Low Blood Sugar Today Could be Diabetes Later

Did you know that if you have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) today, it could turn into type 2 diabetes tomorrow — well, maybe not tomorrow, but five, 10, 20, 30 years from now?
But what if you were able to prevent that from happening? Better yet, what if you could Thrive Sugar-Free for 20 Years after you were diagnosed with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)? How would you mark the occasion?

Celebrating 20 Years Sugar-Free

This is a big week for me. Specifically this Sunday. On that day, I’ll have gone an entire 20 Years Sugar-Free. I’m […]

Is Speaking Your Biggest Fear?

This coming week, if Tony Robbins selects me at his Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within event, I will finally triumph over my absolute biggest fear in front of the 15,000 people in attendance.

Yes, I’m one of millions with a deep fear of public speaking.

It’s not that I’d rather be in a coffin than speak, as some research suggests, and as Jerry Seinfeld joked, but it’s time to quit hiding away from stages no matter how big my fear.

Enough of playing small!

Sugar Shock World Summit Scheduled

It’s my pleasure to announce that the first Sugar Shock Summit — which was previously called the Sugar World Summit — is finally taking place October 1 to 8, 2018 after some five years of planning.

This worldwide event, which will begin four weeks before Halloween, or what I call Sugar Overload Day. The idea is to give you some time to become stronger and savvier and to Crush Your Cravings™ when this Day of Sugar Obsession will take place.

Grandma’s Chicken Broth Recipe: Low Carb Version

Note from Connie:  Since it’s winter, often cold in most parts of the world, and I’m home sick with pneumonia, my friend Angelika Ilina — founder of the Love On the Table blog for health-conscious foodies — was kind enough to share her tasty, easy, low-carb version of her Grandma’s Chicken Broth Recipe. As you’ll note, this recipe contains no gluten-filled noodles.

Is Sitting Killing You?

Do you, like millions, sit for hours and hours? Up until yesterday, I was one of those, who sat far too much. […]

Why You Should Become a Cravings Ninja™, Too

You can try umpteen diets, but you’ll never shed pounds and then keep them off for good unless you Crush Your Cravings for Good™. To leave behind your cravings for sugary, salty junk foods, you need to become a Cravings Ninja™ like me.