Tomorrow, at long last, my book SUGAR SHOCK! will hit bookstores nationwide!
And today, thanks to Judy, my very, very hard-working, dedicated webmaster, your Merry Christmas or Chanukah gift is ready — after considerable technological snafus! Indeed, because Judy was working this holiday weekend (is that sweet or what?), I’m pleased to offer a present for each and every one of you!
What’s your present? Well, my forward-thinking publisher Berkley Books (part of the Penguin Group) and I are pleased to offer you a sneak peek at SUGAR SHOCK! Is that cool or what?
Here’s what you’ll get when you download your free virtual gift:
- The dedication page. (Fun to read, because you’re in it.)
- My definition of SUGAR SHOCK!
- The foreword by renowned bestselling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone.
- Chapter 1 (Connie’s Story: Confessions of the "Sugar Shrew No More!" and How I Chanced Upon the Scary Sugar Truth
- Chapter 2 (Dr. Sinatra’s Story: From Witnessing My Mom’s Dangerous, Diabetic Blood Sugar Swings to Unmasking the Cholesterol and Low-Fat Myths)
Of course, I just know (OK, I’m hopeful!) that reading your preview will entice you to purchase SUGAR SHOCK! ASAP.
Can’t decide yet whether or not to buy my book. No problem? Grab your virtual gift now!
Go ahead. Sneak a peek!