Is Sugar Toxic? “60 Minutes” Explores Issue: Hurrah!

Tonight, on “60 Minutes,” multiple Emmy-award winning chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta will tell the show’s viewers about new studies, which suggest that sugar is toxic.
Specifically, on “60 Minutes,” Dr. Gupta will tell viewers:
“New research coming out of some of America’s most respected institutions is starting to find that sugar could be a driving force behind some of this country’s leading killers.”
Of course, this sugar-is-toxic conclusion — which has been gaining momentum for years — is nothing new to those of you, who are regular visitors to this Sugar Shock Blog and to readers of my first book, Sugar Shock, which was first published in 2007.
Sanjay_GuptaFor my part, I’m thrilled that “60 Minutes” is devoting time to explore the question of whether or not sugar is toxic. I’ve been hoping for such a segment for years.
What I find especially exciting is that Dr. Gupta will spotlight the close cancer-sugar connection, which I also explored in my book, Sugar Shock.
I also examine recent sugar-can-cause-cancer research in my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock, which is being published in June by Hay House. (In the book, I guide readers to eaily break free of their sugar addiction by joining me in a fun, six-week Mind-Body-Spirit adventure.)
Anyhow, in the “60 Minutes” segment about sugar, you’ll watch Dr. Gupta interview respected pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert H. Lustig, whose YouTube video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, has gone viral, attracting 2,159,456 viewers (as of today).
Dr. Lustig, a pediatric endocrinologist at the University of California, is not alone in his sugar-is-toxic view.
Amazon Sug Sh 51RDZ7DBVAL._SL110_Indeed, many cutting-edge physicians, including Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra, medical consultant for my book Sugar Shock, contend that the high amount of sugar in the American diet is killing us. (By the way, I disagree with the low figures usually cited — most Americans consume far more than the 130 or 150 pounds a year that’s often mentioned in news reports.)
While I applaud “60 Minutes” for telling the nation that sugar can be toxic, I also need to congratulate Dr. Mehmet Oz for his important work drawing attention to sugar’s dangers in several episodes of the top-rated “The Doctor Oz Show.”
In one episode, Dr. Mehmet Oz even called sugar “The # 1 food Dr. Oz Wants Out of Your House.” Hurrah!
By the way, I’m honored that Dr. Oz praised my book, Sugar Shock.
Again, congratulations to “60 Minutes” for devoting a segment to this important sugar subject.
Join us on my Facebook fan page during and after “60 Minutes” airs to share your thoughts and feelings about the is-sugar-toxic segment.
Make sure to tell your friends and family members to watch this important “60 Minutes” episode.

Photography: Are You a Photo Buff, Too? Join my Photo Corner

Most of the time I post items related to health, wellness and personal empowerment, and, of course, lately about my upcoming book, Beyond Sugar Shock.
But we all need a break sometime.
Although I have to work today, I decided to take time out to share with you about one of my big loves — photography.
In fact, I’m about to get a new camera. (Excited!)
These days, taking my camera and shooting cool shots gives me a much bigger high than sugar ever did.
So here’s a photo I took on a fun day of cavorting around California with a friend. (My feet are on the left!)
How does this photo make you feel?
What do you think of when you see it?
Share this with your friends, and post your thoughts on my Facebook fan page.

Going Through a Crisis? Dr. Wayne Dyer Can Inspire You Daily

Are you going through a personal or family crisis?
Are you plagued by constant physical pain?
Are you feeling emotionally distraught or downright discouraged due to a breakup or divorce?
Are you watching a loved one suffer agonizing emotional or physical pain due to heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer’s disease?
Or are you surrounded by family members, who, because of their own emotional or physical pain, are saying angry, venomous things to you?
If you’re going through a challenging situation such as one of those cited above (or something else), I strongly recommend that you
buy the latest book, Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, from the inspirational Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Dr. Dyer is, of course, an internationally renowned author and speaker in the field of self-development. He’s also the author of more than 30 books, and he has created numerous audio programs and videos and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows.
His new book, Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting, is truly life changing.
I also recommend that you get the new, I AM Wishes Fulfilled Meditation, that Dr. Dyer and James F. Twyman have created. I can’t wait to receive it. I’m sure it will be miraculous.
If you can, I also recommend that you catch the remarkable Dr. Dyer in a city near you. I’ve heard him several times — so powerful!
Wayne Dyer – Event Tour

I Can Do It Ignite! – Get Inspired Live or Via Video Stream

Louise Hay, I Can Do It Ignite, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Kris Carr, Gabrielle Bernstein, Denise Linn, Nancy Levin, Dave Carroll, Jessica Ortner, Agi Stassinopoulos, Kate Northrup, Nick Ortner, Michael Chase, Kris Carr, Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Cheryl Richardson, Michael Eisen, Sarah De Anna, Michelle Phillips, Barbara Carrellas, Lissa Rankin, LouAnn Brizendine, Danielle LaPorte, Alissa Vitta, Latham Thomas, Tom Shadyac, Meggan Watterson, Congressman Tim Ryan, Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay

Label Added Sugars, Urges Coalition of Health Organizations Such as the Environmental Working Group and the American Heart Association

Exciting news for those of us who monitor our sugar intake — and urge you to do so, too — for the sake of your health, weight, and moods!
A coalition of health organizations, including the Environmental Working Group, the American Association for Health Education, the American Heart Association, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, and Defeat Diabetes Foundation are calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to clearly label added sugars on ingredients lists of packaged foods so that American shoopers find it easier to eat healthier.
“By showing ‘added sugars’ on the ingredients lists of foods, consumers will be better able to evaluate the foods they purchase,” the organizations wrote in a letter dated Feb. 23, 2012 to the Honorable Margaret Hamburg, M.D., FDA Commissioner.
“To ensure consumers have this important information, we feel that the term ‘added sugars’ should be listed as a single food ingredient with a paranthetical list of the specific ingredients that account for those sugars,” the letter contends.
The groups then go on to suggest that “added sugars should be listed by descending weight, in line with current regulations. The combined weight of the added sugars should be used to determine where added sugars rank on the food ingredients label.”
I cannot emphasize how great this would be!
Your life would be so much easier when you buy packaged foods. You’d find it easier to monitor your intake of sugar, which can cause you to age quickly, get heart disease, become depressed, and many other ailments. (You can read about sugar harms you in my first book, Sugar Shock.)
In short, if food labeling such as this went into effect, you wouldn’t be so easily deceived and duped by all those added sugars!
The welcome letter to the FDA Commissioner also cited the American Heart Association’s valuable national survey data that “overconsumption of added sugars contributes to obesity” and that the average American consumes 22.2 teaspoons of added sugars per day or the equivalent of 355 calories. (I believe for many, they consume far more than this.) The AHA recommends that women get only 100 daily calories from added sugars and men only 150 calories.
In addition, the letter states that while “a healthy, well-balanced diet contains naturally occurring sugars, the `empty calories’ from added sugars like high fructose corn syrup, sucrose and corn sweetener have a detrimental effect on our diets.”
Make sure to tell these organizations such as the Environmental Working Group, the American Heart Association, The American Association for Health Education, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and Corporate Accountability International how much you appreciate their hard work on behalf of your health.
Read the complete letter here.
Then go to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Facebook page and show your support for labeling added sugars.
And tell us what you think, too.

Food Addiction Program Featuring Dr. Robert Lustig, Michael Prager, Etc. Planned

Robert H. Lustig, M.D., whose YouTube video, Sugar: The Bitter Truth, hit viral, and Michael Prager, author of the exciting book, Fat Boy, Thin Man, are among the fascinating experts I’ll have the pleasure of meeting and listening to in an exciting program about food addiction at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco next week.
Stay tuned for some compelling points that you’ll get from these amazing speakers.
These are the experts lined up.
Michael Prager, Author, Fat Boy Thin Man
Nicole Avena, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Florida
Eric Stice, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Oregon Research Institute
Dr. Vera Ingrid Tarman, MD., MSc., FCEP, CASAM, Medical Director, Renascent
Elissa Epel, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UCSF Department of Psychiatry
Robert H. Lustig, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, in the Division of Endocrinology at UCSF
Now read the enticing description:
Addiction is about brains, not just about behaviors. We all have the brain reward circuitry that makes food rewarding; it’s a survival mechanism. In a healthy brain, these rewards have feedback mechanisms for satiety or “‘enough.” For some, the circuitry becomes dysfunctional such that the message becomes “more.”
Michael Prager, author of Fat Boy Thin Man, will begin the discussion telling his very personal story of recognizing and then seeking treatment for his food addiction. Leading researchers and clinicians will discuss many aspects of this important topic.

4 Tips to be FREE this Holiday Season

I’d like to wish all of you a very joyous, fun holiday season.
In addition, I’d like to share 4 quick tips so you can be FREE this holiday season.
As you go about your partying and celebrating, I invite you to keep reminding yourself of the
word F R E E.
That’s what you want to be, right?
You don’t want to feel driven and enslaved by cookies, cakes or candies, do you?
You don’t want to be trapped by your anger, anxiety, or depression, of course.
Instead, you want to feel joyous, confident, and bold, right?
You want harmony, peace of mind, and a sense of calm, right?
So here’s how to remind yourself to be F R E E.
F = Feel your power.
You have the final say as to what goes into your mouth. You are the master of what thoughts you allow into your brain. You are responsible for what you feel. So realize that you can choose what you eat, think or feel.
R = Run to the gym or up the stairs.
The biggest rush you can ever find is by working out. So hurry your butt to a place where you can move your body boldly and joyously. When you prance around, you will get a serotonin rush — no
need for a sugar or alcohol high!
E = Embrace whatever you’re going through.
No need to hide. If family members are pushing your buttons, just breathe through the emotions and know that you’ll become bigger and better because of it. Embrace the moment that will never come back again. Enjoy your loved ones to the utmost. This is a special time you have together.
E = Energize with Energetic Foods.
By this I mean, stay close to those alive foods — veggies, nuts, fruits, legumes and quality protein — that bring you good cheer and concentration. Those are the foods that will give you the energy, enthusiasm, and excitement that you desire this holiday season.
Hope these holiday tips helped.
Have a wonderful end of year, everyone. Enjoy lots of joy, fun, quality time with loved ones and much more.
FYI, if you have some time on your hands and want to join my Sugar Freedom Course, you can do the self-guided program at any time.

Beyond Sugar Shock is On the Way – See the Cool New Cover from Hay House

Beyond Sugar Shock, the follow-up to my first book, Sugar Shock, is on the way!
Check out the exciting new book cover, which the talented people at Hay House (my publisher) created. Isn’t it stunning?
Beyond Sugar Shock
So, what’s the difference between my first book, Sugar Shock! How Sweets and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life– and How You Can Get Back on Track. and my second book, Beyond Sugar Shock?
To begin, you need to know how you’re damaging your body. So Sugar Shock dished the dirt about sugar and refined carbs.
Now, this book provides a simple Mind-Body-Spirit program that shows you how to gently let go of your sugar habit for good.
How will you benefit by releasing your sugar habit?
You’ll shave off unwanted excess pounds, get energy, be happier, boost your libido and get a life that I call sweeterlicious — my word for sweeter, delicious, scrumptuous and luscious.
Learn more about Beyond Sugar Shock here.
By the way, I’m honored and pleased that Joshua Rosenthal, head of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, was kind enough to write the foreword.
Please help me get the buzz going about Beyond Sugar Shock!
Share this with your friends on Facebook, blog readers, followers on Twitter, etc.