Create Your Love Potion

Today’s Adventurcise offers you an easy way to take an important first step to get the slimmer, happier, lovely body you want. The best part is that you’ll be able to benefit ALL week, month, year long.

Kicking Sugar Begins in Your Mind

cravings ninja

Do you doubt your ability to kick sugar and ditch processed carbs?

Are you tired of failing diet after diet?

Take heart.

Today, I invite you to see it, feel it, enjoy it.

By “it,” I mean your new joyous, freedom-filled life, where you have outgrown your addiction to sugar or carbs.

Back in 1998, when I kicked sweets and processed carbohydrates on doctor’s orders, I discovered that conquering my sugar and carb addiction began in my mind.

Is Speaking Your Biggest Fear?

This coming week, if Tony Robbins selects me at his Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within event, I will finally triumph over my absolute biggest fear in front of the 15,000 people in attendance.

Yes, I’m one of millions with a deep fear of public speaking.

It’s not that I’d rather be in a coffin than speak, as some research suggests, and as Jerry Seinfeld joked, but it’s time to quit hiding away from stages no matter how big my fear.

Enough of playing small!

Your Smartphone is Making You Stupid

Are you one of some 2 billion cell phone users, who talk, touch or swipe your cell phone 2,617 times a day? (Yes that often, according to research.)

You’re probably addicted whether you know it or not.

Smartphones hook people using the same neural pathways as gambling and drugs, as The Guardian explains, citing Chris Marcellino, who helped develop the iPhone’s push notifications at Apple.

Do You Push Yourself Too Hard?

I’m so eager to serve you this year, but, alas, I’m still home recovering from pneumonia, as I shared here when I […]

Grandma’s Chicken Broth Recipe: Low Carb Version

Note from Connie:  Since it’s winter, often cold in most parts of the world, and I’m home sick with pneumonia, my friend Angelika Ilina — founder of the Love On the Table blog for health-conscious foodies — was kind enough to share her tasty, easy, low-carb version of her Grandma’s Chicken Broth Recipe. As you’ll note, this recipe contains no gluten-filled noodles.

I’m Busy Moving… Back Soon

Please note that I need to take some time off for a while, because after six long years, I’m finally moving into […]

Remembering the Amazing Louise Hay

Learn about Louise Hay – an amazing woman that started a worldwide company committed to delivering products and services that empower, educate and heal.

Connect More, Crave Less

If you’re a sugar addict or carbaholic, isolation is one of the biggest challenges you face. Just think about it: Don’t you […]