiction in 6 Weeks Program (also called Sugar Freedom Now Course). Learn more at Connie’s Sad-to-Sour-Sugar Story began in 1998, when she reluctantly kicked sweets and quickie carbs on doctor’s orders, and all 44 of her ailments disappeared, including throbbing headaches, severe PMS, and mood swings. Nowadays, Connie jokingly dubs herself a “Sugar Shrew No More!” She has coached thousands of people around the world to Break Free of their sugar addiction and other unhealthy habits. Connie is a certified life coach, certified health counselor, certified vision board coach, popular radio host (Gab with the Gurus), journalist and essayist, who has contributed to many publications and websites and has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows, including CBS News Sunday Morning, Oprah & Friends Radio, and The Howard Stern Show. To get free kick-sugar tips and other updates, sign up for her free Motivating Morsels e-zine. This article first appeareed on the Sugar Shock Blog. Connect with Connie on Facebook in the Smart Habits Fans page or the Gab with the Gurus page.
Please note: You may publish the above article on your blog or website, but you must use this entire piece, including the above credit informationabove. Please contact us to let us know that you’re using this article.

Healer Jennifer McLean Discusses Healing with the Masters & Body Dialoguing to Ditch Cravings

On today’s Gab with the Gurus Show, you can learn about Healing with the Masters is an amaazing teleseminar series that’s hosted by acclaimed author, healer and speaker Jennifer McLean.
Healing with the Maters, Jennifer tells you, is an amazing program featuring 24 renowned leaders, including Wayne Dyer, James Redfield (Celestine Prophesy), Dan Millman (Way Of The Peaceful Warrior) Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God), Cheryl Richardson, Michael Bernard Beckwith, and more.
Since you’re obviously interested in improving your life and into activating your human potential — that’s why you’re here, right? — you’ll definitely want to catch these inspiring speakers.
Sign up here for Healing with the Masters. (You can listen for free for 48 hours, and if you choose, you also can purchase the entire series.)
Now, let me tell you a little more about Jennifer McLean. She is a healer, author and vocalist and one of America’s great success stories in getting paid to do what you love – and she loves helping others do the same. As a healer, she once lived in poverty until she released limiting beliefs and healed internal blocks, allowing abundance to flow.
In breaking through her own limitations, she has empowered tens of thousands more people than she could have as a one-on-one healer, expanding the reach of her natural gifts.
A highly effective healer, Jennifer has trained in three disciplines: cranio sacral, polarity and reiki therapies. She’s the author of The Big Book of You, as well as the creator of numerous tools, and the Healing with the Masters series, where she has provided access to some of the biggest names in personal growth to the masses at no cost. She’s also a contributor to some of the bestselling books in personal growth, including Joe Vitale’s The Key.
For those of you who have sugar cravings, learn Jennifer’s fabulous and simple technique to let it go.
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio

Cell Phones & Microwaves: Ann Louise Gittleman Tells You How to Protect Yourself

Zapped Cell phones? TVs? Microwave ovens? How can we protect ourselves when we’re constantly exposed to them?
My guest today is top nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman, author of Zapped: Why your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution.
In our Gab with the Gurus show today, Ann Louise will help you to think about all the innovations have you dialed, watched, surfed, charged, listed to, booted up, commuted on, cooked with, and plugged in today.
As Ann Louise puts it, We’re being zapped: Today 84 percent of Americans own a cell phone, 89 million of us watch TV beamed in by satellite, and we can’t sip a cup of coffee at our local cafÉ without being exposed to Wi-Fi. The very electronic innovations that have changed our lives are also exposing us, in ways big and small, to an unprecedented number of electromagnetic fields. Invisible pollution surrounds us 24 hours a day, seven days a week, interrupting our bodies’ natural flow of energy. And for some, that pollution has reached the point of toxicity, causing fatigue, irritability, weakness, and even illness.
Ann will offer some tips to detoxify your surroundings and protect yourself and your family.
You can get more info in her book, which is based on the latest scientific data, case studies, and Gittleman’s years of clinical practice.
Ann Louise Gittleman has been named one of the country’s Top Ten Nutritionists by Self Magazine. Dr. Gittleman maintains a private practice, consults for medical establishments, contributes regularly to national magazine features, and is a popular guest on television and radio.

Let Phantom of the Opera Move You

Phantom of the Opera 31MR8VN0B3L._SL500_AA300_ Lately, I’ve been sharing some Feel-Good Tunes here and here, but I completely forgot about The Phantom of the Opera, one of my favorite musicals.
I even own the stupendous Phantom CD set featuring Michael Crawford (what a voice!), Sarah Brightman (glorious!) and Steve Barton (awesome, too). In fact, I love this show so much that I’ve seen it two — or is it three — times on Broadway.
Thanks for Therese J. Borchard (author of The Pocket Therapist and Beyond Blue) for the suggestion to listen to “The Music of the Night” and other tunes from The Phantom of the Opera.
Borchard recommends listening to music as one of “7 Quick Ways to Calm Down” on the website,
Ah, just what I needed on a night when I’m feeling low on energy (oops, stayed up too late writing) and didn’t go to the gym, my favorite way to unwind after working on my book, Beyond Sugar Shock.
So I’m here alternately working, singing and boogying to The Phantom of the Opera. Thank you, Therese, for the suggestion!
I just can’t get enough of this!
“…Softly, defly, music shall surround you…
“Feel it, hear it, closing in around you…
“..Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar!…
“And you’ll live as you’ve never lived before…”
You can read the full lyrics here.
Speaking of music, listen to my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show today when I spoke with composer and inspirational speaker Paul Hoffman about how tunes can move you to action and success.

Zumba: Party Hearty for the American Heart Assocation

Join me in a special Gab with the Gurus Radio Show on Fri., Feb. 25 at 2 pm EST (listen live or later). This show will tell you how to help raise money for a good cause, the American Heart Association, and acquaint and promote Zumba®, an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, calorie-burning, Latin-inspired, downright-addictive dance-fitness party™, that blends red-hot international music, created by Grammy Award-winning producers, with contagious moves.
Since its inception in 2001, Zumba Fitness — created by “happy accident” by Alberto “Beto” Perez — has grown to become the world’s largest – and most successful – dance-fitness program with more than 10 million people of all shapes, sizes and ages taking weekly Zumba classes in over 90,000 locations across more than 110 countries.
Party-hearty-main.jpg In a special Gab with the Gurus Radio Show on Fri., Feb. 25, you’re invited to learn how to Party Hearty at a Zumbathon in your community.
By this, I mean, attend a special, red hot Zumbathon in your area, get a good hearrt-healthy workout and at the same time, your donation will benefit the American Heart Association (AHA), whose mission is to help you build healthier, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.
So far, more than 400+ Zumbathons nationwide have been held.
For this show, we will chat with Shahidah Ansari, an official Zumba® Jammer and teacher and co-host of the Zumbathon in New York City on Feb. 27. Plus, you’ll hear from a representative of the American Heart Association. Other guests coming.
The New York City benefit for the AHA is honoring Bonnie Appelbaum, who was diagnosed with heart disease seven years ago, underwent a bypass surgery and was blessed with a full recovery. To find a Zumbathon to benefit the AHA, go here: and to learn more Zumba, go here:

Jack LaLanne: Fitness Guru & Anti-Sugar Pioneer Thrives Until 96

In Loving Memory of Jack LaLanne
The personable, larger-than-life fitness guru and anti-sugar pioneer Jack LaLanne passed away yesterday at the age of 96.
What’s so remarkable about the Superman-like Jack LaLanne was not that he lasted into his 90s but that the energetic, effervescent health aficionado knew how to live well.
Decades before Americans realized the value of fitness, Jack opened his first own health spa and, of course, worked out regularly himself.
What’s more, decades before people knew that sugar was bad for you, Jack spurned the sweet stuff. (Actually, people are still waking up to sugar’s dangers, which is now keeping me busy.)
More importantly, because of Jack LaLanne’s determination to stay healthy, fit and happy, he thrived. The idea of “just surviving” or “getting by” was completely foreign to him.
I mean, the “Godfather of Fitness” really lived, as I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing.
That’s because, in recent years, since becoming an anti-sugar advocate, I’ve had the honor and pleasure of interviewing Jack LaLanne several times.
First, in 2004 or 2005, he took time out for an interview for my book, Sugar Shock. (For those of you who have my book, please turn to page 139, where you can read his compelling sugar story.)
Then, in April 2008, Jack graciously appeared on my radio show as part of my 10 Years’ Sugarfree Celebration. At the time, Jack had been off of sugar for a whopping 80 years! (FYI, my show was then called the Stop Sugar Shock Radio Show, not the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show, which is what it’s called now. Special thanks to BlogTalkRadio for featuring that interview with Jack LaLanne.)
The following year, on April 26, 2009, I had the pleasure of meeting Jack in person.
I was invited to interview Jack and to present him with a Lifetime Achievement Award at a Obesity and Food Addiction Addition Summit on IslandWood, Bainbridge Island. What a treat that was! (You can watch the program here.)
Granted, I wasn’t a close personal friend of Jack’s, but from our few times chatting, what struck me about this amazing man was his infectious enthusiasm, his remarkable power to motivate people, his deep-seated joie do vivre (gusto for life), his diehard commitment to a healthy lifestyle, and his profound love and admiration for his wife Elaine (to whom he was married for 51 years).
Jack LaLanne also had a gleeful, “I’ll-show-you-how-much-a-man-can-do” attitude, which, of course, led him to perform quite amazing feats, which I recounted on my Sugar Shock Blog.
As I take some time out from writing my next book, Beyond Sugar Shock, to reflect on this magnificent, inspiring man, I’ve trying to think of how best to pay tribute to Jack LaLanne.
What I’ve concluded is this: Each and every one of us should honor Jack by living gloriously and cleanly, as he did.
In other words, fellow Americans — or people around the world — let’s get off our tushes now. In short, let’s exercise often. No excuse is good enough, as Jack pointed out.
And ditch the sugar, which can, to put it bluntly, kill you if you consume too much of the stuff. (Almost all of you fit into that category, as The Dr. Oz Show pointed out last week.)
For that matter, let me scare you more. Your excess sugar intake can trigger heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer so there’s a good chance you won’t make it anywhere near 96 like Jack.
Now, let’s all honor Jack LaLanne by making plans to get on a regular work-out regimen.
And please, I implore you, also in his honor, get on the White-Out Wagon — in short, quit the nasty White Substance, sugar, that can cut your life short.
Now, I invite you to watch what Jack said about sugar years ago, on his “Jack LaLanne Show.”

Lose Weight with Best-Selling Author & Spiritual Activist Marianne Williamson

Since it’s a new year, it’s time, of course, to begin to release your extra weight.
Join the internationally acclaimed spiritual activist and best-selling author Marianne Williamson on my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show on Thurs., Jan. 6 at 2 pm EST for the first of a number of shows designed to help you peel off excess flab in the new year.
Marianne is author of the exciting new book, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever.
If you’ve been struggling with your weight, you’ll get powerful spiritual-based tools, exercises and ideas to help you finally cut lose of your excess weight.
As usual with Gab with the Gurus Radio Shows, you can listen live. (The show airs Thursday, Jan. 6 at 2 pm EST.) In addition, if you’d prefer, you can get inspired by Marianne listen later, here, at your convenience.
Or listen below, when the time works for you.
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio
Now for a little more about my fabulous guest. Marianne Williamson is an internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher. Among her 10 published books, four of them — including A Return to Love — were #1 New York Times Bestsellers.
A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure” – often misattributed to Nelson Mandela’s Inaugural address – is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers. The Age of Miracles hit #2 on the New York Times Bestsellers list.
Marianne’s latest book, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever, has achieved considerable acclaim.
Marianne’s other books include Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change.
She has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America and Charlie Rose.
In 1989, Marianne, a native of Houston, Texas, founded Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with AIDS in the Los Angeles area. Today, Project Angel Food serves over 1,000 people daily.
Marianne also founded The Department of Peace Campaign, a grass roots campaign supporting legislation to establish a U. S. Department of Peace. In December 2006, a NEWSWEEK magazine poll named Marianne Williamson one of the fifty most influential baby boomers.
According to Time magazine, “Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity.”
Again, go here to listen to the acclaimed author Marianne Williamson on my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show on Thurs., Jan. 6 at 2 pm EST.
Special thanks to Hay House — which is, incidentally publishing my next book, Beyond Sugar Shock — for helping to schedule this radio interview with Marianne Williamson.