Sugar Addiction Awareness Time: The Day Before Halloween

Tomorrow, millions of Americans will celebrate Halloween, which has become a National Sugar Overload Day.
This means that teens and tots all across America will gorge on candies galore.
So today, I invite you to boost your sugar consciousness.
Join us today for the first ever Sugar Addiction Awareness Day, thanks to organizer Jill Escher.
Granted, all across America tomorrow, people will hand out candies galore, forking over about $2.3 billion this year.
Let’s face it, it’s Halloween dilemma time, as the Los Angeles Times so aptly points out.
Join us for the first ever Sugar Addiction Awareness Day Gab with the Gurus Radio Show.
In this show, Sugar Addiction Awareness Day founder Jill Escher joins me. Listen now to find out how to:
Help your kids avoid going into huge sugar shock.
Talk to your kids before they go trick or treating on Halloween.
Deal with your kids if they come back home hyped up on sugar.
Get involved with Sugar Addiction Awareness Day.
Begin to break free of your own sugar addiction. (You’ll get some easy steps. In addition, you can learn about my Sugar Freedom Now Course here.
Gotta dash. It’s time for one of my big treats of the day — a fun class at Equinox, my gym.

Move Over, Halloween! Sugar Addiction Awareness Day Comes First

It’s that time of year again. We’re entering into what I call the Season of Sugar Overload, beginning with Halloween, where, as you well know, it’s considered normal and inevitable for most of you to consume lots of candies.
Yes, Halloween on Oct. 31 is National Sugar Overload Day.
Unfortunately, most of you — i.e., the average American — doesn’t need a National Sugar Overload Day to get license to over-indulge.
The average American consumes a whopping 22 teaspoons of refined sugar a day from hidden or overt sweeteners in packaged, boxed, or canned foods and beverages, according to recent statistics.
In my opinion, though, most of you are taking in far more sugar than that — you’re consuming more like 50 teaspoons per person each day.
Of course, you may think you don’t consume that much. Years ago, I didn’t realize I was that hooked.
But after releasing my sugar addiction in 1998 (on doctor’s orders), I learned that I was killing myself (and not so slowly) with sugar — specifically candies. For me, it was Halloween every day!
Now, I’m dedicated to dishing the sour scoop about sugar so that you can have a happier, healthier, more enjoyable life.
Which brings me back to this 22-teaspoons–day figure.
It’s easy to consume that much In fact, just add up the sweeteners you get from a bowl of most breakfast cereals, a can of soda, a granola bar and three small cookies, and you’ve already topped 22 teaspoons of sugar.
Anyhow, given the fact that Halloween is upon us soon, a group of us health experts, researchers, authors, nutritionists, physicians, and concerned citizens have joined together to help wake you up to sugar’s dangers.
We’ve banded together to celebrate the first annual Sugar Addiction Awareness Day (SAAD), which kicks off the day before Halloween, on October 30, 2011.
Jill Escher headshot new.png.opt160x198o0,0s160x198The mastermind behind Sugar Addiction Awareness Day is Jill Escher, who, like me, has personally triumphed over her sugar addiction.
She also wrote about her success (even offering tips) in her new book, Farewell, Club Perma-Chub: A Sugar Addict’s Guide to Easy Weight Loss.
Jill makes the important point that while Halloween may seem like an innocent occasion, but “the reality is that millions of Americans are hooked on refined sugars, and it starts in their youth.”
Chronic consumption of sugar can lead to a plethora of diseases, including obesity, cancer, and type 2 diabetes, as I point out in my book Sugar Shock.
Join our worthwhile effort. Just check out the helpful website, End Sugar Addiction Now, where you can see a collection of healthy and inexpensive Halloween ideas that can take the place of sugar.
You’ll also get some ideas for reducing sugar at home, in the schools, in the community and at work. The website also offers a list of resources about Sugar Addiction and an extensive Q & A section.
Those of us who support Sugar Addiction Awareness Day include:
Gary Taubes, award-winning journalist and best-selling author of Good Calories, Bad Calories and Why We Get Fat. Taubes is widely credited for writing groundbreaking pieces that have changed the way we understand today’s chronic diseases.
Nicole Avena, Ph.D, University of Florida. Dr. Avena’s pioneering research, using rodent models, has demonstrated the addictive qualities of highly palatable refined foods. (See a fascinating video here.)
Zoe Harcombe, nutritionist, obesity expert, and author of The Harcombe Diet and The Obesity Epidemic, and host of the podcast “Diet and Health Today.”
Ashley Gearhardt, doctoral candidate, Clinical Psychology, and with the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. Gearhardt’s 2011 study revealing patterns of addiction based on brain scans of people affected with compulsive overeating was widely reported. (Watch this fascinating video here about “Food & Addiction: What it is, How it is Measured in Humans.”
Darlene Kvist, Licensed Nutritionist, host of the podcast “Dishing Up Nutrition.” Ms. Kvist has helped thousands of clients lose addictions, lose weight and regain their health through proper nutrition. Ms. Kvist is located in Minnesota.
Jimmy Moore, host of “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb,” one of the most popular health podcasts on iTunes. Mr. Moore has interviewed hundreds of health experts, has written two books relating to the subject, and himself found recovery from sugar addiction through a low-carb food plan.
Jeff O’Connell, editor, fitness expert, and author of the recently published Sugar Nation: The Hidden Truth Behind America’s Deadliest Epidemic and The Simple Way to Beat It.
Fred Pescatore, M.D., weight loss physician and author of The Hamptons Diet. Dr. Pescatore, who began his career working with Dr. Robert Atkins, has been helping patients recover from Sugar Addiction and find permanent weight loss for decades.
Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., physician and author of Beat Sugar Addiction Now! Dr. Teitelbaum specializes in helping patients recover from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and other conditions related at least in part to Sugar Addiction.
Yours Truly. I’m author of Sugar Shock. The reason I’ve been not as active lately is that I’ve been finishing my next book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which is set for release next spring from Hay House. (I kicked sugar back in 1998).
Although in an ideal world, you’d have no refined sugar at all, I’m realistic.
According to the American Heart Association, adult women should consume no more than 6 teaspoons a day.
Adult men may have 9 teaspoons a day for adult men.
Meanwhile, the AHA’s recommends no more than 3 teaspoons for children.
As noted previously, today, most of you are vastly exceeding these maximums, with the average adult intake consuming about 22 teaspoons, and teens, about 34 teaspoons. (Again, I think most people consume more, but I’m using the often-cited stats.)
Sugar Stacks – colasTo illustrate sugar content of common foods, jsut look at how much sugar is found in soda, thanks to
For instance, one 12-ounce can has 39 grams of sugar.
To calculate how many teaspoons that is, just divide by 4, and you come to nearly 10 teaspoons os sugar (about 9.75 tsp.)
Meanwhile, a Snickers 2 to Go bar — which you may seen in stores lately — contains 23 grams of sugar or 5.75 tsp. of sugar.
Bear in mind that only single sugary drink or candy treat can put a child well above the limit.
In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that nearly 25 percent of teens drank one can of soda per day.
A study in the journal, Pediatrics cites a much higher figure. According researchers, soda contributed about “67% of all sugar-sweetened beverage calories among the adolescents, whereas fruit drinks provided more than half of the sugar-sweetened beverage calories consumed by preschool-aged children.”
“On a typical weekday, 55% to 70% of all sugar-sweetened beverage calories were consumed in the home environment, and 7% to 15% occurred in schools.”
The researchers concluded that children and adolescents today “derive 10% to 15% of total calories from sugar-sweetened beverages and 100% fruit juice.” Plus, they taking in more and more.
“Schools are a limited source for sugar-sweetened beverages, suggesting that initiatives to restrict sugar-sweetened beverage sales in schools may have an only marginal impact on overall consumption. Pediatricians’ awareness of these trends is critical for helping children and parents target suboptimal dietary patterns that may contribute to excess calories and obesity.”
Join us on Sugar Addiction Awareness Day and in the coming week, which I’m dubbing Sugar Addiction Awareness Week.
This is a wonderful opportunity to help us spread the word that if you just cut back on your consumption of candies, other refined desserts, and processed carbs, you could easily shed weight, get more energetic, possibly halt or reverse such diseases as cancer and type 2 diabetes, and boost your libido.
And if you’re hooked, then get help from such resources as my book Sugar Shock, as well as the new book, Sugar Nation.
Please join the Sugar Addiction Awareness Hour on my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show. It will take place Tues., Nov. 1 at 2 pm EST, the day after Halloween, with a number of top experts. Stay tuned for details.
Also, stay tuned for some tips to deal with what I call Halloween Havoc.

Take Charge of Your Stress & Sleep: Two Keys to Live Life Well

Are you overwhelmed by stress? And are you sleep deprived?
These are two vital areas in life that you can and should change. And gaining control over these areas can help you get a fabulous life.
Listen to this powerful Gab with the Gurus Radio Show with the amazing to learn more about how to take charge of your life when it comes to both stress and sleep.
My first guest, which is part of the Gab with the Gurus 3-Year Anniversary celebration, is Lauren E. Miller, author of 99 Things You Wish You Knew Before. . . Stressing Out.
Next, make sure to listen to this fabulous interview with Dr. Breus, author of the fabulous book, The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan: Lose Weight Through Better Sleep:
Right now, I’m listening again to the second half of the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show with Dr. Breus. You will find out:
How being sleep deprived is the worst thing for your weight.
How the more sleep deprived you are, the slower your metabolism.
How you can lose weight just by sleeping!
One thing NOT to do if you wake up in the middle of the night.
How not enough sleep leads you to eat more sweets and culprit carbs.
About a hormone that makes you eat — this is triggered when you don’t get enough sleep.
What one incredibly simple thing you can do to take charge of your sleep.
How to figure out how much sleep you need.
How yoga and acupuncture can help you sleep.
When to power off and have “an electronic curfew.”
The best way to fall asleep.
How to catch up if you’re sleep deprived.
Whether or not to nap.
How to get sleep while you’re on the road. (These are awesome tips.)
What the scoop is about melatonin and valerian root.
Listen now to these fascinating Gab with the Gurus interviews in honor of our three-year anniversary.
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio

How Your Cell Phone & EMFs (Electromagnetic Fields) May be Harming You

Did you that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can be quite hazardous to your health and that of your children?
I invite you to learn more by watching this panel about electromagnetic radiation at Columbia University Law School.
The panel was comprised of health advocate, Camilla Rees, founder of; attorney Whitney North Seymour, Jr., a co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, and Martin Blank, PhD, of the Dept. of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Columbia University, a widely published scientist in the field.
Wireless Hazards Panel – Columbia University Law School from ElectromagneticHealth.Org on Vimeo.
Learn more and the dangers of EMRs and how to protect yourself on my upcoming Gab with the Gurus Show with Kerry Crofton, Ph.D., author of Wireless Radiation Rescue — safeguarding your family from the risks of electro-pollution –

Important Info for Users of Cell Phones, Wireless Routers, TVs & Other Appliances

Do you get dizzy, headachy, nauseous, have difficulty sleeping and other issues?
You may being zapped — in other words, you may be sensitive to the Digital Age.
Or, to put it another way, you may be a victim of what’s now being dubbed electro-pollution.
All of us are under constant attack from electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and the electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which are caused by our cell phones, power lines, household wiring, computers, TVs, clock radios, microwave ovens, and many other appliances.
Now, researchers are linking electro-pollution with more incidents of cancer, depression, chronic fatigue, birth defects, learning disabilities, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.
We all need to how to protect ourselves against electro-pollution.
Arm yourself now by listening to my recent valuable Gab with the Gurus interview with Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman, author of Zapped: Why your Cell Phone Shouldn’t Be Your Alarm Clock and 1,268 Ways to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution.
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio
Special thanks to for the photo.
Now that you’ve listened to this Gab with the Gurus show about electro-pollution with Dr. Gittleman, what changes can you immediately make?

Connie’s Super Cacao-Chia-Moringa Shake to Begin the Day

Lately, Facebook friends and other fans have been intrigued when I said I start my day with a Super Cacao-Chia-Moringa Shake.
For the past week or so, I’ve been creating and revising this tasty concoction, adding or subtracting ingredients. Now, people have been repeatedly nudging me to share my recipe.
First a bit of background. Recently, I’ve been recovering from adrenal fatigue (worked too hard and didn’t play enough!), and I’m now doing all I can to boost my energy, concentrate better, improve my stamina, be in my best shape ever, and write a fabulous book (my next book, The Sugar Shock Diet) to help many.
To that end, I’m now on Day 24 of detoxing, thanks to the program outlined in Dr. Jeffrey Morrison’s exciting new book, Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind. (He recently appeared on my Gab with the Gurus Show. I’ll be reposting as soon as I hit Day 30.)
6-24-11 283Anyhow, these days, my goal is to cram lots of superfoods and healthy ingredients into my first meal of the day.
My breakfast helps me remember that we eat to live and to thrive, remember?
So here’s the healthy way I now start the day. Usually, I’ll work out right afterwards, too, and it’s easy to prepare this Super Cacao-Chia-Moringa Shake.
It fills you up, too, and doesn’t send your blood sugar bouncing all over the place.
Here are the items that go into my breakfast shake:
— 2 T. The Ultimate Life, Ultimate Meal. What’s really wonderful about this powder is that it contains no gluten, no soy protein or fiber, no whey, no nuts, no MSG, no corn, no yeast, no dairy, no maltodextrin, sugar, honey or fructose, no colors, no preservatives, no fillers, and no animal products. (This is very hard to find in protein and health powders.)
– 2 T. organic cacao nibs. Adding these gives your shake a chocolate burst–plus you get the superfood benefits. Love these nibs!
– 1 tsp. Ribose (Just started to add this today to use before an intense workout – the one I use is Ribose from Jarrow. (As the description indicates, “Ribose is one of the necessary building blocks for the formation of ATP; the `universal’ energy molecule in the body.* Physical stress can deplete ATP stores in cardiac and skeletal muscles.* As the rate-limiting substrate in the synthesis of nucleotides; including ATP; ribose plays a vital role in replenishing ATP; thus; enhancing energy production; improving muscle recovery;and thus Muscle Edge.
I also add to the shake:
– 1 tsp. Psyllium Husks Powder (I’m using this because I’m now detoxing. I use the one from Yerba Prima)
– 1 T. ground Nutiva organic chia seeds (or whatever brand you can find.)
– 1 T. ground plain organic flax seeds (I like the Spectrum that you can find at Whole Foods.)
1 tsp. Glutamine Plus from Daily Benefit
1 tsp. It’s Moringa powder (*The Moringa plant has been called “The Miracle Tree.” I just started taking this today and am noticing a difference. Believe it or not, but I started adding this today, because my intuition told me to include this superfood, which I learned about months ago. See info below to learn more about this amazing product of nature.)
A big dash of Simply Organic cinnamon
Some clove powder if I’m in the mood for that
About 10 frozen organic strawberries from my friends at Vital Choice. (Or, I may use a combo of strawberries and blueberries that I’ve bought fresh and frozen.)
Sometimes I’ll add a tiny pinch of green powdered stevia from Navitas Natural . (Sometimes no sweetener at all. I never use the white powder though. It always has to be naturally sweet.)
About 8 ounces Water (after my Brita water filter has purified it)
Coconut milk (about 1/3 cup/Soy Free/Dairy Free/Unsweetened from SoDelicious. (I may also or instead of the milk take a tiny taste, about 1/4 tsp., of refrigerated Organic Coconut oil.)
(At the beginning of the day, I also take two or more Ogganic Royal Maca but do NOT put this in the shake because I don’t want it to ruin the taste.)
Blend until all ingredients are ground up and your shake is thick and creamy. Then enjoy!
FYI, I also save about a third of it in the fridge to finish when I get back from working out.
Let me know what you think of this recipe. What other great super ingredients would you add?
Moringa-Oleifera Now, let here’s more info about Moringa oleifera, which has been hailed as the most nutritious leafy green in the planet today.
As I mentioned, I began adding it to my shake today. It did not make it taste extra green-y, which was nice.
* Please bear in mind that these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.
According to my new friend, Jude Ken-Kwofie, founder of It’s Moringa, “just one scoop of our moringa dried leaf powder in your favorite meal or beverage helps you achieve your recommended 5 to 9 daily servings of vegetables.”
Moringa can be used by people in average or poor health, Jude says. Some reported health benefits of Moringa include:
Increases and sustains energy naturally
Gives a feeling of general wellness
Nourishes that body’s immune system
Promotes healthy circulatory system
Increases the natural defenses of the body
Heightens mental clarity
Provides nourishment to the eyes and the brain
Promotes metabolism with bio-available ingredients
Promotes natural serum cholesterol
Known to enhance weight loss
Promotes healthy digestion
Acts as an antioxidant
High alkalinity helps balance your body’s pH level
Has natural anti-aging benefits
Anti-inflammatory support
Supports the normal sugar levels of the body
Jude tells me that It’s Moringa products contain a high concentration of chlorophyll, which is also known as the “blood of the plant” and gives plants their green color. Chlorophyll, which is rich in magnesium, is also known to fight infection, cleanse the body of unwanted toxins, promote the healing of wounds, improve the body’s circulatory, immune, digestive, and detoxification systems. Due to its similarity to hemoglobin, chlorophyll is easily absorbed into human blood, which transports nutrients effectively and efficiently to every cell of the body. Incorporating chlorophyll into one’s diet, Jude says, is equivalent to consuming the energy of life. It’s Moringa products reportedly contain 4 times (4X) the chlorophyll content of wheatgrass.
What appeals to me about It’s Moringa and why I chose to become an affiliate even though other companies also sell this superfood is that this particular company donates 10 percent of its sales to support malnutrition around the world. In fact, did you now that one third of all childhood deaths are caused by under-nutrition? Sad to think about that given our country’s obesity problem.
Anyhow, to fight malnutrition, It’s Moringa has partnered with Vitamin Angels or and Nourish America or
So, what do you think of my Super Cacao-Chia-Moringa Shake? Let me know know what you think aftter you try it out.
Is there anything else I should add?

Did You Miss Gab with the Gurus Shows? Catch Them Now

Have you missed Gab with the Gurus Shows you were eager to catch this three-year anniversary week? No problem!
Listen now to shows from the Gab with the Gurus three-year anniversary celebration this month.
Check back here every day to catch the latest shows, which will be posted here.
The following hot best-selling authors and world-renowned experts are scheduled for the Gab with the Gurus anniversary celebration:
Transformational teacher Marianne Williamson, author of A Course in Weight Loss — listen now
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio
Love coach Lauren Frances, author of Dating, Mating, and Man Handling — listen now here
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio
“Sleep Doctor” Dr. Michael Breus, author of the new book, The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan — listen now
Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller, author of 99 Things You Wish You Know Before Stressing Out — listen now
Listen to internet radio with Gab With the Gurus on Blog Talk Radio
Stay tuned to get links to the following upcoming shows, too:
Deborah King, emotional wellness expert and author of the new book, Be Your Own Shaman
Social media wizard Mike Stelzner, author of the new book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition
Renowned love expert Dr. Diana Krischner, author of the new book, Sealing the Deal
Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Media, a social media marketing firm and author of new book, Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (& Other Social Networks)
Positive change advocate Brian Vaszily, author of the new book, The 9 Intense Experiences
World-renowned Lauren Mackler, author of the new book, Soleness: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life
The late “Grandfather of Fitness” Jack LaLanne (this is a replay of a previous show)
Equinox Group Fitness Manager Mark Hendricks on the value and fun of exercising
Michael Port, author of Book Yourself Solid and the Think Big Manifesto
Remember, you can listen to shows live, generally Wed. at 2 pm EST. (Sometimes, we hold more shows.) In addition, you can catch shows:
Directly on the show page on BlogTalkRadio at
On the Facebook fan pages for Gab with the Gurus ( and Smart Habits Fans (
And through iTunes
Please let us know what you think of the show! What Ahah moments have you had?
And make sure to tell your friends about the Gab with the Gurus Show

Gab with the Gurus Presents Experts Galore for 3-Year Anniversary

This week marks the three-year anniversary of my show, Gab with the Gurus on BlogTalkRadio.
Here is a press release now being distributed about the show.
World-Renowned Sleep Doctor Dr. Michael Breus, Love Expert Lauren Frances, Emotional Wellness Guru Deborah King, Social Media Wizard, Mike Stelzner Begin Celebration of Gab with the Gurus Three-Year Anniversary
Experts Regularly Empower Listeners Around the World on the Gab with the Gurus Show
NEW YORK–Starting week, world-renowned “Sleep Doctor” Dr. Michael Breus, love coach Lauren Frances, emotional wellness expert Deborah King, spiritual leader Marianne Williamson, and social media wizard Mike Stelzner appear on the Gab with the Gurus Show (, which is celebrating its three-year anniversary.
The Gab with the Gurus Show—which is hosted by internationally recognized speaker, bestselling author, journalist, and Freedom Coach Connie Bennett—regularly presents internationally acclaimed guests, who are bestselling authors, celebrities, and recognized experts from a variety of fields.
Gab with the Gurus guests give worldwide listeners valuable, life-changing information about a variety of subjects, including health, fitness, wealth, social networking, business development, self-help, personal empowerment, the Law of Attraction, business, blogging, social networking, relationships, human potential, self-growth, celebrities, and more. The show–which airs on the acclaimed–also features popular TV and film stars, as well as best-selling fiction writers.
“Every week, we’re pleased to present internationally recognized gurus and celebrities, who are here to educate, empower and motivate listeners to Get a Life That Rocks™,” says Gab with the Gurus founder and host Connie Bennett.
“Each guest gives listeners one or more simple tips that are easy to implement immediately,” adds Bennett, who normally hosts the Gab with the Gurus Show every Wednesday at 2 pm EST.
As part of the three-year-anniversary celebration for the rest of the month, Gab with the Gurus shows will air every weekday at 2 pm EST. (Most shows are live interviews.)
People from around the world can listen to Gab with the Gurus Show on BlogTalkRadio several ways:
Listen live at 2 pm EST on the BlogTalkRadio site,, or download later, a podcast
Listen after the show airs on Bennett’s blog,
Later, on the Gab with the Gurus Facebook fan page, and also Bennett’s Smart Habits Fans page
Download or subscribe via iTunes at
During the Gab with the Gurus three-year anniversary celebration this month, these best-selling authors and world-renowned experts are scheduled:
Transformational teacher Marianne Williamson, author of A Course in Weight Loss
Love coach Lauren Frances, author of Dating, Mating, and Man Handling
Deborah King, emotional wellness expert and author of the new book, Be Your Own Shaman
Happiness and love expert Marci Shimoff, author of Happy for No Reason and Love for No Reason
Social media wizard Mike Stelzner, author of the new book, Launch: How to Quickly Propel Your Business Beyond the Competition
“Sleep Doctor” Dr. Michael Breus, author of the new book, The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan
Renowned love expert Dr. Diana Krischner, author of the new book, Sealing the Deal
Dave Kerpen, CEO of Likeable Media, a social media marketing firm and author of new book, Likeable Social Media: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, and Be Generally Amazing on Facebook (& Other Social Networks)
Stress Relief Expert Lauren E. Miller, author of 99 Things You Wish You Know Before Stressing Out
Positive change advocate Brian Vaszily, author of the new book, The 9 Intense Experiences
World-renowned Lauren Mackler, author of the new book, Soleness: Master the Art of Aloneness and Transform Your Life
The late “Grandfather of Fitness” Jack LaLanne (this is a replay of a previous show)
Equinox Group Fitness Manager Mark Hendricks on the value and fun of exercising
Michael Port, author of Book Yourself Solid and the Think Big Manifesto
And more

Sugar Shock Blog Turns 5 Today! How Shall We Celebrate?

Today is the Sugar Shock Blog’s five-year anniversary! Wow!
I may have missed this birthday, but I had to look it up, because today, someone requested more information about me and what I do.
As long-time fans may know — and newer visitors can discover — this Sugar Shock Blog began dedicated to providing health and wellness information, with a focus on providing tips to quit sugar, updates about sugar research and ifnormation about artificial sweeteners, etc. Now its mission and goal has expanded greatly. Over time, we’ve enlarged our focus to help you live a happier, more fulfilling life.
My intention here is to give you content that:
Helps you improve your health and activate your wellness
Shows or tells you how to become personally empowered
Helps you lead a better life, or, as I like to say, Get a Life that Rocks™
Gives you info so you can master social networking and realize your dreams
Tells you about inspiring guests, who will appear or have entertained and educated you on my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show on BlogTalkRadio. These gurus — many of whom have written bestselling books, have a revolutionary product or are appearing in exciting movies or TV shows, etc. — can help you a lot! In fact, there’s nothing like hearing people’s voices to help you. (By the way, Gab with the Gurus turns 3 next week — actually it’s 4 years (because the show began as the Stop Sugar Shock Radio Show.) Stay tuned for an exciting week of shows, which, as usual, you can listen to live or later.
Educates you about cutting edge studies related to sugar, nutrition and more
Helps you improve your relationships
Lets you catch up with me and connect with me
Updates you about my free teleseminars and my Sugar Freedom Now program.
And so much more
For those of you who are new here, let tell you about myself. I’m:
A trained-journalist-turned blogger.
Author of the book, Sugar Shock (from Berkley Books, part of the Penguin Group).
Author of the upcoming book, The Sugar Shock Diet (from Hay House), which I just finished writing. (I’m taking it easy a little before we go into major editing mode shortly.)
A certified life coach (who studied at the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching or iPEC), and certified health coach (who trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition or IIN).
Host of the Gab with the Gurus Radio Show, which is how I bring to you many experts from a variety of fields, including health, wellness, personal empowerment, social networking, relationships, dating, fitness, forgiveness, celebrities, etc. Some of my guests have included Dr. Mehmet Oz, Montel Williams, Lisa Rinna, Suzanne Somers, Chris Brogan, Mari Smith, Marianne Williamson, Gretchen Rubin and many more.
People refer to me as a “Sugar Shrew No More,” a Sugar Freedom Coach or Freedom Coach, Sugar Liberator or Smart Habits Girl (which is my handle on Twitter).
So how do you think we should celebrate the Sugar Shock Blog’s five-year anniversary? Please share your ideas here.