World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day, a global awareness campaign led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) that highlights the diabetes epidemic and […]

Health Tip of the Week: Take Timed Breaths to Stop Cravings

This week, we will begin a new feature, “Health Tip of the Week.”
Specifically, today’s pointer is to help those of you who tend to battle but often cave into overpowering cravings — for sugar, coffee,cigarettes or other unhealthy behavior.
This tip will help you if you:
* Are a sugar addict
* Are overweight or obese
* Have type 2 diabetes
* Have an annoying habit of consuming refined carbohydrates
* Are going through sugar detox
* Need or desire to stay away from high fructose corn syrup-filled candies and pastries
* Want to get more healthy (just about everyone!)
So let’s pretend you’re in the throes of a yen for chocolate-covered peanuts, donuts or a sugary coffee from one of those specialty stores.
Or perhaps you’re near a bakery, vending machines or newspaper stand that sells candy bars.
Here’s how to quickly stop that craving so you don’t go into unpleasant sugar shock:

Are You a Hypoglycemic Who Finally Got Help? Reporter Wants to Interview You

Are you a reactive hypoglycemic, who spent years trying to figure out why you had fatigue, headaches or other ailments? Were you misdiagnosed and prescribed anti-depressants?
If so, a writer with major national publication wants to talk with you.
This reporter is seeking attractive, articulate women aged 30 to 50s, preferably mothers, who have reactive hypoglycemia and were astonished to learn that their eating habits and sugar consumption were to blame for all their confusing ailments. You need to have resolved your health issues and experienced an improvement to your health and energy.
If you fit into this category, please let me know ASAP so that the reporter can interview you.

Halloween Tricks Kids Into Sugar Overload: Op Ed Piece

Are you re planning on passing out sugar-filled candies for Halloween tomorrow night?
If so, you should know that every time you hand out candies, you’re tricking kids into sugar overload.
Halloween isn’t just one night. It paves the way for bad eating habits year-round.
Read more about this in our opinion piece in today’s Newark Star-Ledger.

New York-Area Residents: Break Free of Sugar this January at the New York Open Center

New York-area residents, would you like to release unwanted pounds?
Would you like to feel liberated from your sugar habit?
Would you like to boost your energy so you’re consistently full of verve and spunk?
Kicking or at cutting back on sugar and refined can quickly enable you to all of the above — and more.
Save the dates now!
You can catch a free introductory program on Tuesday, January 5 at the New York Open Center, which recently moved to cool new offices.
Then, learn how to begin Breaking Free of Your Sugar Habit by taking my four-week course, which runs Tuesday, Jan 12 at the pm EST when I speak at the New York Open Center.
Your seminars will be tasty, too. On all nights of my class, you’ll get a chance to taste sugar-free goodies from my friend Alicia O’Connell Cohen, founder of Kate’s Cookie Jar.
At my introductory talk and in my four-week course, you’ll:
* Learn how to begin to escape from the sugar influence.
* Find out about how your sugar habit can cut your life short and lead to diseases galore
* Enjoy participatory adventurcises™ (adventures that are exercises)
* Start to understand why you’ve been “using” sweets and how you can use that failure as a stepping stone to success
* Begin to confront your sugar truth
* Find out this is a great time to be in New York as you’re phasing out the sugar. (You’ll learn about the brilliant, new “Are you pouring on the pounds?” campaign from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
* Have a chance to take a fun, but serious SUGAR SHOCK! Quiz, that will reveal the extent of your reliance on sweets.
* Bond with other like-minded sugar addicts.
Readers of this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog who show up at my January 5 talk at the New York Open Center and sign up for the class will receive a special gift from me.
I invite you now to sign up for my four-week course at the New York Open Center, beginning January 12.

Shrinks Helped Author Susan Shapiro Kick Sugar

Want to learn how to kick sugar?
Author Susan Shapiro says therapy helped her quit all her addictive behavior — smoking, drinking, pot, gum and sugar.
Get the scoop from Sue next Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 2 pm EST, when she comes on the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show.
Sue will discuss how she was able to finally conquer her sugar habit. She’ll also chat about her debut debut novel, Speed Shrinking, a humorous account about how a self-help guru goes on a shrink shopping spree, seeing 8 in 8 days to quickly find help after she relapses on cupcakes right before a major TV appearance.
SpeedShrinking-NewQuote (3) As mentioned on this Sugar Shock Blog here and then again here, Sue has been holding acclaimed, much-publicized “Speed Shrinking” events, in which people chat about their issues for 3 minutes with a variety of “Speed Shrinkers.” (Sue was kind enough to include me.)
If you’re struggling with a sugar addiction, I recommend that you listen to my upcoming Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Sept. 22 at 2 pm EST to get Sue’s take on sugar addiction and more. (As usual, you can tune in live or later. See below.)
I also encourage you to get Sue’s entertaining book, Speed Shrinking, which has been getting rave reviews.
For instance, Publisher’s Weekly called it: ” “…bubbly…an original voice and an energy that will resonate with anyone who’s ever stared down a Twinkie.”
And Guy Nicolucci, writer for Late Night with Conan O’Brien said: “Susan Shapiro does for therapy and food what Candace Bushnell did for sex and shoes.”
Remember, you can get entertained, educated and inspired by listening live on Sept. 22 at 2 pm EST or later, when Sue appears on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show.

Wendy’s Promotion for Diabetes Urges Drinking Sugar-Loaded Frosty’s

I generally shun trite metaphors, but this news from Wendy’s, the fast food outlet, really takes the cake! (Or should I say Frosty’s?)
First a quick background is in order. If you’ve read my book SUGAR SHOCK!, you’ll know that numerous medical studies conclude that consuming too many refined sweets and refined carbs could lead to obesity, cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Which is why cutting back on sugar is a good idea.
But a promotion at Wendy’s restaurants in the Austin, Texas area came up with an alternate idea — eat more sugar to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), which is dedicated to finding a cure for type 1 diabetes. an autoimmune disease that usually occurs in childhood.
Let’s face it: Sugar isn’t nutritionally ideal for people with either type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Even so, as this press release points out, Pisces Foods, the local Wendy`s Franchise based in Austin, Texas, raised more than $72,000 this year for the JDRF by encouraging people to buy coupon books to get low-priced, sugar-loaded Frosty’s.

New York Area Sugar Addicts: Catch My Talk Thursday, Sept. 10 at the New York Open Center’s Open House

Would you like to become liberated from your sugar habit?
Would you like to feel energy on a consistent basis?
Would you like to release unwanted pounds?
And would you like to get along better with your loved ones?
Kicking or at least cutting back on sugar and refined can be a fast, effective way to achieve all of the above — and more.
Learn how you can be “reborn” by Breaking Free of Your Sugar Habit on Thursday, Sept. 10 at 6 pm EST when I speak at the New York Open Center, which is having an open house at its new facilities that evening. I am one of 9 speakers featured.
At my talk, you’ll:
* Learn how to begin to escape from the sugar influence.
* Find out about how your sugar habit can cut your life short and lead to diseases galore
* Enjoy participatory adventurcises™ (adventures that are exercises)
* Start to understand why you’ve been “using” sweets and how you can use that failure as a stepping stone to success
* Start confronting your sugar truth
* Have a chance to take a fun, but serious SUGAR SHOCK! Quiz, that will reveal the extent of your reliance on sweets.
* Bond with other like-minded sugar addicts.
Readers of this SUGAR SHOCK! Blog who show up at my talk at the New York Open Center and sign up for the class will receive a special gift from me.
Please note that Thursday’s talk is a free introduction to my four-week course at the New York Open Center, beginning January 12.
If you can’t make my talk on Sept. 10, you also can attend a free introductory program on Jan. 5.
Again, if you sign up for my Breaking Free of Your Sugar Habit course at the New York Open Center as a result of reading this blog post, please let me know at the open house, and I’ll give you a special gift.
Plan now to attend the New York Open Center’s open house on Sept. 10. I look forward to meeting you.

Sugar Addiction: Are You Committing Suicide by Sugar? Nancy Appleton Shares the Dirt on My Gab With the Gurus Radio Show: Listen Live or Later

Did you know that eating sugary foods and drinking sweet beverages can send you early to your grave?
Well, health expert and former sugaraholic Nancy Appleton — who’s been warning about sugar’s dangers since the 1970s — will appear on my Gab With the Gurus Radio Show on Oct. 2j0 at 3 pm EST to dish you the dirt about America’s sweetheart, sugar.
Now, the friendly, enthusiastic, always-energetic Dr. Appleton has come out with a new book, Suicide by Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction, which offers some startling information about this legal but dangerous, nearly ubiquitous, addictive white powder.
You’ll be shocked when you listen to this radio interview, which you can catch either live at 3 pm EST on Oct. 20 or later, here on this SUGAR SHOCK Blog, by clicking the player at the bottom of this post.
Some of you have asked me, “Connie, why do you promote other sugar experts and sugar books when you’ve got your own to publicize?”
Well, I strongly believe that all of us sugar authors and experts have something special and unique to offer. Together, we can give you the information and inspiration that you need to begin to remove sweets to live a happier, healthier life.
Besides, as my tormented, frustrated sugar-addicted clients often reveal, people yearn for lots of scary information and eye-opening facts from a variety of sources so they can get more motivated to conquer their overpowering addiction. For instance, when I kicked sugar back in 1998, Nancy’s book Lick the Sugar Habit was one of several that I read. I also appreciated having the books, Sugar Blues and Get the Sugar Out, to spur me to action. And now, part of what I’m doing is banding with other sugar addiction specialists to help serve you. For instance, I’m now working with fellow life coach James Hahn, II — also a former sugar addict. Together, we just launched our Stop SUGAR SHOCK! Social Network, which you’re invited to join.
NancyAppleton Back to Nancy. Of all sugar experts other than myself, she is hands-down my favorite. She has been my sweet, kind mentor for years.
I cannot rave enough about Nancy, my idol, who I had the pleasure of finally meeting in late April at a Food Addiction: The Obesity Epidemic Connection conference at IslandWood on Bainbridge Island. (You can watch a video here of me interviewing Jack LaLanne at the conference.).
Back to Nancy. For some four to five years, while I was researching and writing my book SUGAR SHOCK!, Nancy was incredibly kind, generous and helpful to me. She gave time to me and answered my many, many questions without hesitating and with no thought of herself. Her only goals were to get accurate information out to as many unsuspecting, sugar-addicts as possible.
When I was writing my book, Nancy has absolutely no way of knowing that SUGAR SHOCK! would sell well, and that years later I would finally be able to help her.
So I encourage now, go out and buy Nancy’s amazing new book, Suicide by Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction.
To listen to the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show with Nancy either live on Oct. 20 at 3 pm EST — or later, at your convenience, just click on the player below or listen live at
For more news about upcoming radio guests, visit the Gab With the Gurus Blog.