New York-Area Residents: Break Free of Sugar this January at the New York Open Center

New York-area residents, would you like to release unwanted pounds?
Would you like to feel liberated from your sugar habit?
Would you like to boost your energy so you’re consistently full of verve and spunk?
Kicking or at cutting back on sugar and refined can quickly enable you to all of the above — and more.
Save the dates now!
You can catch a free introductory program on Tuesday, January 5 at the New York Open Center, which recently moved to cool new offices.
Then, learn how to begin Breaking Free of Your Sugar Habit by taking my four-week course, which runs Tuesday, Jan 12 at the pm EST when I speak at the New York Open Center.
Your seminars will be tasty, too. On all nights of my class, you’ll get a chance to taste sugar-free goodies from my friend Alicia O’Connell Cohen, founder of Kate’s Cookie Jar.
At my introductory talk and in my four-week course, you’ll:
* Learn how to begin to escape from the sugar influence.
* Find out about how your sugar habit can cut your life short and lead to diseases galore
* Enjoy participatory adventurcises™ (adventures that are exercises)
* Start to understand why you’ve been “using” sweets and how you can use that failure as a stepping stone to success
* Begin to confront your sugar truth
* Find out this is a great time to be in New York as you’re phasing out the sugar. (You’ll learn about the brilliant, new “Are you pouring on the pounds?” campaign from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
* Have a chance to take a fun, but serious SUGAR SHOCK! Quiz, that will reveal the extent of your reliance on sweets.
* Bond with other like-minded sugar addicts.
Readers of this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog who show up at my January 5 talk at the New York Open Center and sign up for the class will receive a special gift from me.
I invite you now to sign up for my four-week course at the New York Open Center, beginning January 12.

The Soul-Searching Food Journal™ — Forms to Keep Track So Your Weight Disappears

Did you know that research shows that if you keep a food journal, you stand a greater chance of losing weight and achieving better health?
Indeed, people who’ve happily peeled off the weight — “Highly Successful Losers™,” as I call them — report that one of their Smart Diet Habits™ is to “Keep Track Like a Lab Rat™.” (In other words, watch yourself as if you were a scientist conducting an experiment or monitor yourself as if you were your beloved pet.)
When you Keep Track, you don’t mindlessly shove nutrient-lacking non-food in your face. You think first, because you know you have to write it down — and possibly share it with an accountability partner.
To help you out, I’m sharing a food journal that I’ve created.
Feel free to share The Ultimate, Soul-Searching Food Diary™ with friends, co-workers, gym buddies, bosses, hairdressers, fitness trainers, loved ones and even frustrating frenemies. In short, spread the link love, as some like to say. (Of course, please provide the proper credit though, as indicated below.)
The Soul-Searching Food Diary™ — From Connie Bennett, Author, SUGAR SHOCK!
Name ________________________________________
Date _________________________________________
What did I eat and drink?
(Any sugary foods or drinks? Any refined carbs? Any artificial sweeteners? Any foods with gluten? How much salt? How did I I feel? Was I physically or emotionally hungry? (On the 1st line, state what you ate. On the 2nd line, jot down how you felt — tired, famished, angry, edgy, frustrated, furious, stressed out, etc.)
7 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
7 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
8 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
8 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
9 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
9 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
10 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
10 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
11 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
11 a.m. _______________________________________________________________
12 noon _______________________________________________________________
12 noon _______________________________________________________________

New York Area Sugar Addicts: Catch My Talk Thursday, Sept. 10 at the New York Open Center’s Open House

Would you like to become liberated from your sugar habit?
Would you like to feel energy on a consistent basis?
Would you like to release unwanted pounds?
And would you like to get along better with your loved ones?
Kicking or at least cutting back on sugar and refined can be a fast, effective way to achieve all of the above — and more.
Learn how you can be “reborn” by Breaking Free of Your Sugar Habit on Thursday, Sept. 10 at 6 pm EST when I speak at the New York Open Center, which is having an open house at its new facilities that evening. I am one of 9 speakers featured.
At my talk, you’ll:
* Learn how to begin to escape from the sugar influence.
* Find out about how your sugar habit can cut your life short and lead to diseases galore
* Enjoy participatory adventurcises™ (adventures that are exercises)
* Start to understand why you’ve been “using” sweets and how you can use that failure as a stepping stone to success
* Start confronting your sugar truth
* Have a chance to take a fun, but serious SUGAR SHOCK! Quiz, that will reveal the extent of your reliance on sweets.
* Bond with other like-minded sugar addicts.
Readers of this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog who show up at my talk at the New York Open Center and sign up for the class will receive a special gift from me.
Please note that Thursday’s talk is a free introduction to my four-week course at the New York Open Center, beginning January 12.
If you can’t make my talk on Sept. 10, you also can attend a free introductory program on Jan. 5.
Again, if you sign up for my Breaking Free of Your Sugar Habit course at the New York Open Center as a result of reading this blog post, please let me know at the open house, and I’ll give you a special gift.
Plan now to attend the New York Open Center’s open house on Sept. 10. I look forward to meeting you.

Book Promoting: Should We Authors Be Outrageous, Provocative & Original to Become Bestselling?

Whether you’re a reader, an author or a publishing insider, I invite you to join in the interesting discussion now brewing about what constitutes good book promotion.
Last weekend, I did what I thought was a fun, humorous, zany, admittedly provocative sandwich-board publicity stunt at BookExpo America, the largest book publishing event in North America.
I first wrote about my unusual promoting here and here.
To summarize, my intentions were:
* To drum up interest among potential readers in my first book SUGAR SHOCK!;
* To intrigue people in my upcoming, as-yet-unpublished second book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers (working title);
* To acquaint people like you (my target audience) with my work so they can learn how to break free of their bad habits or what I call “babits™” so that they can lose weight, get energy, boost their libido, become happier, etc.;
* To garner media attention;
* To make contacts within and outside the publishing industry, which could lead to a variety of exciting partnerships; and, of course;
* To build my platform even bigger.
DSC00094 My gimmick at BEA was this: On two days (of the three-day event), I walked around selected places at the Javits Center in New York City wearing a sandwich board that jokingly asked, “Are You `The One?'” (I did so with permission and for a fee.)
The sign also was displayed all weekend long at my booth.
My sandwich board — which was humorously designed by renowned graphic artist and author Hillary Carlip to look like a single’s personal ad — poked fun of the fact that I’m a single woman and an author available to both the right man and publisher.(Incidentally, Hillary — who has done work for Jennifer Anniston — also designed my Gab With the Gurus radio show blog and my new site to promote my upcoming book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers.)
My sign also provocatively stated, “Will put out on first date!!” (Yes, I was embarrassed by this remark, but, of course, I was just joking. What I meant is that I would “put out” information about my next book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers; tell you about my first book SUGAR SHOCK! (you can sneak a peek here); and share how I help people break their bad habits or babits™.
Wow! I thought I was just cleverly showing that, in these uncertain economic times and crowded market, authors who want to make a splash need to be what I call “author-preneurs.” In other words, to boost our platforms and build interest in our books, we should show initiative, originality and a sense of humor.
At BEA last weekend and afterward, as I sorted through business cards and email addresses of of people I’d met, I thought I’d at least partially succeeded in my goals. My off-the-wall marketing gimmick made lots of people laugh and chuckle. More importantly, it gave me the opportunity to meet hundreds of people in the book industry — booksellers, librarians, editors, authors, publishers, etc. — as well as members of the media.
But since BEA, I’ve taken some flack and had a change to think more about my ususual marketing approach. In particular, my gutsy, guerialla-book promoting, sandwich-board-wearing efforts were criticized first here and then again here by Lynn Price, editorial director of Behler Publications, who writes the Behler Blog.
After Lynn’s less-than-flattering remarks about my publicity stunt, I took time to reply to both of her posts — first her initial post, “Authorpreneurs my stinky foot,” and then to the second one, “It’s All About the Show.” (Incidentally, since then, Lynnn and I also have shared polite, private emails.)
Now that I’ve been blasted and compared to tactless authors, who wear toilet bowls on their heads (ouch!), I’m wondering: Was I wrong to be so provocative, adventurous and and flagrantly innovative at BEA?
Did I goof bigtime or was I right to walk around wearing an innovative sandwich board, which asked, “Are You `The One?'”
Did my publicity stunt turn off you, my dear readers? Or, if it backfired, who exactly was annoyed by it?
While I hoped my marketing efforts would get attention, I hadn’t planned on being condemned. But of course, I should be prepared for that — obviously, that goes with the territory. But, hey, I’m now willing to learn from the experience.
Clearly, I have a lot more to learn about successful book promoting.
While I’ve attended numerous, great conferences featuring such people as Mark Victor Hansen, Alex Mandossian, Michael Drew and Warren Whitlock, I guess I need more foolproof, innovative marketing ideas.
Obviously, I should continue to pay close attention to such whizzes as Chris Brogan, Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, John Kremer, Shel Israel, Robert Scoble, Arielle Ford and David Meerman Scott.
So, since I always strive to improve, please tell me what you think.
Did you think my sandwich board gimmick at BEA was creative and funny or misguided and stupid? Feel free to be honest.
And what do you think are the best, most clever ways to get the word out about my next book, The Weight-Loss Habits of Highly Successful Losers? (FYI, I already use my blogs, Twitter, Facebook, my radio show and my massive email list.)
What do you think I should do to spread the word about my next book?
Please don’t just tell me to write a good book. I’m hard at work on that. Besides, that’s not nearly enough in this economic climate. As mentioned earlier, we authors need to become author-preneurs.
For those of you here who are familiar with SUGAR SHOCK! and this blog, I invite you to become a pivotal VIP Super Friend of my upcoming book. Please visit my new blog,, to learn more about how to spread the word.
And if you’re here, because you’re struggling with sugar or other unhealthy habits, I invite you to join my four-week Break Free program, which begins tomorrow night.

Reader Admits That Her Sugar Addiction Story is Embarrassing, Too: What Do You Think?

Frequently, I hear from readers of SUGAR SHOCK! In fact, of the hundreds of emails I receive daily, those from readers are the most heart warming.
Here are some comments that came in yesterday in response to my email, in which I invited people to take a sneak peek of my book, get my shocking definition of sugar shock; learn my rather embarrassing story and how I used to act quite undignified when consuming sugar; and discover startling information about how millions are harmed by their excessive sugar consumption.
Kim [I changed her name to protect her privacy] from Michigan wrote:
“Embarrassing [sugar] story? It’s exactly like my own life! Talk about humiliation. I’ve spent years in hiding, afraid that someone would find out. Yesterday, I received my copy of ‘Sugar Shock’ in the mail and I promise to do those things that freed you from a life of shame. My husband will reap all the benefits of having a much happier wife. We have been right at the door of divorce for almost 19 yrs. [He] has tried everything to get rid of this dark cloud of depression! Thank you, Connie for being our answer to prayer. Sincerely, [name], a trampled housewife, in Michigan”
Don’t those remarks just bring tears to your eyes — or at least choke you up?
If you’re a reader of SUGAR SHOCK!, please feel write to me. I’m always eager to hear your thoughts, no matter what they are.
Share your thoughts now.
Would you like help to kick your sugar habit so you can lose weight, get more energy, enjoy better relationships and become happier? Learn how to break free now. (Next program begins tomorrow.)

Lose Weight, Boost Energy & Kick Sugar in Only 4 Weeks

Are you tired of your excess weight?
Are you disgusted with yourself that you have a sugar habit?
Would you like to begin to Break Free of Sugar Shock in only 4 weeks, beginning this Monday?
Just think as summer begins, you could be well on your way to losing your excess pounds, getting a beach body and breaking free of sugar shock.
Are you ready to change your life for the better?
Learn how to Break Free of Sugar Shock now!
You deserve a better life!
Would you like to feel:
* Free from worry about weight?
* Full of glee, zest and pizzazz?
* Amazing—both physically and emotionally?
* Energized, enthusiastic and excited?
* Fulfilled by your activities, pursuits and loved ones?
* Completely free of a desire or need to plan or plot to eat your next sugary or carb snack?
* Released from the fatigue, headaches, brain fog and mood swings that hit you after consuming those quickie carbs?
* Like you’ve been reborn?
Sign up now to make all of that come true.

Bid Bye-Bye to Your Sugar Habit! Break Free With Me & Begin to Get a Beach Body in Only 4 Weeks, Starting June 8

Are you tired of feeling trapped and imprisoned by your out-of-control habit of eating candies, cookies and crackers?
Do you feel discouraged, overwhelmed and frustrated because—no matter how many different diets or programs you’ve tried—you still haven’t overcome your “addiction” to sweets and processed carbs?
Do you feel aggravated because your weight packs on rather than peels off?
Are you scared that type 2 diabetes or heart disease are out to get you because you eat so poorly?
Are you at wit’s end as to how to stop your debilitating, dangerous behavior?
Are you agonized because every time you commit to stop sweets—always with the best of intentions—you inevitably fail and end up packing in piles of potato chips, pasta and pretty desserts?
If you answer yes to any of the above questions, I can help you—and in only 4 weeks.
You do not have to suffer! You can easily, quickly, permanently rise above your unsavory, sad sugar situation!
As my clients will happily attest, you can dispose and discard your sugar habit (or obsession) as you would old, rotten, disgusting food!
You CAN have a wondrous future.
Hope lies in store for you.
Impatient to kick your sugar habit and get going? Just sign up now to Break Free and Soar With Glee.
Now, I invite you to get your imagination going. See yourself not being a prisoner to your destructive food

Become a VIP Super Friend for My Next Book, The Better Habits Diet

Would you like to lose weight, become more cheerful, boost your energy and rev up your libido? If so, then my upcoming book is for you.
You will get all kinds of tips, tactics, guidelines and information and compassionate hand-holding in my second book, the follow up to SUGAR SHOCK!
I’m now at work on the book, which is called The Better Habits Diet: Slim Down, Boost Energy, Rev Up Your Libido & Be Happier in Only 21 Days. (Please note that I’ve been calling it The White-Out Diet, but I just changed the title to more accurately reflect its broader scope.)
To learn more about The Better Habits Diet, which will give you a lot of things you’ve been requesting, visit my new blog, which will give you updates, information, pointers and more.
While you’re there, I invite you to become a VIP Super Friend of The Better Habits Diet so that you can get a free chapter of the book, attend some special teleseminars/webinars, win a chance at a free coaching session with me and get other prizes.
Visit the new Better Habits Diet Blog now.

Joshua Rosenthal, Dr. Richard Linchitz & Others Are Involved in The Smart Diet Habits of Highly Successful Losers

Naturally, when you buy a health or diet book, you want to know if any celebrities and health experts are behind it.
Well, I’m pleased to announce that The Better Habits Diet has the participation of some cutting-edge people in the fields of health and wellness.
In fact, some acclaimed people already have come on board.
Baden First of all, respected integrative physician Richard M. Linchitz, M.D. – a cancer survivor himself — will serve as medical consultant for The White-Out Diet.
Dr. Linchitz’s story is amazing. Back in 1998, he was diagnosed with lung cancer (despite never having smoked).
His doctor delivered a bleak diagnosis — he told him that 55 percent of lung cancer patients people lived for only five years.
Despite the negative news, Dr. Linchitz recovered by making massive changes to his diet and lifestyle.
In fact, Dr. Linchtiz will share his tale in The Better Habits Diet. And together, we’ll offer offer his tips so you, too, can achieve optimal health and possibly even put cancer at bay.
Joshua_message_pic In addition, I’m pleased to announce that Joshua Rosenthal MScEd, the acclaimed founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN), the largest nutrition school in the country, is writing the introduction.
As I’ve indicated a number of times on my Sugar Shock Blog, I attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2005 to 2006, and found this to be a rewarding, uplifting and enriching experience for a number of different reasons.
First off, one of the most exciting things about attending IIN was that we regularly listened to lectures from big-name, stellar guest lecturers — people like Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, eating disorder specialist Geneen Roth and Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard.