Tune In Tonight To Dr. Ronald Hoffman’s Popular Syndicated Radio Show “Health Talk”: He Will Interview Me

I’m thrilled. Tonight, at 9 p.m. EST, I’ll have the pleasure to be interviewed by the much-acclaimed Ronald Hoffman, M.D., one of America’s foremost complementary medicine practitioners, on his popular radio show, "Health Talk."

The show will be recorded, and you’ll be able to hear us chat two hours later in the New York area. (You can get the weekday schedule here.)

Art_dr_hoffman_theshow_12_5If you don’t know about "Health Talk," you really should. In fact, Dr. Hoffman’s show — which airs on 39 stations nationwide —  is the longest-running M.D.-hosted health show on syndicated radio. Very impressive.

In my opinion, "Health Talk" has had such staying power because it’s always interesting, educational and, well, as millions can attest, hard to turn off!

For instance, "Health Talk" offers a wonderful blend of interviews with special guests; call-ins from listeners with questions; and intriguing segments on medical breakthroughs, current health-related news, or even critical looks at the media’s medical reports. 

Dr. Hoffman is founder and medical director of the Hoffman Center in New York City, which is achieved a wonderful reputation in the New York area. He’s a medical expert for Fox, ABC, CBS, and NBC news; a frequent lecturer (get his schedule here); and he’s the author of several books, including Tired all the Time: How to Regain Your Lost Energy.

Art_hoffmans_book_153613 His latest book is How to Talk With Your Doctor: The Guide for Patients And Their Physicians Who Want to Reconcile and Use the Best of Conventional and Alternative Medicine. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to read it yet, because I’ve been swamped with researching and now promoting my own book, but Dr. Hoffman’s book sounds exactly what the doctor ordered, so to speak! Who better to dispense advice to us patients on how to empower our medical treatment than a cutting edge physician like Dr. Hoffman?

Anyhow, recently, I had the pleasure of briefly meeting Dr. Hoffman while I was exhibiting my book SUGAR SHOCK! at the CAM Expo East. It was such a pleasure to share greetings, even if we didn’t have time for a long chat, because he’s one of those special doctors, who really gives you great hope for the profession, because he makes a point to be up on both traditional and natural medicine.

By the way, you can find some really insightful, enlightening remarks from Dr. Hoffman about hypoglycemia in my book SUGAR SHOCK!

Hope you listen to "Health Talk" tonight. To call in to "Health Talk," just dial 800-544-7070.

By the way, the first 5 people who post a comment here (which indicates that you’ve heard the interview) will receive gifts from me — SUGAR SHOCK! tote bags and pocket magnifiers so you can find the hidden sugars on food labels.

You can listen to previous podcasts of "Health Talk" here.

One thought on “Tune In Tonight To Dr. Ronald Hoffman’s Popular Syndicated Radio Show “Health Talk”: He Will Interview Me

  1. connie,
    i previously posted a very long comment/compliment but it disappeared when i went back to change something.
    basically, u were inspiring, motivating, knowledgeable, etc…what most impressed me is that i felt u most wanted to spread the word to all humanity, and make a strong movement to improve our collective health and well-being. in my community i feel that i’m one of the few voices, who are essentially derided for our concerns for the health of our children (as a teacher). i know that if i’d be more of an activist like yourself, maybe we’d begin to turn the tide in an era where there’s a dearth of uncommon common sense and an explosion of learning disabilities, psychopathology, and diabetes. right now i’m trying to finish school (i went back at the age of 40, with a family of 6 kids and a teaching job). life is quite busy now but G-d willing, i hope 2 join u in your efforts. for now, please let me know how could i possibly arrange 4 u 2 speak, (if i could generate enough interest, nobody wants their sugar taken away from them…)
    thanx again,

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