Word Spreads About New York City’s Golden Opportunity to Ban Trans Fat and Oct. 30 Rally & Hearings

Darn this is darnright exciting!

Momentum has been gathering and word is spreading about what’s happening here in New York City and about the upcoming public hearing and rally on Oct. 30, which I recently wrote about.

For example, the media is becoming hip to the movement in the city that never sleeps about the move afoot to kick out those deadly trans fats from the 24,600 restaurants and street vendors.

One of those websites on the cutting edge is Nubella, which ran a good review article pointing out, "the move could lead to trans fat getting a one-way ticket out of towns across the country."

Pay attention, America. This couild be the dawning of a trans-fat-free nation! Would that be cool or what?

I find it thrilling when public officials get on board, too. In fact, Nubella even quotes New York City health commissioner Thomas Frieden.

"New Yorkers are consuming a hazardous, artificial substance without their knowledge or consent," he said. "Like lead in paint, artificial trans fat in food is invisible and dangerous, and it can be replaced.  While it may take some effort, restaurants can replace trans fat without changing the taste or cost of food. No one will miss it when it’s gone."

Why do I care so much? Because trans fats — which are created when food companies inject oxygen into vegetable oil, creating a disgusting solid, "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil" — can be downright deadly, paving the way for heart attacks and strokes.

Read Nubella’s other wonderful article, "10 Ways to Avoid Trans Fat, Even if Label Says There is None."

Click here to learn more about the Oct. 30 rally and public hearings, that I posted

Spread the word!

Full disclosure: Because I believe so strongly about the dangers of trans fats, which tend to be used in those culprit carbs, I have volunteered some of my precious-little time to help spread the word about this important ban trans fat event. Quite coincidentally, it turns out that the executive director of this program is none other than the head of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I recently graduated.

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