Sugar Shocker! What is Dangerous Mercury Doing in High Fructose Corn Syrup?

As if high fructose corn syrup isn't bad enough, (especially because it's so ubiquitous in our food supply), now high levels of the toxic metal mercury has been found to lurk in the sweetener — and potentially for many years.

Yikes! That's scary!

Mind-boggling new research found that nearly one-third of the HFCS-containing grocery products (tested for a study) were contaminated with detectable levels of mercury.

Let me translate this so you just so you don't miss the significance of this finding.

If you swig a a soda sweetened with HFCS, you're also tossing down some dangerous mercury.

Whenever you grab candy bars, you're likely getting high fructose corn syrup and therefore mercury.

Ditto with many breads,
crackers, salad dressings, frozen and fast foods, tomato sauces and fruit drinks.

In short, about two-thirds of processed foods contain HFCS — and hence mercury.

Why worry about mercury?

Because it's horribly dangerous, as Wikipedia tells us.

It causes neurological disorders and neuropsychiatric symptoms.

It can make you teeter on emotional mood swings. You could have memory issues. Your kidneys could fail. You could even lose your hair, nails and teeth.

Now do you believe me when I recommend that you avoid this sweet stuff, which is pervasive in your neighborhood supermarket.

Thanks to my friend Mike Moore of Natural News for the lead on this appalling finding.

Make sure to check out the clever denials from the Corn Refiners Association (the folks behind all those misleading pro-HFCS ads) and their PR firm's efforts to get NaturalNews to remove its stories about HFCS. 

While you're at it, listen to my recent Gab With the Gurus Radio Show about HFCS.

You're also invited to check out the last 15 minutes of this call for more information about the sweetener.

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