Megan Confronts Cake in a Letter

Often, when I’m coaching clients to kick their sugar addiction, I’m hit by moments of intuition as to what may help people. (In coaching school with iPEC, they taught us to honor, respect and look for those flashes.)
So last Wednesday, during one of my Break-Free Group Coaching sessions, the idea hit me out of the blue that members might be helped if they wrote a letter or poem to their favorite sweets.
I then asked members what they thought of the idea of doing this. (I never give assignments.)
On Friday, Megan Bozman, one of our members, ran with the idea and wrote a brilliant, insightful, poignant letter while tempted by a cake at work.
She then confided to us (the group members and me): “B-day cake, vanilla with white icing is one of my #1 fav sweets — and that happens to be EXACTLY what is in our conference room right now, about 5 feet from my desk. So I figure it’s a good time to write that letter to my fav sweet (which, as of Wed night, I was already planning on making white b-day cake!)”
White-cake Here’s how Meg confronted Cake — a letter I’m republishing with her permission:
“Dear Cake,
“It’s not you; it’s me. I am aware this is cliched, but it is the truth in this case. You are not an evil entity.
“While you are a nutritional wasteland, you are not evil in moderation. I still plan to welcome you into my home to celebrate my son’s birthdays and other such occasions.
“Again, it’s not you; it’s me. Something in me doesn’t react well to you & I realize this. You are fantastic during the too-brief time I get to enjoy you. Ecstatic & wonderful.
“But too often, before I even finish swallowing the last bite, I just want more! Then, I still want more and more and more. That is where the evil comes into play… it is in large quantities that you become evil.
“And I won’t waste time elaborating on why large quantities of you are bad. That doesn’t bear repeating.
“When I get ensnared by your addictive properties, I feel terrible; both physically & emotionally. The feeling of being hooked is dreadful. For one thing, it’s just simply embarrassing! It also has a negative effect on my self-esteem (really, I can’t `just say no’ & only eat a moderate amount?! What is wrong with me?)
“I don’t have some of the negative effects some experience such as stomach pains, yeast infections, skin problems, & blood sugar crashes causing a rapid decline in both energy & mood. However, I feel bloated, fat, and, well, gross. Feeling fat & gross makes me feel ugly. It’s just bad; just all around bad.
“So there you sit in the conference room. I’m sure others will enjoy you — don’t fret. Cake rarely goes uneaten in any office. But for now, I’m 10 days sweets-free & intend to go another 11 days for a round 3 weeks. At that point, I’m thinking I’ll stick to a serving of dessert or sweets once every 3 weeks.
Ta ta,
Megan then told us that she shared her Letter to Cake with her husband, who came back with a hilarious response. He wrote:

Sugar & Its Dangers Hit the News, Thanks to Dr. Robert Lustig’s YouTube Video & Nightline

Sugar and its dangers are in the news again, thanks to ABC’s popular show, Nightline, which, last night, aired a compelling story spotlighting sugar’s role in the obesity crisis.
In his “Sugar Wars” piece, correspondent John Donovan offers a fascinating look at the views of esteemed pediatric endocrinologist Dr. Robert Lustig, whose YouTube video, “Sugar: The Bitter Truth,” has garnered more than a quarter of a million hits to date.
In this Nightline segment — which you can watch below — Donovan calls Dr. Lustig “a man at war with sugar,” because he argues that too much fructose and not enough fiber are to blame for our obesity crisis.
“Fructose is the cause of the current epidemic,” says Dr. Lustig, director of UCSF’s Weight Assessment for Teen and Child Health (WATCH) Clinic and UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology.
Nightline correspondent Donovan also includes quotes from the the pediatric endocrinologist about leptin’s role in obesity; fructose’s role in metabolic syndrome; and the fact that low-fat foods such as SnackWells cookies and fruit-flavored yogurt are filled with sugar.
In the Nightline piece, Donovan made an effort to make his piece unbiased by allowing Dr. Lustig’s ideas to be criticized by three pro-sugar advocates — one from the American Beverage Association (formerly called the National Soft Drink Association) and two from the Corn Refiners Association, including a cardiologist, who has done studies funded by PepsiCo, the manufacturer of sugar-filled soft drinks.
Understandably, correspondent John Donovan seems to be like millions of Americans, who have a sweet tooth. In fact, the reporter readily admits that strolling with Dr. Lustig at San Francisco’s Pier 30 (a hot spot filled with sugary foods) can be “at times, well, a bit of of a downer. Because we love sugar, don’t we, most of us?”
Donovan is absolutely correct in his assessment. Most Americans — and people around the world — are so keen on sugar that they imbibe it to their detriment. Unfortunately, the Nightline reporter did not mention that obesity is only part of the sugar story.
The average American’s sugar consumption — about 170 pounds per year per person — also has been linked with heart disease, cancer, severe PMS, memory loss, depression, fatigue, headaches, infertility, low libido, polycystic ovary syndrome and many other ailments.
In addition, regretfully, the Nightline piece did not point out that Dr. Lustig is in very good company. His views are shared by many of us concerned health advocates. For instance, esteemed pediatric endocrinologist Dr. David Ludwig — who was previously interviewed along with me for a “CBS News Sunday Morning” segment, “Is America Too Sweet on Sugar” — is among those frightened by the massive consumption of sugar, particularly high fructose corn syrup, in this country and around the world.
Others sounding the sugar alarm include:
* Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard;
* Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Suicide by Sugar: A Startling Look at Our #1 National Addiction;
* Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, who appears on my Gab with the Gurus Radio Show on March 31 to discuss his new book, Beat Sugar Addiction Now! ;
* Dr. Richard Johnson, author of The Sugar Fix: The High-Fructose Fallout That is Making You Fat and Sick.); and
* Myself, author of SUGAR SHOCK! How Sweet and Simple Carbs Can Derail Your Life–And How You Can Get Back on Track.
Now, I invite you to watch the eye-opening Nightline segment below.

Sugary Soft Drinks Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

More and more these days, we hear about medical studies, which point to the massive dangers — sometimes potentially deadly — of consuming empty-calorie, sugar-filled soft drinks.
Yet another new medical study now points to excess sugar as the likely reason for potentially deadly pancreatic cancer.
This study — published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention — found, upon studying 60,524 Chinese adults, that those who drank at least two sugary sodas a week had an increased risk of developing cancer of the pancreas, as Yahoo News reports.
This study was the first time researchers studied Asians to learn how soda and juice may play a role in developing pancreatic cancer. It make sense to look at Asians, because they are increasingly adopting Western-like, processed-filled diets and sedentary lifestyles. Previous studies examined Europeans or Americans.
As for the new study, researchers believe the sweet stuff is to blame for the pancreatic cancer.

Eat All the Pancakes You Want & Leave Happy, Ad Says. Huh? Wrong!

Frankly, I don’t get it. Here we are in the midst of a horrific nationwide obesity epidemic, and a certain national chain is now enticing people and tempting them via a TV ad to eat can eat all the pancakes they want and leave happy!
You’ve got to be kidding!
Eating as many pancakes as your heart desires will not make you happy!
Isn’t it more accurate to say: “Eat all the pancakes you want, especially ones smothered in butter and syrup, and leave bloated, feeling gross and angry at yourself for pigging out!”
After you eat a pile of pancakes, you’ll probably say, “Ugh! I can’t believe I ate all those pancakes! I’m so unhappy!”

Ellen Degeneres Ditches Sugar! She Invites You to Join Her!

Did you hear the sugar news?
TV talk show host/comedian Ellen DeGeneres announced on her show today that she is ditching sugar!
Congratulations, Ellen, for making such a smart decision to boost your energy and improve your health!
Rather than tell you what she said, I’ll let you watch Ellen’s announcement below. As you’ll soon learn, Ellen can make kicking sugar funny! She’s a hoot!
Here’s my challenge to you! Join Ellen in her kick-sugar adventure. She even tells you that she’s seeking company. Apply her to get on The Ellen DeGeneres Show now. Please tell the producers that Connie Bennett, author of SUGAR SHOCK! referred you, and feel free to suggest that they bring me on her show, too. : )

Women & Men: Understand & Celebrate Each Other with Alison Armstrong

Alison Armstrong Women, do you get baffled as to why your significant other or your would-be honey behaves a certain way?
Men, do women mightily confuse you and you just don’t know how to please them?
Fret no more!
Join us on the Gab With the Gurus Radio Show to gain an understanding and appreciation of the opposite sex.
My guest on Wed., Jan. 27 at 2 pm EST is the renowned transformational leader Alison Armstrong, creator off the acclaimed Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women and author of the fascinating books Making Sense of Men and Keys to the Kingdom, as well as the creator of the In Sync with the Opposite Sex CD and other transformative products.
Making sense of men 51Ep9Purl-L._SL500_AA240_ Remember, as with all Gab With the Gurus Radio Shows, you can listen to the show with Alison Armstrong either live or later, at your convenience.
You’ll get goodies galore on this Gab With the Gurus Radio Show.
You’ll undoubtedly be entertained, educated and motivated as Alison Armstrong shares insights and tips on how to get along with and please the opposite sex.
This radio show –will make you realize, I predict, how little you know about men or women. For instance, you will learn many things such as:
* How most women are “frog farmers,” who turn princes into frogs. (You’ll love this fascinating concept, I’m convinced.)
* What the biggest gifts men can give to women. (Guys, these presents are free!)
* What 3 traits men consider appealing. (Ladies, you may be surprised.)
* What men really mean by the phrase “high maintenance” and how most of us women completely misunderstand the concept.
* How from the get go, as we grow up, we’ve been given false premises regarding men or women.
* How much fun it is to appreciate the opposite sex.
* How men seek to score points. (Ladies, you’ll love this concept, I suspect, and you’ll learn how to use this in your favor.)
* What we ladies look for in men. (You’ll be intrigued.)
* How many of us go-getting chicks have been acting like “men in skirts.” (Uh-oh!

Food Diary Time: Soul-Searching Food Journal™ to Help You Now

At the end of the day, have you completely lost track of what you ate? Are you at a loss as to what sweets, culprit carbs or fatty snacks you’ve put in your mouth? Do you wonder why you’re packing on the pounds or feelingsluggish and unfocused?
Well, research shows that if you keep a food journal, you stand a greater chance of losing weight and achieving better health.
Indeed, people who’ve happily peeled off the weight — “Highly Successful Losers™,” as I call them — report that one of their Smart Diet Habits™ is to “Keep Track of Your Favorite Lab Rat™.
In other words, watch yourself as if you were lovingly monitoring the intake of your ailing beloved pet.
When you Keep Track of Your Favorite Lab Rat™, you don’t mindlessly shove nutrient-lacking non-foods into your mouth.
You begin to think before you eat, because you know you’ll be writing down whatever you put into your mouth — and will preferably (I hope, for your benefit) share it with an accountability partner.
To help you out, I’m sharing a food diary that I’ve created.
Feel free to share The Soul-Searching Food Journal™ with your friends, co-workers, gym buddies, bosses, hairdressers, fitness trainers, loved ones and even frustrating frenemies. In short, spread the link love, as some like to say. (Of course, please provide the proper credit though, as indicated below.)
The Soul-Searching Food Journal™ — © Copyright – Connie Bennett, Smart Habits Coach & Author, SUGAR SHOCK!

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