Australian Writer Shares Anguish About Overdosing on Easter Chocolate Eggs

Way back when — in 1998 — it was rough to go for the week before and after Easter without indulging in pastel-colored chocolate malted milk balls. Sometimes, jelly beans beckoned, too, as did other chocolate Easter goodies.

Suffice it to say that Easter time meant sugar shock for me. Well, people all around the world are now facing this same plight.

Anyhow, it’s with compassion and some knowning inner chuckles that I empathized with the plight of Australian writer Crisetta MacLeod, who, in a special "heckler" essay to The Sydney Morning Herald, agonizes about how to get through Easter without caving into chocolate.

I’m here to bring hope to chocolate addicts out there like Crisetta. You can get over your crippling habit so that you can live a more joyous, contented, healthy life.

Happy Easter, one and all. (That is, if you celebrate.) Please bear in mind that if you steer clear of those sweets — or at least eat less of them — that you have so much more to gain that if you cave into your cravings.

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